thewhitrbbit wrote:
How anyone would find this child abuse is beyond me.
It's intense, but she makes a good point, there are to many Christians who go to church and then act a fool outside. Think about the gang bangers who go to Sunday service, then kill each other on Monday. The bully who goes to church and hears about love thy neighbor, then taunts and harasses kids on Monday. Yeah, it's unpleasant to confront bad things, but it's part of growing up. When I did something wrong, I was made to know it, and I learned from it. My parents didn't turn a blind eye to it. It wasn't a happy time, but it was a learning experience.
Yes and what is to say any of those kids want to be Christians?....maybe its not abuse, but it certainly disgusts me. Also she is telling these kids they are doing all these horrible things as if she knows each and every one of them, negative generalizing isn't particularly a good thing. Not being a devout christian that follows all the rules to a t isn't wrong.
We won't go back.