Not, but find some truth in all. Also find a lot of filler, and the whole field attracts snake oil salesmen.
Truth is limited. The seperation of church and state is saying two wrongs make a right.
I am a simplest: The simplest explanation is most likely to be true.
Fifteen billion years ago, there was infinate nothing. No matter, energy, gravity, or time. The best science says the Universe was created in an instant, faster than the speed of light, not following natural principals, hence, Supernatural.
That it was created is a common term, from nothing, requires something else, a Creator.
At a distance from it's origen in a single point, it almost stopped, formed Hydrogen, which formed stars,, and the rest is solid Physics.
A beach ball 30 billion light years across, with most of the matter forming the skin. All is perfect order, the table of elements, the electromagnetic spectrum, gravity, Time.
Near half of the radiant energy is focused back to the point on origen, and perhaps the gravity well is dragging more in. The first stars ended five billion years ago when ours was formed. Our planet is formed of the rubble. Science and mathematics do work.
Even the simplest life is too complex to have formed by any random process. Half DNA does not survive and evolve, it takes the full script, and that is a work of art. The Universe has a large surface area that could support life.
Outside of the beach ball, still seems to be infinate nothing. The ball is much less than a grain of sand compared to the oceans, much, much less.
A shell was Created, it feeds energy back to the center, and life and concousness do evolve to higher forms. Death is when something that cannot be measured in any way leaves a living body, in an instant.
Energy can be niether created or destroied, Life energy leaves the body, it still exists.
The Creator is Lord of this House, the beginning and end of all things.
I have feeling and perception, and when looking upon what little I can see, I feel connected, understood, loved, educated, and I am given strength. When I seek I find, when I ask I am lead, thoughts are given to me when my mind is open.
I am never alone.
I need nothing else.