PuppyDog wrote:
Keni wrote:
Similarities between a tooth fairy and a god -
-There is no proof for the existence of either
-Both are tales indoctrinated into children at a young age
-Both are examples of belief in a supernatural being which can be disproved by rational explanation
"When you understand why you dismiss all other gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours." - Stephen Roberts
If the tooth fairy and God are so similar, why is that lots of adults believe in God, but very few believe in the tooth fairy?
- the tooth fairy is a comparatively recent invention with minimal elaboration. It is easy to discover the pretence, and no great loss when reality is proven.
- belief in a deity explained natural events at the beginning of human existence, and was used to frighten people into obeying social rules.
Religion developed into a profitable business, adapted, enhanced and enforced by the priests who benefited.
- there are religions that still believe the earth is flat, that mental and physical illness is demon possession, that women are not intelligent and should be subservient to men - because ancient books written by men tell them that this is the true word of their deity.
-many religions have changed and discarded these beliefs when it became apparent the books were written by people who had no knowledge of astronomy, medicine or other scientific facts.
Many of us see the entire construct of religion as the well meaning attempts of ancient people to make sense of the world. (And slightly less ancient people to make a profit from it)
Most atheists only see a problem in religious belief when it harms or infringes on non-believers.