What transgender activists don't want you to know...

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17 Oct 2013, 6:53 am

Moviefan2k4 wrote:
He even goes so far as to ask how such desires would be passed between generations with the phrase, "Did you have homosexual parents?"

There are people who do have homosexual parents. It can happen through artificial insemination, rape, or having sex with an opposite sex partner either because you are trying to be straight or solely to produce children.


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17 Oct 2013, 6:56 am

I am only questioning about the "way of life" thing. I know how US series portray homosexual people in series as very "special". My english is bad and I dont want to offend someone, but I would call it the "glitter, appletini and fashion - homosexual" style. I am just whondering, when you are talking about way of life, if homosexuals in US really averagely behave like that? Around here where I live, most gay people, are simply gay when it comes to their partners, but yet not outstanding to other people. So there is no real "other" way of life they live, they simply live like everyone else do, having very similar oppinions about relationships. So there are some homosexual celebraties, that are into that cliche, but at least the one I met personally in everyday life, had no interest into furniture-design-magazines or other stuff like that. Only out of interest, I would have liked to known, if the US-series media cliche is really based on more US-homosexuals being more like that, or if its in general only an clichee, shown by media?


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17 Oct 2013, 7:37 am

There are certainly gay people who live up to those stereotypes. There are also gay people who don't live up to them. I'm gay, but I'm not effeminate, nor interested in fashion, design, magazines, etc. Mostly, I behave the same way that most (meek) 29-year-old men do – Aspergers notwithstanding. There's diversity in any group, and the "way of life" you choose is basically up to you.

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17 Oct 2013, 8:02 am

Moviefan2k4 wrote:
I am not bisexual. I've never pursued another man with any kind of sexual interest, period. The very thought of it creeps me out, to be honest. Temptation does not equal desire, and not every thought which enters our minds is truly our own.

Whose thoughts are they then? Temptation is desire by definition - even according to the bible [James 1:14]. Sexual attraction is a form of desire. It therefore follows that, If you are sexually attracted to both men and women then you are bisexual, regardless whether you pursue fulfilment of all of your urges.

This is not something you should be ashamed of.

I like how Frank Turek answered the cliche question of "choosing to be straight"...

"I don't remember where my desires originally came from, because I was a just a baby. I do know that I was born in bed with a lady."

He also points out that those who believe in "survival of the fittest" should actually reject homosexuality, since the implication behind such a hypothesis is that if a genetic component actually existed, it would've been erased by now through mutation.

Unless we are inherently pansexual, yet have had our urges stifled by the constraints of religion and society. As I already stated, I am not a proponent of the genetic homosexuality theory. Our current understanding seems to lean towards nurture and environment. You could, for example, argue that the increase in number of those who are 'out' is a combination of social changes over the last few hundred years - such as the relaxation of the grip of Catholicism and the increase in freedoms we enjoy in the western world, in conjunction with the increase in divorce rate and breakdown of the traditional nuclear family.

The evolutionary process is not guided by desires, nor are its mutations predictable or particularly swift. The counter argument to Turek's hypothesis is that the path evolution has chosen for us is one of a more liberal sexuality, that homosexual desire is a useful trait in humans. And yet neither claim can show evidence to completely support it.

He even goes so far as to ask how such desires would be passed between generations with the phrase, "Did you have homosexual parents?"

Assuming anyone could potentially be a repressed homosexual, the only logically correct answer to this would be "I don't know" unless one or the other parent came out and became actively homosexual. The argument is built on unsound foundations.


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17 Oct 2013, 10:22 am

adifferentname wrote:
Moviefan2k4 wrote:
I am not bisexual. I've never pursued another man with any kind of sexual interest, period. The very thought of it creeps me out, to be honest. Temptation does not equal desire, and not every thought which enters our minds is truly our own.

Whose thoughts are they then? Temptation is desire by definition - even according to the bible [James 1:14]. Sexual attraction is a form of desire. It therefore follows that, If you are sexually attracted to both men and women then you are bisexual, regardless whether you pursue fulfilment of all of your urges.
Actually, temptation is inherently external, and the Bible backs up that claim. For example, Satan tempted Jesus in the wilderness, while Paul described a "thorn of the flesh" that kept leading him astray. Some say that Satan speaks to us as well, and I think there's some merit to it...but just like when God speaks, we choose whether to listen.

Unless we are inherently pansexual, yet have had our urges stifled by the constraints of religion and society. As I already stated, I am not a proponent of the genetic homosexuality theory. Our current understanding seems to lean towards nurture and environment. You could, for example, argue that the increase in number of those who are 'out' is a combination of social changes over the last few hundred years - such as the relaxation of the grip of Catholicism and the increase in freedoms we enjoy in the western world, in conjunction with the increase in divorce rate and breakdown of the traditional nuclear family.
The breakdown of the traditional family is largely due to attacks from liberal leftists, who were allowed to succeed because Christians were too afraid of public opinion to stand in their way. If the church had done its collective job to begin with, all the "free love" fallout in the 1960s never would've happened.

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17 Oct 2013, 10:33 am

My partner and I married freshly, after being a couple for more then a decade, so I think we are both very conservative about our lifestyle, including the wish for children and having worked for a place that we can offer these children.

So far, no liberal lefties or homosexuals ever attacked us therefore. Them living their life, the way they want it, never disturbed or attacked us living our life they way we want it.


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17 Oct 2013, 12:22 pm

Moviefan2k4 wrote:
Actually, temptation is inherently external, and the Bible backs up that claim. For example, Satan tempted Jesus in the wilderness, while Paul described a "thorn of the flesh" that kept leading him astray. Some say that Satan speaks to us as well, and I think there's some merit to it...but just like when God speaks, we choose whether to listen.

You're confusing the object of desire with the desire itself. Some can say that a giant pink unicorn created all the rivers in the world by emptying its bladder, belief in such an occurrence would be equally gullible to the belief that mystical beings speak with us in a voice that we cannot hear, record or repeat.

The breakdown of the traditional family is largely due to attacks from liberal leftists, who were allowed to succeed because Christians were too afraid of public opinion to stand in their way.

Aside from being an oversimplification of events, your argument lacks evidence or context. It also seems as though your personal opinion is that Christians should somehow enforce the rules by which society is governed. Thankfully your opinion is not in line with the majority.

If the church had done its collective job to begin with, all the "free love" fallout in the 1960s never would've happened.

So the church, whatever meaning we infer from such a title, is supposed to stand in the way of a movement whose main message was to spread love and peace on Earth? I'll add that to my list of abhorrent church traditions along with mass slaughter, slavery and sexual predation.

From everything you've posted, the only argument you seem to offer any credibility to is the hypothesis that the majority of opponents to same-gender marriage are repressed homosexual Christians. I'm sure I wouldn't be alone in this assessment.


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17 Oct 2013, 12:57 pm

Moviefan2k4 wrote:
The breakdown of the traditional family is largely due to attacks from liberal leftists, who were allowed to succeed because Christians were too afraid of public opinion to stand in their way.

People should be naturally ashamed to voice social views that properly belong in the Medieval Dark Ages.

And I hate to break it to you, but whether or not you act upon it, if you feel "tempted" by homosexual thoughts, that does make you a repressed bisexual.


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17 Oct 2013, 1:22 pm

drh1138 wrote:

And I hate to break it to you, but whether or not you act upon it, if you feel "tempted" by homosexual thoughts, that does make you a repressed bisexual.

...Or an outright homosexual in denial *shock and horror*.

The LGBT area of discussion does seem to occupy a lot of moviefan2k4's stream of consciousness though. Perhaps he's not being entirely true to his heart with his lifestyle activities.

moviefan2k4 wrote:
I've never pursued another man with any kind of sexual interest, period. The very thought of it creeps me out, to be honest.

Yeah, right. You just had to bring up the fact that you have that voluntarilly reduced reaction out the blue for no reason whatsover. :roll: It makes you feel ill in the same way as forcing your fingers down your throat to make you vomit. THAT's the part thats not natural.

This revulsion you describe, its a construct. Its been drummed into you by environmental factors such as overbearing parents with a biased, faulty moral compass. Its not part of you.

You said before you were 'tempted' by homosexual thoughts. That means they prompt in you at the least bi-curious fantasies. If you didn't think positively about it, you wouldn't describe it as temptation. Why don't you just come out of the big pink closet and stop living this lie? Theres no shame.

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17 Oct 2013, 1:38 pm

hanyo wrote:
Moviefan2k4 wrote:
He even goes so far as to ask how such desires would be passed between generations with the phrase, "Did you have homosexual parents?"

There are people who do have homosexual parents. It can happen through artificial insemination, rape, or having sex with an opposite sex partner either because you are trying to be straight or solely to produce children.

If the gay gene exists it gets past on also because some people are bi.

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17 Oct 2013, 1:41 pm

puddingmouse wrote:
hanyo wrote:
Moviefan2k4 wrote:
He even goes so far as to ask how such desires would be passed between generations with the phrase, "Did you have homosexual parents?"

There are people who do have homosexual parents. It can happen through artificial insemination, rape, or having sex with an opposite sex partner either because you are trying to be straight or solely to produce children.

If the gay gene exists it gets past on also because some people are bi.

it gets passed on in the same way that two neurotypical parents produce an autistic child. I think its the sum of many factors, not just genetics. I think a lot of it is to do with congenital chemical imbalances in the womb. A study showed that sons who are born last in a succession of children are more likely to be gay because of the mother producing greater levels of estrogen in the throes of her final ovulations.

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17 Oct 2013, 1:51 pm

thomas81 wrote:
puddingmouse wrote:
hanyo wrote:
Moviefan2k4 wrote:
He even goes so far as to ask how such desires would be passed between generations with the phrase, "Did you have homosexual parents?"

There are people who do have homosexual parents. It can happen through artificial insemination, rape, or having sex with an opposite sex partner either because you are trying to be straight or solely to produce children.

If the gay gene exists it gets past on also because some people are bi.

it gets passed on in the same way that two neurotypical parents produce an autistic child. I think its the sum of many factors, not just genetics. I think a lot of it is to do with congenital chemical imbalances in the womb. A study showed that sons who are born last in a succession of children are more likely to be gay because of the mother producing greater levels of estrogen in the throes of her final ovulations.

And all this time I thought it was the machinations of Supreme Cosmic Evil. :roll:


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17 Oct 2013, 1:53 pm

thomas81 wrote:
puddingmouse wrote:
hanyo wrote:
Moviefan2k4 wrote:
He even goes so far as to ask how such desires would be passed between generations with the phrase, "Did you have homosexual parents?"

There are people who do have homosexual parents. It can happen through artificial insemination, rape, or having sex with an opposite sex partner either because you are trying to be straight or solely to produce children.

If the gay gene exists it gets past on also because some people are bi.

it gets passed on in the same way that two neurotypical parents produce an autistic child. I think its the sum of many factors, not just genetics. I think a lot of it is to do with congenital chemical imbalances in the womb. A study showed that sons who are born last in a succession of children are more likely to be gay because of the mother producing greater levels of estrogen in the throes of her final ovulations.

Doesn't that mainly work with brothers because the mother used up her testosterone on the earlier boys? Or is that bunk? If it was to do with her final ovulations, then any son she had in her mid 30s would be at an increased risk of the gay, not just ones who were last in a line of children.

I don't think we're at a stage scientifically where we can say what the main cause of people not being straight is. I've always laughed at the 2D:4D ratio thing, as I have a very 'feminine' finger ratio, yet I'm queer and autistic.

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17 Oct 2013, 2:03 pm

puddingmouse wrote:
thomas81 wrote:
puddingmouse wrote:
hanyo wrote:
Moviefan2k4 wrote:
He even goes so far as to ask how such desires would be passed between generations with the phrase, "Did you have homosexual parents?"

There are people who do have homosexual parents. It can happen through artificial insemination, rape, or having sex with an opposite sex partner either because you are trying to be straight or solely to produce children.

If the gay gene exists it gets past on also because some people are bi.

it gets passed on in the same way that two neurotypical parents produce an autistic child. I think its the sum of many factors, not just genetics. I think a lot of it is to do with congenital chemical imbalances in the womb. A study showed that sons who are born last in a succession of children are more likely to be gay because of the mother producing greater levels of estrogen in the throes of her final ovulations.

Doesn't that mainly work with brothers because the mother used up her testosterone on the earlier boys? Or is that bunk? If it was to do with her final ovulations, then any son she had in her mid 30s would be at an increased risk of the gay, not just ones who were last in a line of children.

I don't think we're at a stage scientifically where we can say what the main cause of people not being straight is. I've always laughed at the 2D:4D ratio thing, as I have a very 'feminine' finger ratio, yet I'm queer and autistic.

this is the video i got that info from.

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17 Oct 2013, 4:10 pm

Magneto wrote:
Okay, so we now know Kurgan doesn't believe whether or not someone is a real woman is based on the chromosomes or skeletal features alone.

What, then, about a transwoman who transitions pre-puberty, and thus has the skeletal features of a female but XY chromosomes, putting her in the same position as a woman with CAIS?

(By the way, those were two cis women. I was seeing if you'd label one as trans after being primed.)

How would you define a black person or a white person? Is a black person who bleaches his skin white? What about a white person who colors his skin dark?

A transwoman who transitions before puberty is not similar to a woman with CAIS. There's a difference between girls and boys as early as the toddler stage.


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17 Oct 2013, 4:20 pm

puddingmouse wrote:
Most transwomen are way more pretty and feminine than I am. Not that that makes a bloody difference to anything, it's just that sex is (mostly) a binary (barring intersex) whereas it's quite patently obvious that gender isn't. Society wouldn't go apeshit in prescribing roles for people if that wasn't the case.

Some gender roles are created by society, others are not. Women and men are roughly on par in math (men are better at geometry and differential equations--women are better with formulas), for instance, but several studies on apes have shown that the boys prefer playing with cars and the girls prefer playing with dolls.

Kurgan, I get that you're only attracted to people who fall are female in sex and on the superfeminine end of the gender spectrum. Just because you're not attracted to transwomen who are male in sex but still on the superfeminine end of the gender spectrum (when other people are like - 'why not? How can you tell?' I don't personally care if you fancy transwomen or not) - doesn't mean you're qualified to say what is and isn't a 'real woman' - because that's a value judgement. Saying 'transwomen are male in terms of sex chromosomes and early development' is a basic statement of fact, saying 'they're not real women' isn't. But I'm not sure that you're actually saying 'they're not real women' and I suspect people are just taking you the wrong way.

I do not care how symmetric the surgeon made their breasts or how well the nose job was done, nor do I have anything against transwomen. What I'm sexually attracted to is irrelevant in this case--biologically speaking, a transwoman is still a man and a transman is still a woman. A black person who goes through surgery to have European facial features and bleaches his skin is still black--and it will look fake. Likewise, a 60 year old who gets hair transplants, facelifts and all that to look 30, is still a 60 year old.