IF this is the way the universe functions, your will has to overcome the will of the masses to make any changes beyond that of the self...
I disagree...
Even one word from another individual can provide healing power..It is dependent on the observer and 'whatever' the source of the energy may be that is the healer...
However..this lies within the realm of complex human emotion..and without that..a person will likely never understand what I am indicating here...
As no two people share the exact same perceptions of life..as currently understood by science...
So in effect every person experiences...
A different Universe as the observer who influences the reality that IS...
By creating an illusion of their own reality...if one wills...
And there is every opportunity for every connection in life..to influence another connection in life to change the course of each person's construct of human reality..varying from individual to invidiual..with the emotional connections being what bonds people together..and creates real change in the world..the human kind..if one wills..step by step...on a 'golden spiral journey'...
I would like to change the frame of reference... the universe is observable and repeatable... each person lays their own interpretation upon what is... they view the universe through the warped lens of their own perceptions and experiences... This does not change what is, only what we perceive...
As such, you make assertions without quantifiable proof. Energies and changes that cannot... or rather, if exist, have not been measured and quantified... and that's the thing... if it cannot be measured, it does not exist.
There is documented evidence that I can stand on a medically balanced scale to measure my weight and vary my weight by 10 LBs. from 220 to 230 LBS standing completely still through the sheer power of my will..and an energy that I can clearly feel as my weight fluctuates..
Explain that if you can..science cannot do it...
So yes there is a higher power that science cannot measure and my life now is documented evidence of IT..
Beyond this no one views me as more than 200LBs..visually..and I always weigh at least 220Lbs when medically measured..It astounds the people who measure my weight through objective analysis..that science cannot come close to approximating...
And yes I can curl 210 Lbs..on a Nautilus Machine..with my arms and I guess..as you were in the military and at your size at 6 feet 9..I think you can understand what this feat takes...
No one in the military can hardly believe it when they see me do IT in real life...yeah..remember at age 53 NOW...additionally the little finger supports about 40% of the strength of the entire hand and I have a syndrome associated with Klippel Feil..the similar condition that King Tut had.. with a congenitally fused T6 vertebrae..smaller right shoulder than left...My little finger is smaller than anyone in the gym where I work out at..the military one that is...
That too is the power of the higher power that science cannot come close to understanding...
It is the Power of analogy of the Eastern 'CHI' ..if you will..
And the examples are numerous worldwide and historically of other human beings who have accomplished 'superhuman' feats of mind over matter if you will...
This is God for me..I don't need a magic man in the sky...along with the LOVE that IS HE in analogy and metaphor too...two...2..that I TRULY BELIEVE IS..if you will...3 as spirit..ONE..and man and all of everything else as ONE
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !
There is documented evidence that I can stand on a medically balanced scale to measure my weight and vary my weight by 10 LBs. from 220 to 230 LBS standing completely still through the sheer power of my will..and an energy that I can clearly feel as my weight fluctuates..
Explain that if you can..science cannot do it...
So yes there is a higher power that science cannot measure and my life now is documented evidence of IT..
Beyond this no one views me as more than 200LBs..visually..and I always weigh at least 220Lbs when medically measured..It astounds the people who measure my weight through objective analysis..that science cannot come close to approximating...
And yes I can curl 210 Lbs..on a Nautilus Machine..with my arms and I guess..as you were in the military and at your size at 6 feet 9..I think you can understand what this feat takes...
No one in the military can hardly believe it when they see me do IT in real life...yeah..remember at age 53 NOW...additionally the little finger supports about 40% of the strength of the entire hand and I have a syndrome associated with Klippel Feil..the similar condition that King Tut had.. with a congenitally fused T6 vertebrae..smaller right shoulder than left...My little finger is smaller than anyone in the gym where I work out at..the military one that is...
That too is the power of the higher power that science cannot come close to understanding...
It is the Power of analogy of the Eastern 'CHI' ..if you will..
And the examples are numerous worldwide and historically of other human beings who have accomplished 'superhuman' feats of mind over matter if you will...
This is God for me..I don't need a magic man in the sky...along with the LOVE that IS HE in analogy and metaphor too...two...2..that I TRULY BELIEVE IS..if you will...3 as spirit..ONE..and man and all of everything else as ONE
Except that all I have is a statement that you can do this. I do not have any links or citation to the studies in question. Yuri Gargarin claimed amazing things as well, and we see how that panned out...
For the record...if you are standing, you are not standing perfectly still... it is a physical impossibility, there are micro adjustments made by your muscles CONSTANTLY that will change balance, etc... The pressure over a surface changes in minute increments on a constant basis. Just try the wii balance board exercises to see personal proof of it...
As for your assertions of superhuman feats, every one of these can be explained by science... Stan Lee's Superhuman's showed that... There are tales of the mothman and the Jersey devil...
I am not, however denying that anything is possible... with an 11th dimensional universe, there are many things that are possible with a little odd math... However, I do state that all things are explainable by science... what is considered superhuman is, by definition, false... as a human did it... But without scientific documentation, it is no more than an urban legend... hence the need for sites like snopes...
Yeah. I'm done. Don't bother messaging and expecting a response - i've left WP permanently.
Satan is the accuser. He is a criminal prosecuting attorney that goes before God to accuse anyone who commits sin. God is the ultimate judge but if Satan disagrees with God's judgement then Satan desires to be God himself.
Can you imagine a criminal justice system where the criminal prosecuting attorney and the Judge are both the same person?
When you said "curing autism would be a STaRt." Or something like that.
The different cases you put the letters are supposed to take the reader into different levels of meaning- I suppose. And indeed one could say that 'curing' autism is more like "shooting the stars"(ie unattainable) than like a "start". Or...maybe its somehow both- a 'star' AND a 'start' (unattainable and yet something to strive for)- like star for a mariner to steer by- not for an astronaut to visit.
So you're trying to combine the visual with the verbal.
But- like octobertiger said- try to remember that brevity is the soul of wit.
Just a word of advice that took me close to 53 years to learn natural plastic..and take it with a grain of sand if you will..is try to learn to not think so much...
It's very liberating just to be...
The expression of my words are no more or less than the liberty that is TRUE LIBERTY...IF YOU WILL..it has no boundaries..but BE....
I am not trying to impress anyone..I am just being completely honest as the being I AM...
What comes with that flows..It is not analyzed by an ego if you will...
That is where the bliss comes in....
If you could be there..
Its not that Im doing a great amount of thinking. Its that its annoying to read these seemingly randomly capitalized letters. I was crediting you with some actual reason for doing that. I guess I was wrong.
In the brief snatches of sense I have got from your postings, you have talked of cages and freeing people from their cages. I think that is admirable.
However, two things:
1 The door to everyone's cage is always open, but if they furnish it with an illusory widescreen tv, and their own wallpaper, you've got to have a little sympathy if they're not ready to leave their perceptual prison just yet.
2 Everything will go where it's supposed to go. Time and the world we create is not an alternative, it's just a delay. No matter what anybody does, we're on course. I suppose that's the happiest news of all.
Everything which moves us towards reuninon with God and promotes true union is cutting down on this delay. And the opposite of this, increasing the delay, could be said to be the opposite of God. Thus, the world could be used as a hell and a denial of God, or a tool to actually get closer to the inevitable.
But whatever way you peg it, a perceptual dream can be no more than that.
Interesting I find value in every person's writing no matter what their educational background..style of writing..or length of writing is..
But I am fortunate in this way...as I am gifted in a hyperlexic way if you will..
ONly about 10 percent of the autism spectrum has tHIS gift..for me it is extreme...
I read 10 to 15 times faster than the average human being and type about 130 words per minute...so my experience of reality is 'lightening' speed per reading and writing in analogy if you will...
I am addressing not only you and not only the others who post here..but the other Autistic people who would never post here but 'religiously' read what is written here as they are more predisposed to reading rather than writing if you will...
As a documented example..I can provide..I did an analysis on the major factor behind the modern increase of rampage killings and since last December at the time of that post...over 48 thousand people have viewed that post..
For every person posting here there are hundreds of autistic and non-autsitic people reading...
I live in a state of pure bliss and this is no exaggeration IT IS also documented by licensed therapists..
All there is left for me is to share what I have learned to attain this level of bliss...
So while I apologize that you may not find value in what i write..my target audience is much larger than you...
In fact it numbers in the thousands as already over 24K readers have read just one of my blogs..and now I have 13 websites..where I express creativity...since 6 months ago...
I couldn't use my eyes fully until about 6 weeks ago..so my potential from this point is almost unlimited as my health is almost better than perfect now..if there is or could be such a health condition...but again this is a medically documented fact...fiction is not my thing...analogy I enjoy with a parable like method of communication to communicate much greater meaning in my words than ever meets most 'common' eyes if you will..
Well ALL THAT said..I have been reading what you write here...along with literally hundreds of other thousands of words I read along the span of a few days...and i find you an exceptional human being...per your analyses of your spiritual leanings...
But..again I find value in everything I read...
And better yet in every human being...
So in other words...
I PRACTICE WHAT I PREACH...that's just an analogy..or a metaphor...
Also to attempt to be completely clear I agree with yOUR statement except for one point...
Dreams make perceptions..Perceptions do not make dreams...
Think about that one for a little while if you will..
But you can not think it..You Must dream IT wide awake..if you will or ever possibly can...
There is a power and passion in dreams that exceeds any human power that science can come close to understanding...
Unless you have actually experienced this power of dreams and actually lived It's effects...
You cannot possibly know..per my perception..That perceptual dreams extend out farther than the Universe per analogy of effecKT...
As you do not KNow my perception..either in dreams..or in what you might describe as reality....
You are on the right path ...but just a little 'arrogant'..i think...
As a person on the 'right' path would never suggest that another person's true will..has nothing but highest value to you and they...if you will..as yOURS..
I share this with you to potentially help you make the next step...IT is up to you to respect what I say or dismiss It..completely if you will..
I don't have your gifts, and I do not ask for them. Beyond using them to set others free, what are they worth? In a dream, I can jump over buildings, and catch bullets in my teeth.
I am not exceptional, beyond being part of my maker. My life isn't even my own - it's strange, but I have done everything I 'wanted' to do. Sure, I wouldn't mind going to places such as New York, wouldn't mind doing a couple of things. But they are meaningless, transitory and hardly enough compensation for my own procrastination, my own diversory tactics. In a way, it's like 'my' life has already ended and all mourning for it has almost gone (but not quite!), like some ending daydream. I'm not complaining for a second. A dream's a dream, whether it be in bed or outside of it.
I'm just trying to get 'home' - simple. I'm not interested in a state of bliss, I'm not interested in yet another reincarnation. I am tired, I couldn't tell you how tired I am; I am sick of being my own jailer. I want to wake up, to go back to where we all have come from (to those confused, I am not talking suicide!) That's not death; that's life. I know it's there, beyond doubt. I don't need to justify my experiences and such - it just cannot be put into words - you know when you know. If anyone wants to call that insane thinking, then I would say that once I would have agreed with them!
However, perhaps that is not what I am supposed to do. I am waiting for instructions; none come. I am getting impatient and frustrated. Of course, this is my own authority problem, as I insist that what is to come should be on my terms - how could this be so? The less I am, the less I see myself as - this is better. I'm realising it's a better way of helping people. Of course, given how blind I still am, helping people in many ways is still so hit and miss. There's still too much of my fake ego left. I still have some stupid investment in form.
When I realise fully that I have more to gain from waking than sleeping, then I shall wake.
I don't entirely practice what I preach...yet.
You talk of 'target audiences', thirteen websites and viewing figures. Why? I don't see how that is relevent - truth just is. If you're trying to help people, then fine, help people. But then you would alter your style posting to something more comprehensible, if you were into mass communication, surely. Why don't you go the whole hog and write in Aramaic? Okay, perhaps an obtuse point, but hey.
I hope this isn't some sort of business exercise for you.
What you say about perceptions and dreams - I will think on this, so thank you for that.
Unless you have actually experienced this power of dreams and actually lived It's effects...
Maybe, maybe not
Tell me who the dreamer of the dream is that you are talking about.
Okay, I feel driven to give my two cents.
Firstly, can you love lucifer?
Well, can people love god? I guess they can love the opposite too. Does he love you back? I don't know. I don't know if god does either, but if that's what you want, and it doesn't harm anyone, then go ahead, it's okay from at least a moral standpoint. I'm not entirely sure what I believe in, so I can't say I love or hate any of these entities.
And the things that science can't explain? That I believe in. I've experienced some of it. I'm not gonna ask you to believe, I'm not even going to go into details, because I can't prove any of it, I wasn't in a position to aquire proof for future use. But can we, humans, manipulate it? I don't believe so. I don't believe we can even understand everything, let alone control it all through means scientific or otherwise. We are neither powerless nor powerful. I don't believe the unnamable, unknown forces of the universe are entirely apathetic to our existence, but I don't believe they would bend to our will, and it will show or hide itself from us whether we like it or not. People who search all their lives for such things could find nothing but shadows, and people who want nothing to do with it all could fall in deep, and never be able to return to the reality they used to know.
There is documented evidence that I can stand on a medically balanced scale to measure my weight and vary my weight by 10 LBs. from 220 to 230 LBS standing completely still through the sheer power of my will..and an energy that I can clearly feel as my weight fluctuates..
Explain that if you can..science cannot do it...
So yes there is a higher power that science cannot measure and my life now is documented evidence of IT..
Beyond this no one views me as more than 200LBs..visually..and I always weigh at least 220Lbs when medically measured..It astounds the people who measure my weight through objective analysis..that science cannot come close to approximating...
And yes I can curl 210 Lbs..on a Nautilus Machine..with my arms and I guess..as you were in the military and at your size at 6 feet 9..I think you can understand what this feat takes...
No one in the military can hardly believe it when they see me do IT in real life...yeah..remember at age 53 NOW...additionally the little finger supports about 40% of the strength of the entire hand and I have a syndrome associated with Klippel Feil..the similar condition that King Tut had.. with a congenitally fused T6 vertebrae..smaller right shoulder than left...My little finger is smaller than anyone in the gym where I work out at..the military one that is...
That too is the power of the higher power that science cannot come close to understanding...
It is the Power of analogy of the Eastern 'CHI' ..if you will..
And the examples are numerous worldwide and historically of other human beings who have accomplished 'superhuman' feats of mind over matter if you will...
This is God for me..I don't need a magic man in the sky...along with the LOVE that IS HE in analogy and metaphor too...two...2..that I TRULY BELIEVE IS..if you will...3 as spirit..ONE..and man and all of everything else as ONE
Except that all I have is a statement that you can do this. I do not have any links or citation to the studies in question. Yuri Gargarin claimed amazing things as well, and we see how that panned out...
For the record...if you are standing, you are not standing perfectly still... it is a physical impossibility, there are micro adjustments made by your muscles CONSTANTLY that will change balance, etc... The pressure over a surface changes in minute increments on a constant basis. Just try the wii balance board exercises to see personal proof of it...
As for your assertions of superhuman feats, every one of these can be explained by science... Stan Lee's Superhuman's showed that... There are tales of the mothman and the Jersey devil...
I am not, however denying that anything is possible... with an 11th dimensional universe, there are many things that are possible with a little odd math... However, I do state that all things are explainable by science... what is considered superhuman is, by definition, false... as a human did it... But without scientific documentation, it is no more than an urban legend... hence the need for sites like snopes...
I do not believe in the 'supernatural' either I only believe in the natural...and all I am saying here is that what I am doing is above what so called 'normal' people can do when I say 'superhuman'...
I have been described as 'superhuman' throughout my life for feats of mind power not physicality..if you will..through college and the workplace..which i only credit to trying harder than anyone else..as play if you will..again...
WEll..I can prove the 210Lb curl thing easily as all I have to do is get someone to videotape it with my i phone..there are already hundreds of witnesses to it where I live..
It is against base rules to take any photographs on base..but if you really want to see evidence..I will get permission from the base public affairs. officer as I know her personally...
I have a degree in health science and have studied all aspects and actually been in the practice of measuring human performances including measurements of many exercise related biomechanics...
The thing with the scale has never happened to anyone i viewed either... when verifying their body weights for performance testing..in exercise..so it is definitely an anomaly and while I think there are some physical laws that could explain IT they just are not currently known to science..
A little digression here if you will that is related that you might find interesting..
My father was a law enforcement officer for over 40 years..working at the Leon county Sheriff's office in TAllahassee Florida..
He had the experience of guarding Ted Bundy when he was held there during his trial back in the late 70's..
My father is a fearless individual and stated that as a group experience among the other fearless law enforcement officer's that Ted Bundy would make the hair raise up on their arms if they were only in his presence with no expressions at all on Ted Bundy's face..In their decades of experience no other individual had this affect on them per their witness to interaction with Ted Bundy...
Additionally they all witnessed Ted Bundy 'shape shifting' his body..if you will..where he would appear as 6 feet 4 instead of 6 feet tall..even...
What I was talking about was 10LBs..and until recently I had never heard of anyone else having this ability but there are accounts some people changing their weight from 10 to 30 LBS heavier through focus of mind..the layman's explanation is that 'somehow' they make their bodies denser..and reduce the 'empty space' if you will among the 'smaller particles' of their body that all things in nature share...
I have no idea how this works..how IT 'really' works but I definitely observed a feeling inside of my body of power of light that is beyond any adrenaline feeling while I watched my weight go up when measured by an 'observer..steadily balanced with counterweights up from 220 to 230..and maybe farther..in the future..who knowsnow..
I do not believe that God is supernatural ..most of what I believe is God is a power of nature..that science has not yet measured..and may never measure..as humans think they know a little more than they could ever likely possibly know..but that's just my opinion...And what I see is a greater power that connects all human beings and all other materials of existence..if you will2...
Thanks by the way for linking the Dead Poet's society you tube video...
I was never interested in poetry until this year..and never expected to write any form of it in my life..
Whereas my mother is actually a published poet in many books...
I was more like my father cold and calculating...
But no longer do i experience this death...
As in analogy that was what IT was like as compared to now..if you will...
I did not have any hope or faith that this miracle could have happened to me 6 months ago...
But it is real and happened to me knownow..and also to the loved ones that surround me in real life....
So... again as usual I don't always make myself clear to others..
But I don't see where we disagree in any significant manner of what you describe above...
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !
Can you imagine a criminal justice system where the criminal prosecuting attorney and the Judge are both the same person?
In my opinion it is only a byproduct of collective intelligence and human imagination that any creature would have ever made a myth that there is anything separate about existence from what is ALL else if you will..
Humans have great power for dreams of bliss..and they do the same to scare themselves to death in analogy..when they are only born with two fears..heights and loud noises..all other fears are learned according to modern science..
Man created the Devil...God is probably a laugh if anything as devil spelled backwards is lived..and evil spelled backwards is live...
Wow..it's hard to imagine fear of God if you consider 'him' a comedian..
Better than this..humans created the devil out of poetry to describe in metaphor the darker side of human nature...
Why not have comedian God..It is only up to each individual as to what to fear in life..and so sad that people do IT just because someone told them so...
There is no liberty in that..spoon feeding of reality to others...in my humble opinion..if you will...
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !
In the brief snatches of sense I have got from your postings, you have talked of cages and freeing people from their cages. I think that is admirable.
However, two things:
1 The door to everyone's cage is always open, but if they furnish it with an illusory widescreen tv, and their own wallpaper, you've got to have a little sympathy if they're not ready to leave their perceptual prison just yet.
2 Everything will go where it's supposed to go. Time and the world we create is not an alternative, it's just a delay. No matter what anybody does, we're on course. I suppose that's the happiest news of all.
Everything which moves us towards reuninon with God and promotes true union is cutting down on this delay. And the opposite of this, increasing the delay, could be said to be the opposite of God. Thus, the world could be used as a hell and a denial of God, or a tool to actually get closer to the inevitable.
But whatever way you peg it, a perceptual dream can be no more than that.
Interesting I find value in every person's writing no matter what their educational background..style of writing..or length of writing is..
But I am fortunate in this way...as I am gifted in a hyperlexic way if you will..
ONly about 10 percent of the autism spectrum has tHIS gift..for me it is extreme...
I read 10 to 15 times faster than the average human being and type about 130 words per minute...so my experience of reality is 'lightening' speed per reading and writing in analogy if you will...
I am addressing not only you and not only the others who post here..but the other Autistic people who would never post here but 'religiously' read what is written here as they are more predisposed to reading rather than writing if you will...
As a documented example..I can provide..I did an analysis on the major factor behind the modern increase of rampage killings and since last December at the time of that post...over 48 thousand people have viewed that post..
For every person posting here there are hundreds of autistic and non-autsitic people reading...
I live in a state of pure bliss and this is no exaggeration IT IS also documented by licensed therapists..
All there is left for me is to share what I have learned to attain this level of bliss...
So while I apologize that you may not find value in what i write..my target audience is much larger than you...
In fact it numbers in the thousands as already over 24K readers have read just one of my blogs..and now I have 13 websites..where I express creativity...since 6 months ago...
I couldn't use my eyes fully until about 6 weeks ago..so my potential from this point is almost unlimited as my health is almost better than perfect now..if there is or could be such a health condition...but again this is a medically documented fact...fiction is not my thing...analogy I enjoy with a parable like method of communication to communicate much greater meaning in my words than ever meets most 'common' eyes if you will..
Well ALL THAT said..I have been reading what you write here...along with literally hundreds of other thousands of words I read along the span of a few days...and i find you an exceptional human being...per your analyses of your spiritual leanings...
But..again I find value in everything I read...
And better yet in every human being...
So in other words...
I PRACTICE WHAT I PREACH...that's just an analogy..or a metaphor...
Also to attempt to be completely clear I agree with yOUR statement except for one point...
Dreams make perceptions..Perceptions do not make dreams...
Think about that one for a little while if you will..
But you can not think it..You Must dream IT wide awake..if you will or ever possibly can...
There is a power and passion in dreams that exceeds any human power that science can come close to understanding...
Unless you have actually experienced this power of dreams and actually lived It's effects...
You cannot possibly know..per my perception..That perceptual dreams extend out farther than the Universe per analogy of effecKT...
As you do not KNow my perception..either in dreams..or in what you might describe as reality....
You are on the right path ...but just a little 'arrogant'..i think...
As a person on the 'right' path would never suggest that another person's true will..has nothing but highest value to you and they...if you will..as yOURS..
I share this with you to potentially help you make the next step...IT is up to you to respect what I say or dismiss It..completely if you will..
I don't have your gifts, and I do not ask for them. Beyond using them to set others free, what are they worth? In a dream, I can jump over buildings, and catch bullets in my teeth.
I am not exceptional, beyond being part of my maker. My life isn't even my own - it's strange, but I have done everything I 'wanted' to do. Sure, I wouldn't mind going to places such as New York, wouldn't mind doing a couple of things. But they are meaningless, transitory and hardly enough compensation for my own procrastination, my own diversory tactics. In a way, it's like 'my' life has already ended and all mourning for it has almost gone (but not quite!), like some ending daydream. I'm not complaining for a second. A dream's a dream, whether it be in bed or outside of it.
I'm just trying to get 'home' - simple. I'm not interested in a state of bliss, I'm not interested in yet another reincarnation. I am tired, I couldn't tell you how tired I am; I am sick of being my own jailer. I want to wake up, to go back to where we all have come from (to those confused, I am not talking suicide!) That's not death; that's life. I know it's there, beyond doubt. I don't need to justify my experiences and such - it just cannot be put into words - you know when you know. If anyone wants to call that insane thinking, then I would say that once I would have agreed with them!
However, perhaps that is not what I am supposed to do. I am waiting for instructions; none come. I am getting impatient and frustrated. Of course, this is my own authority problem, as I insist that what is to come should be on my terms - how could this be so? The less I am, the less I see myself as - this is better. I'm realising it's a better way of helping people. Of course, given how blind I still am, helping people in many ways is still so hit and miss. There's still too much of my fake ego left. I still have some stupid investment in form.
When I realise fully that I have more to gain from waking than sleeping, then I shall wake.
I don't entirely practice what I preach...yet.
You talk of 'target audiences', thirteen websites and viewing figures. Why? I don't see how that is relevent - truth just is. If you're trying to help people, then fine, help people. But then you would alter your style posting to something more comprehensible, if you were into mass communication, surely. Why don't you go the whole hog and write in Aramaic? Okay, perhaps an obtuse point, but hey.
I hope this isn't some sort of business exercise for you.
What you say about perceptions and dreams - I will think on this, so thank you for that.
Unless you have actually experienced this power of dreams and actually lived It's effects...
Maybe, maybe not :P
Tell me who the dreamer of the dream is that you are talking about.
I agree with most of what you are saying here and have found myself in these similar places throughout my life..so we seem to be close to 'one' on the philosophy of this..
If i could have only planted one plant and watered it to be a stronger plant my life would be a complete success..so everything else is only icing on the cake...
I lived in bliss well before my health problems I never sought it..IT is what it is..and some people are 'blessed' with IT and some are not...
Life is not fair..and God is not fair..but IT ALL IS AS NOW that matters...so life IS GRE@ that is all...
What I do is helping me love my wife that helped me through all my problems..that is all my goal ever is..per any succinct direction if you...
Other than this i just 'flow' where life takes me..
God bless yOUR connections my friend..as love is all there is as far as i know..again..IS GOD as SEYES...
Speaking of dreams..I do dream wide awake now..and i rarely sleep perhaps on average about 2 hours a night...I am dreaming with God in metaphor if ONE wills...''he' is my copilot almost always now..we share this..and people share this...some are simply not more fully aware of this reality..in my TRUE WILL..opinion if you will...
MOre than anything else now..the online experience is nOW helping me share greater levels of love in real life..i do not even have to speak words of love in real life to make this happen..as i always had the gift to see the souls of people with one look in their eyes..and transmit love to them..with just my presence too..if you will2..
Thanks friend..and i appreciate your very thoughtful response here as IT IS overall enlightening..for people some people who may read your words...
IT only takes one word of encouragement to save a person's soul in analogy of 'real life'...so every letter, number and word..is sacred to know...knownow...as is my TRUE WILL...please...
Smiles to you...:)
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !
Firstly, can you love lucifer?
Well, can people love god? I guess they can love the opposite too. Does he love you back? I don't know. I don't know if god does either, but if that's what you want, and it doesn't harm anyone, then go ahead, it's okay from at least a moral standpoint. I'm not entirely sure what I believe in, so I can't say I love or hate any of these entities.
And the things that science can't explain? That I believe in. I've experienced some of it. I'm not gonna ask you to believe, I'm not even going to go into details, because I can't prove any of it, I wasn't in a position to aquire proof for future use. But can we, humans, manipulate it? I don't believe so. I don't believe we can even understand everything, let alone control it all through means scientific or otherwise. We are neither powerless nor powerful. I don't believe the unnamable, unknown forces of the universe are entirely apathetic to our existence, but I don't believe they would bend to our will, and it will show or hide itself from us whether we like it or not. People who search all their lives for such things could find nothing but shadows, and people who want nothing to do with it all could fall in deep, and never be able to return to the reality they used to know.
Thanks..i see your two cents as wise...
It is extremely hard to describe what i experience..and what i find is that free will is hell..is the absence of emotion that glues us to the preconceived notions of our past..to simply survive in a evolutionary sense..if one wills..is the natural will as a partner with IS ...ONE AS ALL...IS ALL AS..ONE...IS
I think the eyes of humans overall are the eyes of god..like every other creature..and i refuse to set myself above..even a grain of sand..as i truly believe one can find a reflection of the Universe in only a few words in analogy of metaphor..if you will...
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !
When you said "curing autism would be a STaRt." Or something like that.
The different cases you put the letters are supposed to take the reader into different levels of meaning- I suppose. And indeed one could say that 'curing' autism is more like "shooting the stars"(ie unattainable) than like a "start". Or...maybe its somehow both- a 'star' AND a 'start' (unattainable and yet something to strive for)- like star for a mariner to steer by- not for an astronaut to visit.
So you're trying to combine the visual with the verbal.
But- like octobertiger said- try to remember that brevity is the soul of wit.
Just a word of advice that took me close to 53 years to learn natural plastic..and take it with a grain of sand if you will..is try to learn to not think so much...
It's very liberating just to be...
The expression of my words are no more or less than the liberty that is TRUE LIBERTY...IF YOU WILL..it has no boundaries..but BE....
I am not trying to impress anyone..I am just being completely honest as the being I AM...
What comes with that flows..It is not analyzed by an ego if you will...
That is where the bliss comes in....
If you could be there..
Its not that Im doing a great amount of thinking. Its that its annoying to read these seemingly randomly capitalized letters. I was crediting you with some actual reason for doing that. I guess I was wrong.
Hmm..'you know'...i don't really give myself credit as i am in a human free flow of creativity or creation activity when i write like this..many times i get insights about my writings that i never consider myself that more reflects the mind of the other..if one wills...
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !
You just did IT again..
HuH? IS the logic of infinity seeking the expression of love, light and true will which are the expressions of human emotion..
The computer is no help..per gaming solutions..to gain back emotion when IS lost..So I have IT again.
I am the fortunate one to be honored to even experience IT
For oNE second IT IS ALL the time for me now...
Almost ALL the time that IS...
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !
I think I know what you mean by this. And that is why I love this sort of writing. My own writing is often somewhat vague. This leaves it up to the readers interpretation. On the occasions that I have let people read it, I tell them not to try and figure out what they think I meant when I wrote it. But rather what they think the poem means. I am always fascinated to hear what others' interpretations are. I remember my aunt reading one of my poems that I wrote about mortality and death (of course I didn't tell her that's what it was about). And she said it reminded her of laying in a field as a child and looking at the clouds. I thought that was beautiful . As life goes on, I sometimes read my old poetry and it takes on new meaning. And I often forget what my original meaning was, when I wrote it.
I also tend to do this with my painting as well. What starts off as a landscape, usually becomes an abstract. So whatever someone sees when they look at it, that is what it is.
I find that when I try to make my writing more defined or more understandable to others, it feels too forced. And often feels phony. Yes, what I wrote is exactly what I meant. But I feel cheated that all of the beautiful thoughts in my head, never made it to the paper.
I think I know what you mean by this. And that is why I love this sort of writing. My own writing is often somewhat vague. This leaves it up to the readers interpretation. On the occasions that I have let people read it, I tell them not to try and figure out what they think I meant when I wrote it. But rather what they think the poem means. I am always fascinated to hear what others' interpretations are. I remember my aunt reading one of my poems that I wrote about mortality and death (of course I didn't tell her that's what it was about). And she said it reminded her of laying in a field as a child and looking at the clouds. I thought that was beautiful :D . As life goes on, I sometimes read my old poetry and it takes on new meaning. And I often forget what my original meaning was, when I wrote it.
I also tend to do this with my painting as well. What starts off as a landscape, usually becomes an abstract. So whatever someone sees when they look at it, that is what it is.
I find that when I try to make my writing more defined or more understandable to others, it feels too forced. And often feels phony. Yes, what I wrote is exactly what I meant. But I feel cheated that all of the beautiful thoughts in my head, never made it to the paper.
Yes..this is almost exactly the way i feel about IT..I AM often more inspired by the way others view my writing than what i personally see in IT..after the finished product..even the disagreements..if you will..
Thanks for the comment..IT IS very insightful and enlightening...
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !