ArrantPariah wrote:
Rand Paul is in the running
Cenk Uygur's underlings sure like to strawman. The young woman and goateed man should exercise their critical thinking skills and get out of that ridiculous echo chamber.
It is pretty funny to see how fast they sell out the importance of issues like gay marriage, ending the drug war, and decreasing our massive military budget the second their sacred cow is threatened. The silly woman even backtracks on foreign policy at the end saying that we need to "back up our allies", I can only assume she means militarily. Far too long have civil libertarians or 'real' liberals have fell for these "progressive" hacks, they pay lip service but in the end all they care about is concentrating more government power by creating a class of dependents. The Republicans do it too, look at the Neoconservatives tripping over themselves racing to sell out on taxes, immigration, and social issues(which I disagree with but they've been duping religious folks for decades with it), all that matters is concentrating government power with perpetual war. There is little difference between these supposedly diametrically opposed groups.
Anyways, Marco Rubio isn't a departure at all from the current crop of neocons. He's Hispanic so some stupid people might think that represents some sort of change, they fell for Obama as some sort of transformative figure just because he's half black so who knows maybe it will work. The guy's mentor is Jeb Bush, how anti-establishment of him.
Jindal has some decent positions on the state level but I suspect he's probably the same run of the mill Republican when he goes national. Sort of like a Mitch Daniels. The only reason they're interested in him is because he has a brown face.