Nambo wrote:
What better way of celebrating the murder of 3000 Americans than by dressing up your twins to go out to celebrate this most important Middle-eastern holiday in the following costume.
a tasteless but legitimate joke.i like tasteless jokes,i do cant post them because i would get banned.
how about a video game called super Mohamed brothers.instead of trying to complete the game before you loose your lives,the idea would be to loose your life in jyhad before you get sent to guantanimo bay and have womens underwear put on your head.
if you die in jyhad the machine dispenses 70 condoms,you know for those 70 virgins.
women are allowed to play but they must wear burka's with full face coverage.once they are circumcised and sold onto marriage they will have to do house work,once they get good at housework they can win by putting a bomb under there clothes and walking into a jewish grocery store on the west bank.
i honestly think the costume was a joke and not intended to be offensive
Forever gone
Sorry I ever joined