Vaccination bill passes California Senate Health Committee

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10 Apr 2015, 7:19 pm

ooOoOoOAnaOoOoOoo wrote:
If someone would have offered me Chicken Pox vaccine now and i never had the illness, I would take it to avoid the itching and yucky sores. Needles don't scare me like they did. If someone would have given me a choice as a kid, I would have said a big fat NO because I hated needles with a burning passion and was deathly scared of them back then so I would have said NO to escape getting poked with a needle. I would have been one of the unvaccinated and that might not have been in my best interest, if it were left to me back then.

Yeah, it's pretty much universal that kids hate needles. An episode of Chibi Maruko Chan suggests that such dislike is also common among Japanese children and probably children in all cultures. As an adult, now, I have little problem with getting a shot or blood drawn if I know it would suit some medical purpose.

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10 Apr 2015, 7:48 pm

beneficii wrote:
Actually, it is the anti-vaxxers who are selfish. They often say things like they don't care about other children, such as those with medical conditions that prevent them from being vaccinated, and they're quite willing to increase the risk of such children catching one of those horrible diseases.

Also, the police are not going to come knocking down your door, snatching your child, and injecting them with needles. Simply in order to attend certain public settings, such as a school or college, they would require either vaccination or a medical exemption. Elementary schools, especially, if children aren't vaccinated would have such diseases running all over the place, due to so many children being packed together and elementary school children often not being very hygienic.

It is known that some elementary schools, typically those in wealthy areas, have relatively low levels of vaccination.

ooOoOoOAnaOoOoOoo wrote:
Government has the right to pass laws declaring children must be vaccinated just like there are a host of laws passed concerning children & their safety since they have very little, if any, rights of their own. They have no right to declare they should be vaccinated it's the parents that decide and if the parents are going to show they are not working in the best interest of their child a bill should be passed by the government that they have the right to seize the child and vaccinate him or her, then return child to parents after the vaccination and this should be done as quickly and quietly as possible, and non intrusive, so that life is not disrupted for very long. One little vaccination in the quick, brief, blink of an eye. After a few more times, it's done and that's all. Stop obsessing on it. Your child will not be contaminated for life because he got a few vaccines before the age of five.

how other than using police and force is the government going take ones child without the parent consenting?

you all pass these laws without considering the reality of them.


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10 Apr 2015, 8:00 pm

It would be complicated and would require all medical personnel to have instant access to a child's vaccination record. They would check it whenever they see the child to see if they have all their immunizations and if they do not, they will get the ones they are behind on. Wouldn't require policing or fining the parents in any way, just taking the child and giving them the vaccine.

I am sure, at some point, parents will take their children in to be seen by a doctor. I would hope so. Can't imagine a child not seeing a doctor the ENTIRE time they are growing up. I would hope the parents wouldn't be that out of touch with reality to neglect their child's medical needs by saying God has provided everything we need.


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10 Apr 2015, 8:25 pm


Vaccination laws are enforced by denying children admittance to places such as schools and colleges if their vaccinations are not accounted for. You must know this. It's pretty effective. What California's law plans to do is eliminate the personal belief and religious exemptions, no longer permitting schools and colleges to admit students who aren't vaccinated without a medical exemption.

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10 Apr 2015, 8:45 pm

If we don't vaccinate our kids, there will be more cases of polio, diphtheria, whooping cough, etc.

Why do you think they came up with the vaccinations in the first place?

Yes, kids don't like needles--I didn't like them when I was a kid, either.

If we don't vaccinate, we'll go back to the days when people died of such things as scarlet fever.


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10 Apr 2015, 10:35 pm

I'd also like to point out that there are laws requiring vaccination or being able to get some sort of exemption--medical exemptions are the universally common exemption--in order to be admitted to school are in effect in all 50 states. This was something that was completed by the 1950s, I believe. Now there are attempts to at least eliminate the personal belief exemptions, which are present in 19 or 20 different states, to try to keep vaccination levels tight. 48 out of 50 states do maintain religious exemptions, but those have not had the impact on vaccination rates as personal belief exemptions have.

And believe it or not, the 2 states that do not allow any kind of exemption except medical are the deep red state of Mississippi and the historically conservative Democratic--but which has voted for the Republican in the last 4 Presidential Elections--state of West Virginia.

The issue of vaccines has been made out by some to be far more partisan than it actually is. In fact, the states that permit personal belief exemptions tend to be blue states, while the states that don't permit them tend to be red states.

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11 Apr 2015, 12:29 am

ooOoOoOAnaOoOoOoo wrote:
It would be complicated and would require all medical personnel to have instant access to a child's vaccination record. They would check it whenever they see the child to see if they have all their immunizations and if they do not, they will get the ones they are behind on. Wouldn't require policing or fining the parents in any way, just taking the child and giving them the vaccine.

I am sure, at some point, parents will take their children in to be seen by a doctor. I would hope so. Can't imagine a child not seeing a doctor the ENTIRE time they are growing up. I would hope the parents wouldn't be that out of touch with reality to neglect their child's medical needs by saying God has provided everything we need.

didn't see a doctor from start of middle school never needed to.

you don't get it. parents won't simply let you take their kid. so when they point a weapon at you and say leave what are you going do?

beneficii wrote:

Vaccination laws are enforced by denying children admittance to places such as schools and colleges if their vaccinations are not accounted for. You must know this. It's pretty effective. What California's law plans to do is eliminate the personal belief and religious exemptions, no longer permitting schools and colleges to admit students who aren't vaccinated without a medical exemption.

what college did you go to?
non hear ask for medical records.
only in middle school was vaccines brought up never again.

then i guess I'll just homeschool my kids, wouldn't' want them in the lefts brainwashing factories anyways.

kraftiekortie wrote:
If we don't vaccinate our kids, there will be more cases of polio, diphtheria, whooping cough, etc.

Why do you think they came up with the vaccinations in the first place?

Yes, kids don't like needles--I didn't like them when I was a kid, either.

If we don't vaccinate, we'll go back to the days when people died of such things as scarlet fever.

should be up to parents not forced. laws saying they can't go to school are fine why force people.

i hate needles cause when i was very young i was traumatized by them nothing to do with shots. up until then i was fine with shots. It's taken me most my life to get to the point i can do it with looking away.

also not replying after this. this thread has caused me way to much stress, anxiety and fear. and made my family upset at me. along with making me super depressed.


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11 Apr 2015, 12:31 pm

I attended and graduated from the University of Memphis, which did want my vaccination records.

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11 Apr 2015, 12:51 pm

This CDC webpage goes into detail regarding requirements for child care and elementary school: ... chool.html

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13 May 2015, 9:19 am

I say good. Keep the anti-vaccer kids away from the healthy ones and things might work out ok.

Sly and his ilk can go to a special school where all the lepers and plague carriers can live out thier short lives giving each other disentery and ebola. Best to let those kids die out early than risk them passing on thier parents stupidity to the next generation. Survival of the fitist and all that. Let nature do it's job. :wink:


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13 May 2015, 2:19 pm

Geekonychus wrote:
I say good. Keep the anti-vaccer kids away from the healthy ones and things might work out ok.

Sly and his ilk can go to a special school where all the lepers and plague carriers can live out thier short lives giving each other disentery and ebola. Best to let those kids die out early than risk them passing on thier parents stupidity to the next generation. Survival of the fitist and all that. Let nature do it's job. :wink:

lol, kids with vaccines are any more healthy then non vaccine ones. they still get the flu and other things. just lest often. all vaccines do is decrease the odds of getting things. I was vaccinated all my life yet still got sick so did others who were. just cause they don't have vaccine don't meant they'll get it. fyi if you just kep the people with the diseases out of the nation then how would anyone get them? gotta be transferred from a sick person to another person. you can't just stand in a field and get them.

and heres a question if vaccines and stopping the spread of diseases is so important, why isn't boys hpv vaccines paid for and mandated like with women. cause you don't care if men get cancer and stuff? why won't they pay for condoms that would stop the spread but pay for stuff to protect women.

so what's the real intention behind vaccines, cause it doesn't seem like its everyone should get all of them but rather picking and choosing which and who. but back to my point you assume that everyone would get it if not vaccinated. and if that's true your kid is vaccinated, so what harm is there for him to be next to a non vaccinated unless the vaccine doesn't fully work?

also by that logic how are any of us here after thousands of years of no vaccines surely the human race should have been wiped out by now. the left and their non logical end of the world bow to the gov stuff.
will you support everyone getting micro chipped ? those on the left who want that as its safer and better.

also you're normally nice but now you're showing your true colors I guess. anyone who disagrees with you is stupid and should die. :(

i say opposites when one day you follow and obey the gov types get killed by some bad vaccines the rest of us will rebuild a better more free nation. ie the original one started back in 1776

enjoy you chip and constant gov tracking of your life telling you what you can and can't do.