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14 Jul 2013, 11:24 am

ruveyn wrote:
chris5000 wrote:

Has any of the jurors gave any indication of how they came to their decision? If not, then none of us know why they found him Not Guilty.

he was found not guilty because there was no evidence to prove otherwise
you are innocent till proven guilty

The there was reasonable doubt of Mr. Z's guilt. The prosecution could not have gotten an indictment unless there were some evidence.


Actually, they went to trial without an indictment. As I remember, there was supposed to be a grand jury, but the prosecutor decided to skip taking it to the grand jury something like a day or two before the grand jury was supposed to begin looking at the case.


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14 Jul 2013, 11:46 am

eric76 wrote:
Actually, they went to trial without an indictment. As I remember, there was supposed to be a grand jury, but the prosecutor decided to skip taking it to the grand jury something like a day or two before the grand jury was supposed to begin looking at the case.

How can there be an indictment without a grand jury proceeding?



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14 Jul 2013, 2:11 pm

Did you hear that people are protesting because of the "not guilty" verdict?


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14 Jul 2013, 2:31 pm

actually, there are no riots. right-wingers are posting footage of an old riot in Canada and claiming it's Miami.


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14 Jul 2013, 3:24 pm

Don't get me wrong, I don't think there was enough hard evidence for a conviction, but did anyone else see this from the prosecution afterwards?

Is she accepting some sort of award?


"The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently" -Nietzsche


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14 Jul 2013, 4:45 pm

OliveOilMom wrote:
I want to drive down there and kill him with my own two hands. However, Florida juries won't come back with an acquittal if the victim is over18.. Zimmerman shoul marry Casey Anthony!

You want to kill a man who was not even indicted for a capital crime? Who are you? The Avenging Angel of the Lord Gabriel?

If you want to vent your anger do it against the prosecutors who did an incompetent job of making their case to the jury. They are a bunch of ne'er do wells and second raters.



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14 Jul 2013, 5:05 pm

ruveyn wrote:
OliveOilMom wrote:
I want to drive down there and kill him with my own two hands. However, Florida juries won't come back with an acquittal if the victim is over18.. Zimmerman shoul marry Casey Anthony!

You want to kill a man who was not even indicted for a capital crime? Who are you? The Avenging Angel of the Lord Gabriel?

If you want to vent your anger do it against the prosecutors who did an incompetent job of making their case to the jury. They are a bunch of ne'er do wells and second raters.


The prosecuters didn't pull the trigger. He killed a kid because he was a wannabe cop. I'm furious about this. I'm also allowed to want to kill somebody, I'm just not allowed to actually do it. Seems like he's allowed to though.

I'm giving it another shot. We will see.
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14 Jul 2013, 5:13 pm

the prosecutors had no case it only went to trial because of the media pressure who did everything they can to skew the case and make it look like racism was involved. they used pictures of trayvon when he was in middle school so he looked like a little kid, he was a grown man a truant a drug dealer and a high chance of being a burglar since he was found in school before with 12 pieces of women's jewelry and a large flat head screwdriver perfect for breaking the locks on windows. he had a cellphone full of videos of him fighting in the street over much less. he was a tattooed thug who jumped the wall of a gated neighborhood at night in the rain sneaking around back yards which happened to have 13 recent burglary's. who then committed assault on Zimmerman who had done nothing but try and find out why he was sneaking through backyards at night in the rain. Zimmerman who did not even fight back until his head was being smashed into the sidewalk. he used his concealed carry to protect his life, the worse part of the situation was the neighbors he was trying to protect did not even come outside while he was screaming for help till it was over.


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14 Jul 2013, 5:24 pm

ruveyn wrote:
OliveOilMom wrote:
I want to drive down there and kill him with my own two hands. However, Florida juries won't come back with an acquittal if the victim is over18.. Zimmerman shoul marry Casey Anthony!

You want to kill a man who was not even indicted for a capital crime? Who are you? The Avenging Angel of the Lord Gabriel?

If you want to vent your anger do it against the prosecutors who did an incompetent job of making their case to the jury. They are a bunch of ne'er do wells and second raters.


Well Ruveyn,

What will the archeologists think when they are trying to translate the plaque from English to their language that is on statue of liberty that is underwater 2000 years from now and they obtain an accurate translation?


I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desart. Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed:
And on the pedestal these words appear:
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.


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14 Jul 2013, 5:48 pm

chris5000 wrote:
the prosecutors had no case it only went to trial because of the media pressure who did everything they can to skew the case and make it look like racism was involved. they used pictures of trayvon when he was in middle school so he looked like a little kid, he was a grown man a truant a drug dealer and a high chance of being a burglar since he was found in school before with 12 pieces of women's jewelry and a large flat head screwdriver perfect for breaking the locks on windows. he had a cellphone full of videos of him fighting in the street over much less. he was a tattooed thug who jumped the wall of a gated neighborhood at night in the rain sneaking around back yards which happened to have 13 recent burglary's. who then committed assault on Zimmerman who had done nothing but try and find out why he was sneaking through backyards at night in the rain. Zimmerman who did not even fight back until his head was being smashed into the sidewalk. he used his concealed carry to protect his life, the worse part of the situation was the neighbors he was trying to protect did not even come outside while he was screaming for help till it was over.

This post violates the core concepts of critical thinking in so many ways it is ridiculous.
Most of your "facts" are pure speculation, and Martin's history has nothing to do with whether or not it was OK for Zimmerman to make any assumptions, as Zimmerman did not know Martin.
Your colorful and slightly twisted tale of what happened that night cannot be proven, and only one person was witness, who had a strong motive for painting himself in the best light.

You make me somewhat ill with your biased (and somewhat prejudiced) conclusions of "tattooed thug" and "drug dealer," based on very little "evidence."

If you want to know one reason a lot people are angry with this case, it is because the same prosecution also tried these two cases, and should have been competent enough to run a halfway decent prosecution against Zimmerman:

Marissa Alexander case
In May 2012, Corey prosecuted 31-year-old Marissa Alexander and obtained a mandatory minimum sentence of 20 years in prison. Alexander had a restraining order issued against her ex husband at the time and, during the day of the incident, had returned to their old home to collect clothes and some possessions thinking he was not there. Her ex husband was there, with their children, and they began to argue. After the argument became heated, Marissa Alexander returned to her car, picked up her firearm, and returned inside the house where she threatened him with the handgun before firing a warning shot into the wall. She was charged with reckless endangerment of children and threatening with a deadly weapon. Despite being offered a 3 year sentence and later a probational sentence with time served, Alexander chose to attempt a SYG defence at trial. She was found guilty and according to Florida's gun laws (where 10 years can be added for committing a crime while carrying a firearm, with an added 10 years for discharging a firearm during a crime) was sentenced to 20 years.

Ronald Thompson case
In 2009, Ronald Thompson, a 65-year old army veteran fired two shots into the ground to scare off teenagers who were demanding entry into his friend's house in Keystone Heights, Florida. Corey prosecuted Thompson for aggravated assault, and after he refused a plea agreement with a three-year prison sentence, won a conviction that would carry a mandatory 20-year sentence under Florida's 10-20-Life statute. The trial judge, Fourth Circuit Judge John Skinner called the 20-year sentence "a crime in itself" and declared the 10-20-Life statute unconstitutional. Skinner gave Thompson three years instead.
Corey appealed the 3-year sentence and won, sending Thompson to prison for 20 years.
In June 2012, Fourth Circuit Judge Don Lester granted Thompson a new trial, ruling that the jury instructions had been flawed in his original trial regarding the justifiable use of deadly or non-deadly force given the circumstances of the case. Thompson has been freed and awaits a decision by Corey's office on a new trial.

"The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently" -Nietzsche


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14 Jul 2013, 6:18 pm

my facts were public knowledge
trayvon was a drug dealer and his Facebook proved it multiple people were asking him to sell them weed

the case is not even similar. theres a reason why you dont fire warning shots. bullets dont just magically disappear if you fire a warning shot they go somewhere risking innocent people. she also did not just fire one shot she fired off 20 rounds into the walls of a house where there were children. she had went to her car and returned. she could have called the police in remained in her car or driven away.

warning shots are very dangerous even more so when you fire them into the sky because you never know were that hunk of lead flying through the sky is going to land

that is why they are illegal

the fact is Zimmerman was on the ground being assaulted by trayvon. Zimmerman did not even hit back while he was being pounded into the ground proven by the fact that trayvon had no injury's other than the gun shot wound. you act like Zimmerman had just shot trayvon from 50 feet away


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14 Jul 2013, 8:07 pm

OliveOilMom wrote:
The prosecuters didn't pull the trigger. He killed a kid because he was a wannabe cop. I'm furious about this. I'm also allowed to want to kill somebody, I'm just not allowed to actually do it. Seems like he's allowed to though.

The wannabe cop thing was brought up more than once if I remember right but I was unable (and unwilling) to watch the entire trial. Zimmerman did apply for a position with the Prince William County (Virginia) Sheriffs Office a few years ago but did not get hired. He had not pursued that path in a few years and instead turned his studies toward a law degree.

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
- Thomas Jefferson


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14 Jul 2013, 8:14 pm

chris5000 wrote:
my facts were public knowledge
trayvon was a drug dealer and his Facebook proved it multiple people were asking him to sell them weed

the fact is Zimmerman was on the ground being assaulted by trayvon. Zimmerman did not even hit back while he was being pounded into the ground proven by the fact that trayvon had no injury's other than the gun shot wound. you act like Zimmerman had just shot trayvon from 50 feet away

I made no claims about what happened, as I was not there. You were not either. You are just looking for "facts" that back up your opinion. Your "evidence" is about as valid as the prosecution's evidence. I just have a problem with someone who is angry about the judgmental way people are viewing Zimmerman but have no problem doing the same with Martin.

I don't think there was enough evidence for a conviction of 2nd degree, but I do think that such an accomplished prosecutor should have at least pretended like she gave a damn about her job during the trial.

"The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently" -Nietzsche


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15 Jul 2013, 2:12 am

Fnord wrote:
CBRVA83 wrote:
Fnord wrote:
^ Gee, yer honor ... you should really get out more!
How could you be such a cynic?!?!? Stop being cruel, and show some compassion!

For what?

Show's over, dude. The jury's gone home, and even the media is packing it in for the night.

How about showing some compassion for the five dollars that I lost betting on a "Guilty" verdict?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I'm certain if it was your son Fnord walking home and getting shot by Zimmerman you wouldn't be so cavalier. We autistics already have a reputation over lacking empathy. You are just giving the rest of us a bad name.


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15 Jul 2013, 2:31 am

Zimmerman is suing msnbc for editing the 911 tape to make him look like a racist, I hope he wins enough to get far away from Florida


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15 Jul 2013, 6:32 am

cyberdad wrote:
Fnord wrote:
CBRVA83 wrote:
Fnord wrote:
^ Gee, yer honor ... you should really get out more!
How could you be such a cynic?!?!? Stop being cruel, and show some compassion!

For what?

Show's over, dude. The jury's gone home, and even the media is packing it in for the night.

How about showing some compassion for the five dollars that I lost betting on a "Guilty" verdict?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I'm certain if it was your son Fnord walking home and getting shot by Zimmerman you wouldn't be so cavalier. We autistics already have a reputation over lacking empathy. You are just giving the rest of us a bad name.

Cyberdad, to understand why he is so cavalier you have to understand where he has came from. It is said that what makes us who we are is 50% nature and 50% nurture. Part of his personality comes from experiences. He is going by what experience has taught him.

He is an ISTJ personality type. Some of his traits are stronger than others. It's like asking a zebra to become a dog or a cat to become an elephant. It is not possible. It took me a long time to realize this but he is giving the facts as far as he sees them. I've read many of his posts and have had debates and discussions with him. He would rather tell the hard, ugly and bitter truth than tell a sweet sounding lie.

I am an INTP personality type-

Albert Einstein wrote:
Whether the chicken crossed the road or the road crossed the chicken depends on your frame of reference.

Einstein's quote describes me in a nutshell.

All he sees is that the chicken crossed the road. If I asked him why can't the road have crossed the chicken. This would be alien to him. He has difficulty imagining possibilities that goes against established or verifiable facts. This is who he is as well. He seems to have the traits and characteristics of the Houyhnhnms in Gulliver's travels.