United States Fails To Show For Drone Hearing

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03 Nov 2013, 3:53 am

How does it feel that the people you think are the only hope this world are the ones using drones or are you so blinded by your faith that you think it isn't liberal policy makers that have you so angry at the moment.


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03 Nov 2013, 5:13 am

Tequila criticises me for using Press TV as an information source then he goes and uses Harry's Place as an information source despite everybody on every street corner knowing fully well that it's a propaganda site.

Could Tequila do me a big favour and make himself useful by answering my question about when AS was first known in Israel. If he is the fount of knowledge that he presents himself to be then he must be able to answer this in a flash like he does with so many other posts on WP.


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04 Nov 2013, 9:21 am

Tequila wrote:
Pakistani writer Kunwar Khuldune Shahid penned a splendid article last week about what he calls 'dronophobia':

  • The irrational, abnormal and persistent fear of drone strikes
Dronophobia is a case of specific phobia, the irrational, abnormal and persistent fear of drone strikes. A dronophobe believes that drone strikes causes more harm to a state than suicide bombings or military operations, even if the actual threat posed is significantly less. Sufferers experience excessive anxiety even though they realise that the targets of the strikes can cause and have caused considerably more damage than drones.

When this fear reaches an extreme state the person starts juxtaposing the achievements of young girls fighting for female education or anyone getting global acclaim, with drone strike victims. That and linking unrelated events like terrorists blowing themselves up in places of worship, one sect of a particular religion butchering another sect or religious fundamentalists brainwashing the youth, to drone strikes, are considered to be the typical symptoms of Dronophobia.

I like this guy. He is as bright as a button.

As far as I can tell, he's talking about urban Pakistanis rather than western liberals.

If he is talking about Westerners, his whole argument falls down because humans are not truly rational agents. The perception of the Pakistani (or Yemeni or...) populace matters more than the facts. If Pakistan's middle classes view drone assassinations as less just than special forces, then America is drumming up anti-American sentiment.


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04 Nov 2013, 9:36 am

If a foreign country attacked US citizens with drone attacks, on US territory: Would you think that people not living on as if nothing happened, but instead daring to be concerned about an foreign government illegally killing citizens with military weapon on your countries territory, would have some sort of weird phobia or be right about that?

If terrorists would attack my country repeatedly with military weapons and kill my citizens, I think it would be perfectly fine to feel threatened by that.


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04 Nov 2013, 10:07 am

Schneekugel wrote:
If a foreign country attacked US citizens with drone attacks, on US territory: Would you think that people not living on as if nothing happened, but instead daring to be concerned about an foreign government illegally killing citizens with military weapon on your countries territory, would have some sort of weird phobia or be right about that?

If terrorists would attack my country repeatedly with military weapons and kill my citizens, I think it would be perfectly fine to feel threatened by that.

Therein lies the hypocrisy of the peddlers of mischief surrounding the so called 'myth' of drono-phobia.

When the planes crashed into the twin towers, it was considered perfectly rational among US citizens for people from Honolulu to Ground Zero to grab burning torches and pitchforks. Rightists, who would otherwise be so fast to lambaste Afghan or Pakistani drone victims for analogous behaviour were nowhere to be heard.

No, instead red top tabloid and Murdochian news purveyors were given free reign to give us round-the-clock coverage and never ending 30 page pullout specials in our newspapers. Not once however did they utter a syllable for the quarter of a million or so dead Iraqis and other places in-visited by NATO retributory adventures. Anyone who dared criticise this state of affairs was chewed up for being a terrorist lackey or sympathiser.

That is why I wish they would either be consistent or shut up.

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04 Nov 2013, 10:16 am

thomas81 wrote:
That is why I wish they would either be consistent or shut up.

Wow... I cannot imagine for the life of me who else that statement might apply to.....

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04 Nov 2013, 10:18 am

91 wrote:
thomas81 wrote:
That is why I wish they would either be consistent or shut up.

Wow... I cannot imagine for the life of me who else that statement might apply to.....

Either elaborate or quit hiding behind innuendo before you hit the submit button.

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04 Nov 2013, 10:31 am

thomas81 wrote:
91 wrote:
thomas81 wrote:
That is why I wish they would either be consistent or shut up.

Wow... I cannot imagine for the life of me who else that statement might apply to.....

Either elaborate or quit hiding behind innuendo before you hit the submit button.

Praise Castro, Che, defend Hamas, hell even North Korea, Anyone who clicks on your post history will see you're about as balanced as a political discussion moderated by Beria.

Life is real ! Life is earnest!
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04 Nov 2013, 10:56 am

91 wrote:
thomas81 wrote:
91 wrote:
thomas81 wrote:
That is why I wish they would either be consistent or shut up.

Wow... I cannot imagine for the life of me who else that statement might apply to.....

Either elaborate or quit hiding behind innuendo before you hit the submit button.

Praise Castro, Che, defend Hamas, hell even North Korea, Anyone who clicks on your post history will see you're about as balanced as a political discussion moderated by Beria.

As ever, you apply an oversimplified observation.

My analysis on Cuba, Palestine, North Korea etc is tempered by an honest review of historical semantics and the critical objectivity of a socialist outsider.

Being 'normal' is over rated.

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04 Nov 2013, 10:59 am

91 wrote:
thomas81 wrote:
91 wrote:
thomas81 wrote:
That is why I wish they would either be consistent or shut up.

Wow... I cannot imagine for the life of me who else that statement might apply to.....

Either elaborate or quit hiding behind innuendo before you hit the submit button.

Praise Castro, Che, defend Hamas, hell even North Korea, Anyone who clicks on your post history will see you're about as balanced as a political discussion moderated by Beria.

The enemy of your enemy is not always your friend.


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04 Nov 2013, 11:19 am

cubedemon6073 wrote:
91 wrote:
thomas81 wrote:
91 wrote:
thomas81 wrote:
That is why I wish they would either be consistent or shut up.

Wow... I cannot imagine for the life of me who else that statement might apply to.....

Either elaborate or quit hiding behind innuendo before you hit the submit button.

Praise Castro, Che, defend Hamas, hell even North Korea, Anyone who clicks on your post history will see you're about as balanced as a political discussion moderated by Beria.

The enemy of your enemy is not always your friend.

Never claimed to the contrary.

Being 'normal' is over rated.

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04 Nov 2013, 11:22 am

cubedemon6073 wrote:

The enemy of your enemy is not always your friend.

Afghanistan should sufficiently have shown that. "Lets support that religious maniacs and train them in guerilla fighting and warterrorism on organized armies. They are fighting the russians, so they must be our friends and sure will be thankful until all eternity for us misusing them and their country for our political games!"


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04 Nov 2013, 11:36 am

thomas81 wrote:
cubedemon6073 wrote:
91 wrote:
thomas81 wrote:
91 wrote:
thomas81 wrote:
That is why I wish they would either be consistent or shut up.

Wow... I cannot imagine for the life of me who else that statement might apply to.....

Either elaborate or quit hiding behind innuendo before you hit the submit button.

Praise Castro, Che, defend Hamas, hell even North Korea, Anyone who clicks on your post history will see you're about as balanced as a political discussion moderated by Beria.

The enemy of your enemy is not always your friend.

Never claimed to the contrary.

Never said you claimed it. There is this underlying belief that if one is against the way things are done in American and certain American beliefs that we automatically support countries like North Korea and Soviet Russia. The attitude from a lot of people is "You're either with us or you're our enemy. This is the Bush doctrine." Things are not this black and white. This is why Dr. Morris Berman doesn't want to live in the U.S., N Korea, or any of these countries. He is living in Mexico and he is happy as could be.

These people who claim that those who criticize America and automatically support N Korea see America as never being wrong. They see America and its people as God's chosen people destined to pave the way to Americanize the world and America as the epitome of perfection.


This is one of the main issues right here.


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04 Nov 2013, 12:44 pm

91 wrote:
thomas81 wrote:
91 wrote:
thomas81 wrote:
That is why I wish they would either be consistent or shut up.

Wow... I cannot imagine for the life of me who else that statement might apply to.....

Either elaborate or quit hiding behind innuendo before you hit the submit button.

Praise Castro, Che, defend Hamas, hell even North Korea, Anyone who clicks on your post history will see you're about as balanced as a political discussion moderated by Beria.

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09 Nov 2013, 2:29 pm

CIA, not Pentagon, to keep running drone war

http://www.presstv.ir/detail/2013/11/06 ... drone-war/