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19 Aug 2015, 5:36 am

Without much certitude it has given me my aptitude (by unconscious recognition) to repudiate political, scientific, religious and ideological group think (A first sign of this my hatred of teamwork and disdained conforming to the intrinsic thoughts of others); it has also played a role (like in most autistic people - not to insinuate autistic theists or former believers) in my agnostic atheism, but unlike most autistics/aspies once more (and most atheists/agnostics for that matter) I have always been skeptical all my life and was not a former believer. I have always had an abundantly exorbitant taste in fashion (despite an obviously flimsy dressing sense) and a general disparagement towards postmodernist culture (which attributed to my anti-egalitarian and socially conservative views in prospective life).

Until my adolescent years I inadvertently possessed a communist entitlement mindset influenced by my ASD (I wanted everything to be free from washing machines to cars), then I became non political until 2012 when I suddenly started to develop a paranoid conspiratorialism over crony capitalists influence over western centralized governments with the multinational pharmaceutical industry in particular (big pharma cronyism is an independent belief amongst some neurodiversity activists and most prominently the atheist and "freethinker" communities). I then started to get critical about the longitudinal effects of political correctness (multiculturalism, neo-feminism, identity politics, hate speech codes) nanny statism, Orwellianism, materialistic consumerism. the welfare state (eroding personal responsibility, breakdown of the nuclear family unit, economic freedom and the inducement of an entitlement mentality), the pseudo-individualization of millennial youth, and Western culture's ongoing moral and intellectual declension.

Subsequently, this lead me to the conclusion that the left and right paradigm was a falsifiable illusion that the two party system was dedicated to the people (in the UK there is a traditional three party system known as "LibLabCon"), they are both devoutly committed to big government, crony capitalism and collectivism (which explicates the neo-conservative RINO bandwagon) and thus altered my self perception of the world forever and formulated my disenchantment and mistrust in the atheist/skeptic communities; who as I am self-aware, are predominantly infatuated with social progressivism, collective conformity, and socialism despite it's non-fulfillment in non-Scandinavian countries (which are not socialist). They are just like any other group (including the neurodiversity movement) wanting to emit external stimuli (in the form of postmodernist doublespeak) to enhance a non-innate proclivity in your subconscious mind in order to capitulate yourself to communal reinforcement; in other words, follow the herd and believe what we all believe. I started to develop libertarian individualist tendencies in early 2013 until I finally became a conservative-libertarian minarchist in June 2014. My independent political views were are not in anyway in correlation with ASD at all.

Diagnosed with "Classical" Asperger's syndrome in 1998 (Clinical psychologist).
RAADS-R: 237/240
Aspie score: 199 out of 200
Neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 1 out of 200
Alexithymia Questionnaire: 166/185 AQ: 49/50 EQ: 9/80


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19 Aug 2015, 6:32 am

TheRedPedant93 wrote:
Without much certitude it has given me my aptitude (by unconscious recognition) to repudiate political, scientific, religious and ideological group think (A first sign of this my hatred of teamwork and disdained conforming to the intrinsic thoughts of others); it has also played a role (like in most autistic people - not to insinuate autistic theists or former believers) in my agnostic atheism, but unlike most autistics/aspies once more (and most atheists/agnostics for that matter) I have always been skeptical all my life and was not a former believer. I have always had an abundantly exorbitant taste in fashion (despite an obviously flimsy dressing sense) and a general disparagement towards postmodernist culture (which attributed to my anti-egalitarian and socially conservative views in prospective life).

Until my adolescent years I inadvertently possessed a communist entitlement mindset influenced by my ASD (I wanted everything to be free from washing machines to cars), then I became non political until 2012 when I suddenly started to develop a paranoid conspiratorialism over crony capitalists influence over western centralized governments with the multinational pharmaceutical industry in particular (big pharma cronyism is an independent belief amongst some neurodiversity activists and most prominently the atheist and "freethinker" communities). I then started to get critical about the longitudinal effects of political correctness (multiculturalism, neo-feminism, identity politics, hate speech codes) nanny statism, Orwellianism, materialistic consumerism. the welfare state (eroding personal responsibility, breakdown of the nuclear family unit, economic freedom and the inducement of an entitlement mentality), the pseudo-individualization of millennial youth, and Western culture's ongoing moral and intellectual declension.

Subsequently, this lead me to the conclusion that the left and right paradigm was a falsifiable illusion that the two party system was dedicated to the people (in the UK there is a traditional three party system known as "LibLabCon"), they are both devoutly committed to big government, crony capitalism and collectivism (which explicates the neo-conservative RINO bandwagon) and thus altered my self perception of the world forever and formulated my disenchantment and mistrust in the atheist/skeptic communities; who as I am self-aware, are predominantly infatuated with social progressivism, collective conformity, and socialism despite it's non-fulfillment in non-Scandinavian countries (which are not socialist). They are just like any other group (including the neurodiversity movement) wanting to emit external stimuli (in the form of postmodernist doublespeak) to enhance a non-innate proclivity in your subconscious mind in order to capitulate yourself to communal reinforcement; in other words, follow the herd and believe what we all believe. I started to develop libertarian individualist tendencies in early 2013 until I finally became a conservative-libertarian minarchist in June 2014. My independent political views were are not in anyway in correlation with ASD at all.

Scientific socialism approaches history from a dialectically materialist perspective, offers a rounded encapsulation of the material forces circumscribing man in his many socio economic forms and serves to explain the character of human social relations, not cultivate senses of anything including entitlement.

In contrast bourgeoisie and economic liberalism being founded on commodified relations on a finite planet, cultivates precisely this sense, at the expense of intergenerational responsibilities and the planet.


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19 Aug 2015, 11:47 am

Yes in that politics reflects my life in general in that I have trouble fitting in with groups. In the last 20 years or so most either view the world through the Fox News lens or the MSNBC lens. If you deviate from these orthodoxies even on one issue you are looked upon with suspicion because the "other side" is believed to not be able to get one thing correct and their opinion is viewed as a mental defect or a result of being dumb. Whether the rise of Sanders and Trump are temporary infatuations or permanent change has yet to be determined. Since I look at each issue independently I am all over the political spectrum. Voting is a nightmare for me in that I vote for not in any particular order the 1. Lesser of two evils 2. Third Party. 3. Write in. I have found the last two choices is the one issue that unifies both sides in disgust against me and the last choice really pisses the people who volunteer to work the polling stations on election day because so few use that legally allowed option it becomes an unexpected inconvenience and many do not know what to do.

Professionally Identified and joined WP August 26, 2013
DSM 5: Autism Spectrum Disorder, DSM IV: Aspergers Moderate Severity

“My autism is not a superpower. It also isn’t some kind of god-forsaken, endless fountain of suffering inflicted on my family. It’s just part of who I am as a person”. - Sara Luterman


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19 Aug 2015, 1:19 pm

No way. Aspergers is a syndrome, not a life style or political party.

When everyone is losing their heads except you, maybe you don't understand the situation.


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19 Aug 2015, 3:21 pm

I find it a little offensive when people say the right doesn't care about Aspergers. I am also not a poor "special guy in need" because of my Aspergers. If you saw me post before you'll have known that. And even if some are in need, I don't want any help forced on me. I guess that's why I lean a little more right. The left seems like they care more about identity politics. 8O


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19 Aug 2015, 8:50 pm

Giftorcurse wrote:
I don't think my autism spectrum diagnosis has any bearing on my political stances. Not in the slightest.

I agree with this for myself.


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19 Aug 2015, 11:49 pm

K_Kelly wrote:
I find it a little offensive when people say the right doesn't care about Aspergers. I am also not a poor "special guy in need" because of my Aspergers. If you saw me post before you'll have known that. And even if some are in need, I don't want any help forced on me. I guess that's why I lean a little more right. The left seems like they care more about identity politics. 8O

The right is economically liberal or socially conservative. The former is a hands off idea, the other parochialism. I should imagine the latter would be more inclined to take on social issues such as how best to serve the marginalised.


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20 Aug 2015, 12:10 am

having been ostracized, i identify with the underdog, so both when i was a rich doctor and when i survived on welfare, i was and am liberal.


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26 Feb 2019, 1:07 am

Rationality and pragmatism part of my politics and yes it has totally influenced my politics.


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28 Feb 2019, 10:20 pm

thomas81 wrote:
Do you think your autism is partly responsible for pushing you left or right?

I think in my case it has. Since I'm unable to see the world in the same terms as norms, I am largely surrounded by right wing thinking people. The leftist position just makes sense to me as a result.

Do you see yourself as an emotionally oriented person?
The left, especially the younger ones, are known for this, whereas many middle-aged/older right wing moderates tend to have more intellectual considerations influencing their political orientation, imo...
Obviously not a hard and fast rule...
Just a *tendency*... :wink:

And yes, I do think my autism is partly responsible for pushing me to the right...

The interesting thing on this autistic website, however, is that there seems to be quite a few more left wingers here than I would have expected...
I based this on a couple of polls I have seen...
This may, I suspect, be due to youthfulness and the socio-economic situations of the people polled...
Just speculation...
Meh... 8)

Once again I got caught out replying to a necro-post...
I hope the guy is doing well, wherever he may be... :mrgreen:


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28 Feb 2019, 11:11 pm

I think my autism influences every aspect of my life!


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01 Mar 2019, 12:00 am

Well if you count me not voting for Hillary Clinton in the presidential election because she came out as a supporter of Autism Speaks, I guess so.

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01 Mar 2019, 5:31 am

Crimadella wrote:
I think my autism influences every aspect of my life!

Surely this is true for us all, I'm not sure how we're supposed to tell how it's influenced our political beliefs, presumably it has, but I dare say in very different ways- just like NT's. A poll would have been interesting, hard left, moderate left, centrist, moderate right and hard right- I wonder if in general our views are different from NTs.

AQ50: 34
Your neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 107 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 88 of 200