Schneekugel wrote:
If a foreign country attacked US citizens with drone attacks, on US territory: Would you think that people not living on as if nothing happened, but instead daring to be concerned about an foreign government illegally killing citizens with military weapon on your countries territory, would have some sort of weird phobia or be right about that?
If terrorists would attack my country repeatedly with military weapons and kill my citizens, I think it would be perfectly fine to feel threatened by that.
Therein lies the hypocrisy of the peddlers of mischief surrounding the so called 'myth' of drono-phobia.
When the planes crashed into the twin towers, it was considered perfectly rational among US citizens for people from Honolulu to Ground Zero to grab burning torches and pitchforks. Rightists, who would otherwise be so fast to lambaste Afghan or Pakistani drone victims for analogous behaviour were nowhere to be heard.
No, instead red top tabloid and Murdochian news purveyors were given free reign to give us round-the-clock coverage and never ending 30 page pullout specials in our newspapers. Not once however did they utter a syllable for the quarter of a million or so dead Iraqis and other places in-visited by NATO retributory adventures. Anyone who dared criticise this state of affairs was chewed up for being a terrorist lackey or sympathiser.
That is why I wish they would either be consistent or shut up.