Cat-calling is harmless flattery...
YippySkippy wrote:
This is the thing that confuses me, though. Are you suggesting that a person who is catcalling somehow needs to know whether the person is being being catcalled is going to reciprocate or not before the catcall takes place?
Hypothetically speaking, do I somehow need to know whether you'd like to be punched before I punch you? Or can we just assume that you'd not like to be punched?
Well, in the case of the catcalling video, when men who state "good morning" to a woman, that is considered harassment. Do you think punching someone in the face and saying "good morning" are similar behaviors? If not, then your analogy is not apt.
SignOfLazarus wrote:
If you YELL at someone- that is not reasonable effort at communication.
If you speak to a stranger clearly and they do not reciprocate, and you speak to them again? That is harassment. They did not reciprocate- did not show interest. If you continue to attempt to force communication, that is harassment.
If someone is staring straight ahead- that is a signal they are not interested in engaging. If you attempt to engage, that is already stepping across a line, though perhaps not an explicit one- but certainly if you speak to that person and continue to do so after they do not reciprocate? harassment.
If you make noises, make gestures, whistle, moan, obstruct someone's path, use any kind of intimidation, insult someone, pressure someone into communication, touch someone without their consent, follow someone: harassment.
I agree with this, however it seems that some people have extended the definition of catcalling. For instance when in the catcalling video people say "how are you doing", the people who made the video consider that harassment, which is confusing to me.
The examples you provide I would also consider harassment and are wrong. But it appears that simply greeting someone is also considered harassment, and it is the grey area I would like to explore so I have a better understanding of the subject.
SignOfLazarus wrote:
If you are unsure if you are making a reasonable effort at communication? You probably are not.
Don't worry I hardly ever communicate with anybody. In fact I would never approach and talk to a woman I don't know. But apparently this is how a lot men meet women and begin relationships with them.
SingOfLazarus wrote:
CynicalWaffle wrote:
you'll get all sorts of harassment if you stand out. That goes for either gender. What has to be done is to figure out how to get rid of harassment.
...maybe start by not blaming the victim anymore.
This is a ridiculous strawman argument and you know it. CynicalWaffle did not blame the victims of harassment in any way whatsoever. He simply stated that those dense enough to behave like this are more likely to pick on people who stand out. This in no way shifts responsibility onto the victims for what happened to them, it's simply an empirical fact. Humans tend to pick on those different to themselves because this way, they'll be more likely to garner support from similarly insecure people around them.
In the past, I've been publicly harassed (verbally and physically) in public because of my unusual appearance and body language as a result of being Autistic. I was treated badly because I am different. Does this mean that what I had to deal with was my fault? Of course not. It simply means that people who are different are often perceived to be easy targets by bullies, and if you demand specific reference for that common knowledge, I don't think I can take you seriously in this conversation.
Acknowledging this fact is NOT synonymous with excusing the behaviour in question.
NOTE: I disown much of what I posted using this account. Peace.
The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
SignOfLazarus wrote:
The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
It is a behavior which is way more common among the working-class and particulary poorly educated men, the poorer the area the more it becomes common- and the more conservative the worse.
...I'm wondering, through the course of this discussion, if the behavior might look/manifest differently in different areas/neighborhoods?
It might be but the thread is abt catcalling.
Catcalling can still look different.
I don't know about other people, but when I wake up in the morning and put my shoes on, I think, "Jesus Christ, now what?"
-C. Bukowski
aghogday wrote:
...But it is not something generally speaking that folks take serious when a guy complains about it on the beach or in the dance hall as typically culture still dictates guys are supposed to like ALL ATTENTION FROM WOMEN, WHEN DONE IN 'that' way...
...more power to them, as long as it IS CONSENSUAL.
But seriously... a strange early twenty something woman coming up to me and rubbing her butt on my front in a dance hall. Men still CANNOT DO THIS AND AVOID JAIL. AND YES, of course that's a good thing, but it just goes to show this damn sure IS NOT A MAN only issue in our culture as it STANDS TODAY...
... I do not deserve it if I dance, NO MATTER HOW WELL I DANCE, DAM IT...
...more power to them, as long as it IS CONSENSUAL.
But seriously... a strange early twenty something woman coming up to me and rubbing her butt on my front in a dance hall. Men still CANNOT DO THIS AND AVOID JAIL. AND YES, of course that's a good thing, but it just goes to show this damn sure IS NOT A MAN only issue in our culture as it STANDS TODAY...
... I do not deserve it if I dance, NO MATTER HOW WELL I DANCE, DAM IT...
So, yeah. Agree. [truncated for clarity not distortion, which I hope is evident]
I don't know about other people, but when I wake up in the morning and put my shoes on, I think, "Jesus Christ, now what?"
-C. Bukowski
Kuribo64 wrote:
SignOfLazarus wrote:
Ok .
Are you seriously denying that people who differ from the norm are more likely to be harassed and bullied?
I am doing no such thing, so don't attribute to me things I do not say.
I wrote "ok". That means if you can't take me seriously then, well, "ok". I don't have to be bothered by it.
I don't know about other people, but when I wake up in the morning and put my shoes on, I think, "Jesus Christ, now what?"
-C. Bukowski
SignOfLazarus wrote:
Kuribo64 wrote:
SignOfLazarus wrote:
Ok .
Are you seriously denying that people who differ from the norm are more likely to be harassed and bullied?
I am doing no such thing, so don't attribute to me things I do not say.
I wrote "ok". That means if you can't take me seriously then, well, "ok". I don't have to be bothered by it.
I do hope that this was a mere misunderstanding...
NOTE: I disown much of what I posted using this account. Peace.
TeaEarlGreyHot wrote:
Women have been seen as property of some form for a very long time, yes. That doesn't change the fact that men that sexually harrass and/or assault women *today* are doing it out of a sense of entitlement derived from the notion women are public property.
Unless they happen to be taken. Then harrassing/assaulting them is a matter of insulting their male keepers.
Unless they happen to be taken. Then harrassing/assaulting them is a matter of insulting their male keepers.
For almost all that time, and almost everywhere, when women were not “taken”, they were considered their fathers’ property. The women closest to being considered public property were prostitutes, but they usually had pimps.
The red lake has been forgotten. A dust devil stuns you long enough to shroud forever those last shards of wisdom. The breeze rocking this forlorn wasteland whispers in your ears, “Não resta mais que uma sombra”.
SignOfLazarus wrote:
So, yeah. Agree. [truncated for clarity not distortion, which I hope is evident]
Ok.. no problem.. thanks... :)
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !
Persimmonpudding wrote:
Laci Green, look her up on Youtube.
The Vagina a few.
I have a few feminist friends, and they tend to gravitate toward that material.
As for my own opinion on the OP...I know better than to have one.
The Vagina a few.
I have a few feminist friends, and they tend to gravitate toward that material.
As for my own opinion on the OP...I know better than to have one.
I don't know who Laci Green is. If you are lumping me in with feminists, I'm not sure why. If you aren't, I have no idea why you mention you have feminist friends as no feminists have been brought up in this thread.
If the OP refers to me, you clearly have an opinion. If the OP refers to Laci Green on youtube, you clearly have an opinion.
If you want to say something, you should actually say it- since you already have. Rather than "say it but not say it"- which is completely ridiculous. That whole nonsense "I have something to say but I know better than to say it" is not a way out of having responsibility for saying something, because you actually did say something.
Given that you had to go through several steps for that to actually end up on the internet, it didn't exactly slip out, either.
I don't know about other people, but when I wake up in the morning and put my shoes on, I think, "Jesus Christ, now what?"
-C. Bukowski
Kuribo64 wrote:
SignOfLazarus wrote:
Kuribo64 wrote:
SignOfLazarus wrote:
Ok .
Are you seriously denying that people who differ from the norm are more likely to be harassed and bullied?
I am doing no such thing, so don't attribute to me things I do not say.
I wrote "ok". That means if you can't take me seriously then, well, "ok". I don't have to be bothered by it.
I do hope that this was a mere misunderstanding...
No. I did not truncate your first post SPECIFICALLY for misunderstanding.
Yes I absolutely did it because there are specific reasons I do not want to respond to what you put your first post, and I am fine with you not taking me seriously.
This is your first post:
Kuribo64 wrote:
SingOfLazarus wrote:
CynicalWaffle wrote:
you'll get all sorts of harassment if you stand out. That goes for either gender. What has to be done is to figure out how to get rid of harassment.
...maybe start by not blaming the victim anymore.
This is a ridiculous strawman argument and you know it. CynicalWaffle did not blame the victims of harassment in any way whatsoever. He simply stated that those dense enough to behave like this are more likely to pick on people who stand out. This in no way shifts responsibility onto the victims for what happened to them, it's simply an empirical fact. Humans tend to pick on those different to themselves because this way, they'll be more likely to garner support from similarly insecure people around them.
In the past, I've been publicly harassed (verbally and physically) in public because of my unusual appearance and body language as a result of being Autistic. I was treated badly because I am different. Does this mean that what I had to deal with was my fault? Of course not. It simply means that people who are different are often perceived to be easy targets by bullies, and if you demand specific reference for that common knowledge, I don't think I can take you seriously in this conversation.
Acknowledging this fact is NOT synonymous with excusing the behaviour in question.
-You said that *I KNOW* that I was making a strawman argument [nope. I know/knew no such thing].
Since you claimed to know what I knew, and are telling me that I am not showing you courtesy that I showed someone else- who did not interact with me in the same way- I have no reason to want to engage in debate with you. Why do I care if you take me seriously if you make a statement telling me what I am doing, or informing me of what I "know"?
I don't know if this is a small thing for you or not. But it is not for me, and I am under no obligation to continue to debate or discuss something if I feel the other person is going to make declarations about what they presume I understand or don't, know or don't know.
And if, for example, CynicalWaffle felt I made that misstep with them? If they thought I was telling them that's what they were doing [is it? you tell me]. They have every right to challenge me on that, to choose to cease discourse, to tell me I am wrong, all of the above. But you are not CynicalWaffle and I was under the impression they could speak for themselves. I could be mistaken.
I am explaining myself here, but neither of us is necessarily obligated to do so.
Hope that clarifies the misunderstanding.
I don't know about other people, but when I wake up in the morning and put my shoes on, I think, "Jesus Christ, now what?"
-C. Bukowski