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Will US conservatism (as we know it) die out?
Your prognosis is correct, doctor. Conservatism will die. 29%  29%  [ 4 ]
Your prognosis is incorrect, quack. Conservatism is already dead. 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
No. Conservatism will survive because of (please specify) 43%  43%  [ 6 ]
No. Conservatism may be dead, but it will rise again because of (please specify) 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
On Planet X, Rutabaga-flavoured ice cream salesmen will crucify GGPViper as punishment for his excessive shenanigans. 29%  29%  [ 4 ]
Other (please unravel in your reply or GTFO) 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
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04 Jul 2013, 9:16 am

Raptor wrote:
Pawpaws and persimmon are common in the eastern US but I don't think I've actually eaten them. I've had plenty of black berries, raspberries elderberries, wild strawberries, etc. Also wild grapes and muscadines and whatnot. You're bear problem contains its own solution since black bear meat is especially good when the bear has been eating stuff like that: Kill the bear, have the berries for yourself, and have meat for the winter. If it has a good hide use it to make a winter coat or at least a decorative bearskin rug for the wall. :D

When the blackberries came off I saw two of them up a tree,babies,I couldn't make them orphans. better be a good shot with a bear,or it will be pissed.Some animals like,cows,goats and sheep can be shot in the head and still be moving around.A heart shot would be best,but bear season isn't till fall.Wild hogs can be shot year round,the park tries to keep their numbers down,tourists would not know to run from them,they may pick up a piglet.With no idea what the sow is going to do when that piglet starts squealing. :lol:
Bear meat is very rich,can be chewy if not cooked right.A skinned bear is creepy looking,sort of like a human.There used to be so many bears in Ark that we were known as the bear state.Lots of bear grease was shipped out of here,for lamp oil,hair grease,etc.They were really reduced in population,but they have made a good comeback.

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04 Jul 2013, 12:57 pm

Kraichgauer wrote:
ruveyn wrote:
GoonSquad wrote:
Yeah, but OT god is a douche.

The OT God is the real God if there is a Real God at all. God the Father of the Gospels is a Gnostic mud pie.


And yet most Jews belong to us pinko stinko liberals you denigrate. HA HA!

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer

The OT God was correct, it all boils down to, "Thou shall not do stupid." The follow up is of course, "I told you so!"

Stupid is the one thing that kept the people turning back to God, hoping their past had been forgotten. They were never very good at it, it never lasted.

The highest they ever got was saying, "That happened because we are stupid."

I predict a religious revival coming.

The New Conservatism will say, the man was right, there is no free lunch!

As a wise man once said when asked how he discovered his ways to wealth, he said, I copied Social Security. The man was Bernie Madoff. It worked for at least ten years, and lasted through a minor recession.

The self interest of Congress has been put before all things, and both parties will only do what they are paid extra to do. There is no American Plan, we lurch from media created crisis to crisis.

I remember Obama speaking during the beginning of the crash, "No one did anything illegal, and we must save the Banks and Brokers." I take that as a Presidential Pardon. Also most of the money spent allowed investors to write off 100% of their losses. Shovel Ready has several meanings, and Obama cleaned out the barn on us.

False Gods fail, and the one that has lasted said, "You are stupid."

As we head toward there being a worldwide food and water shortage, that is going to become obvious.

As Janis said, "Freedoms just another word for nothing left to lose."

Then everyone will claim to be Teddy Conservatives.


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05 Jul 2013, 6:29 pm

Misslizard wrote:
Bear meat is very rich,can be chewy if not cooked right.

Maybe Paula Deen has a good bear recipe. :D
I've have had bear meat and what I had wasn't chewy and tasted quite good. They say you have to trim all of the fat off of the meat for it to be good.

A skinned bear is creepy looking,sort of like a human.

I haven't shot one myself but I helped to skin and cut two of them up. It didnt occur to me that they looked human after being skinned and no one else said so, either.
The first one I helped carry out of the woods. There was the guy that actually shot it and three others including me. It was a big bear and we tied it's paws together and carried it with a pole, two of us in front and two in back with the pole on our shoulders. Some of that trek out of the hollow was uphill. I was right in front of the bear's head and the bears snout kept bumping against the backs of my legs with each step but I couldn't move forward on the pole because the guy in front of me didnt have room to move forward.

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05 Jul 2013, 7:03 pm

Maybe my imagination is in overdrive but the legs look humanoid.Like most game it had to be prepared right,if you cook it fast it's chewy.Marinate,maybe parboil,then cook at a slow temp.

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05 Jul 2013, 7:17 pm

/\Kind of skimpy for a bear.[/b]
Looks more like a dog to me.

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
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05 Jul 2013, 7:29 pm

^^^^Coons look like cats,most people leave a foot on to prove what it is.That is a small one.I'm not sure, but I don't think there is a size limit here,I've seen some pretty small ones at check points.How do you know what a skinned dog looks like 8O neighbors missing pets??

Just checked,no size limit on bears taken.Just one per season.

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05 Jul 2013, 8:00 pm

Misslizard wrote:
^^^^Coons look like cats,most people leave a foot on to prove what it is.That is a small one.I'm not sure, but I don't think there is a size limit here,I've seen some pretty small ones at check points.How do you know what a skinned dog looks like 8O neighbors missing pets??

Just checked,no size limit on bears taken.Just one per season.

There's nothing to give that picture any scale.
I don't know what an actually skinned dog looks like but I imagine it would be about that shape at least.
I have seen skinned coyotes and those are pretty much dogs.

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
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05 Jul 2013, 8:25 pm

Raptor wrote:
Misslizard wrote:
^^^^Coons look like cats,most people leave a foot on to prove what it is.That is a small one.I'm not sure, but I don't think there is a size limit here,I've seen some pretty small ones at check points.How do you know what a skinned dog looks like 8O neighbors missing pets??

Just checked,no size limit on bears taken.Just one per season.

There's nothing to give that picture any scale.
I don't know what an actually skinned dog looks like but I imagine it would be about that shape at least.
I have seen skinned coyotes and those are pretty much dogs.

True,we always use a dollar or tape measure.Or appear in the picture.We killed a coyote here that had that weird mange,it had no hair at all,looked like it crawled out of a saracophagus. 8O It was fighting our dogs,we took pics and the neighbor lost them .We could have sold them to one of those scandal sheets. Chupacabra Found In Arkansas!! !!

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06 Jul 2013, 4:40 am

Conservatism is still alive, but it is far from well.


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12 Jul 2013, 10:26 pm

We do appear to be losing. Sort of.

We have no choice but to package social conservatism with economic conservatism. It is very difficult to have one without the other. And in any event, the four groups with in the GOP tent (Neoconservatives, Paleoconservatives, Religious Right, and Libertarians) all need a little something, to keep this coalition going. Each side is now demanding purity, and no compromise, with the other members of the group, and if we break apart, then yes, that will be the end of US conservatism.

There is 20% of the Democrats who are not religious leftists, and we can reach them. But the Media infrastructure won't allow our message, a fair chance of reaching most Americans. Benghazi, the day it happened was given 20 minutes(I believe by CNN) of coverage, framed as Bush's fault. The following day, they then spent 9 total minutes criticizing Romney's reaction to it, and only 28 seconds on Obama's role on the matter. You can't win against a Press that will see to it that you are never elected.

It is not up to you to finish the task, nor are you free to desist from trying.


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13 Jul 2013, 3:54 am

That press after having their phones tapped are changing their tune.

Those that report crimes against the people by government are being treated like terrorist, and their press connections.

The chance is there, but the message of the GOP is made up of dead body parts. As a Goldwater Republican, I do not know these people. I like Ike, he spoke for the people and the country.

Wealth is not the economy, and the Constitution is the only thing that unites us. I would not vote for a religious party.

Come back to the basics, and we will start voteing again. The GOP drove us out.


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13 Jul 2013, 5:26 am

Inventor wrote:
That press after having their phones tapped are changing their tune.

Those that report crimes against the people by government are being treated like terrorist, and their press connections.

The chance is there, but the message of the GOP is made up of dead body parts. As a Goldwater Republican, I do not know these people. I like Ike, he spoke for the people and the country.

Wealth is not the economy, and the Constitution is the only thing that unites us. I would not vote for a religious party.

Come back to the basics, and we will start voteing again. The GOP drove us out.

just out of curiosity. If the Democrats turn us into another Sweden, would you leave America(and if so, where to), would you welcome it, or would you be quite content, with a clear conscience, so long as you didn't vote for the Republicans who half-assed your view of things? I'm asking, because I don't understand the libertarian, Religious-Right, Paleocon, or Neocon logic, of not voting for something if it doesn't 100% represent them, and therefore indirectly voting into office something, that you are 100% antithetical to. At least 1,000,000 Evangelicals that Bush micro-targeted in his reelection campaign didn't show up for Romney, largely on the basis of his religion.

I'm only asking because the Religious Right are also throwing a hissy fit, threatening to leave the coalition that makes up the GOP camp, if their own views aren't lived out. The same for the Neocons, and the Paleocons. Some of these folks who didn't vote for Romney just shrug when you ask them about what Obama and the Left are doing to this country, and their excuse is that the GOP didn't run a candidate that was conservative enough for them, so better not vote at all, or vote for Ron Paul, and give the victory to the other camp.

It is not up to you to finish the task, nor are you free to desist from trying.