faults of westernized thinking,
Aspie_Chav wrote:
snake321 wrote:
Another example, science vs. religion, religious people do not use a bit of logic or rationality, however, religion does offer a platform for morality to those who are too weak to develope morality on their own (which is sadly most people). However, hardline atheists often use science, evolution, or genetics as an excuse to consciously act like primates..
That's NTs for you, they can't handle the truth of the universe. Religion is an evolved lie that feeds on power. A particular religions is nurturing to its own but viciously savage to the enemy. One thing that religion(the evolved lie) teaches us is family values and strong marriage makes for a strong society, abstinence before marriage also makes for a strong society.
The religious rituals and practices are not surplus meaningless rituals but always lead to something earthly and materialistic.
Religious practices tend to lead to too things; it makes their society strong or it helps them to win wars over other religions.
I agree, for the most part, with the exception of a few religions, namely Buddhism as I've rarely heard any wars fought over it (though, I cant say NO wars have been, I just don't know any).
I believe a true religion will allow a "member" to guide his/her life through a process which should ultimately take them to a higher state of 'awareness' or an eventual 'awakening' which very few people experience (but where MANY have an opinion on it).
Athiesm believes in no dieties but there is no practice for "awakenings." "Awakening" isn't something science can really lead you to and will actually have little to 0 information on it but its as natural as "birth" or "an animal eating another." Its forgotten in "westernized" world and even ignored or laughed at. One thing is for sure, its a topic left for ignorance.
Corvus wrote:
Aspie_Chav wrote:
snake321 wrote:
Another example, science vs. religion, religious people do not use a bit of logic or rationality, however, religion does offer a platform for morality to those who are too weak to develope morality on their own (which is sadly most people). However, hardline atheists often use science, evolution, or genetics as an excuse to consciously act like primates..
That's NTs for you, they can't handle the truth of the universe. Religion is an evolved lie that feeds on power. A particular religions is nurturing to its own but viciously savage to the enemy. One thing that religion(the evolved lie) teaches us is family values and strong marriage makes for a strong society, abstinence before marriage also makes for a strong society.
The religious rituals and practices are not surplus meaningless rituals but always lead to something earthly and materialistic.
Religious practices tend to lead to too things; it makes their society strong or it helps them to win wars over other religions.
I agree, for the most part, with the exception of a few religions, namely Buddhism as I've rarely heard any wars fought over it (though, I cant say NO wars have been, I just don't know any).
I believe a true religion will allow a "member" to guide his/her life through a process which should ultimately take them to a higher state of 'awareness' or an eventual 'awakening' which very few people experience (but where MANY have an opinion on it).
Athiesm believes in no dieties but there is no practice for "awakenings." "Awakening" isn't something science can really lead you to and will actually have little to 0 information on it but its as natural as "birth" or "an animal eating another." Its forgotten in "westernized" world and even ignored or laughed at. One thing is for sure, its a topic left for ignorance.
One thing I never understood about Buddhist/Japanese history is fuedal Japan, does the fuedalist system not go against the Buddhist teachings?
snake321 wrote:
Corvus wrote:
Aspie_Chav wrote:
snake321 wrote:
Another example, science vs. religion, religious people do not use a bit of logic or rationality, however, religion does offer a platform for morality to those who are too weak to develope morality on their own (which is sadly most people). However, hardline atheists often use science, evolution, or genetics as an excuse to consciously act like primates..
That's NTs for you, they can't handle the truth of the universe. Religion is an evolved lie that feeds on power. A particular religions is nurturing to its own but viciously savage to the enemy. One thing that religion(the evolved lie) teaches us is family values and strong marriage makes for a strong society, abstinence before marriage also makes for a strong society.
The religious rituals and practices are not surplus meaningless rituals but always lead to something earthly and materialistic.
Religious practices tend to lead to too things; it makes their society strong or it helps them to win wars over other religions.
I agree, for the most part, with the exception of a few religions, namely Buddhism as I've rarely heard any wars fought over it (though, I cant say NO wars have been, I just don't know any).
I believe a true religion will allow a "member" to guide his/her life through a process which should ultimately take them to a higher state of 'awareness' or an eventual 'awakening' which very few people experience (but where MANY have an opinion on it).
Athiesm believes in no dieties but there is no practice for "awakenings." "Awakening" isn't something science can really lead you to and will actually have little to 0 information on it but its as natural as "birth" or "an animal eating another." Its forgotten in "westernized" world and even ignored or laughed at. One thing is for sure, its a topic left for ignorance.
One thing I never understood about Buddhist/Japanese history is fuedal Japan, does the fuedalist system not go against the Buddhist teachings?
Shintoism and Buddhism combined: "One is born a Shinto but dies a Buddhist." And feudal Europe was inconsistent with many of Christ's ideals. To assume that only Christians are capable of gross inconsistency is a simplification not justified by the evidence. Inconsistency is a recurring HUMAN trait. Plus either Buddhist or Christian ideals would be very difficult and challenging to live by consitently. It maybe that the emphasis on forgiveness in Christianity may have encouraged SOME Christians to moral laxity, though a distorted version of the concept pf justice (not in Christianity, but in some Christians) may also be a real peril.
You are like children playing in the market-place saying, "We piped for you and you would not dance, we wailed a dirge for you and you would not weep."