The 2016 Republican Field
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Oh, MY----I strongly disagree!! In THIS country, most Republicans are against abortion and same-sex marriages, and people vote for THEM, all-the-time!!
They still dont like abortion and SSM but mainstream conservatives are seeing them as a lost causes best quietly forgotten about in favor of more immediate issues.
Scott Walker's the mainstream non-Bush candidate, right? He was doing interviews about his desire to pass a constitution amendment banning gay marriage as recently as a month ago.
I feel quite sorry for moderate Republicans, they just don't have anyone who represents them. Well, except Clinton.
The establishment is in pretty bad shape as far as its preferred candidates, they're all duds it seems. Jeb and then Rubio will probably stick around for awhile but I doubt Scott Walker ever recaptures his place in the polls since he's a total stiff in person. Kasich might have his moment yet but Christie/Perry/Jindal are all toast. So much for the governors...
Trump released his immigration plan yesterday, more substance than the rest of the field is bringing right now. Trump bringing up these H-1B visas caught my attention, this is something Bernie Sanders has highlighted as well. Ends birthright citizenship to children of illegals, really a no brainer where else in the world do they do things we do? Some of it is ugly but a solution, lets see what the others come up with.
Oh, MY----I strongly disagree!! In THIS country, most Republicans are against abortion and same-sex marriages, and people vote for THEM, all-the-time!!
They still dont like abortion and SSM but mainstream conservatives are seeing them as a lost causes best quietly forgotten about in favor of more immediate issues.
Scott Walker's the mainstream non-Bush candidate, right? He was doing interviews about his desire to pass a constitution amendment banning gay marriage as recently as a month ago.
You're really on a Raptor hunt the past day or so.

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
- Thomas Jefferson

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I have to agree with that, whole hardheartedly. But then again, he aint getting the Republican nomination, as he's too sane, and is too willing to work across the aisle for the rabid Republican right.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer

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The Donald has placed another stepping stone to the Whitehouse, Birthright Citizenship.
The 14th says, citizen if, you are born in the US, and Subject to the jurisdiction thereof.
A year ago the FBI shut down a Chinese Birth Tourism Mill in California, Chinese women flying to the US to give birth and get citizenship for their child. They called it a fraud.
You are a citizen if, at least one of your parents is, hence subject to the jurisdiction thereof. No matter where born.
No country grants citizenship to aliens born within their country. If the parents are aliens, so are their children.
The rest of US law says even the children of US Citizens who have been out of the country for five years are not citizens.
Birthright Citizenship, alien birth, would not stand if taken to court.
Texas has been refusing to issue Birth Certificates unless the parents can prove Citizenship.
A lot of Passports have been issued due to Fraud.
American citizenship for your baby is not included on a tourist visa.
Having a baby claimed as an American has been used to unite families, and get the parents legal entry.
This is Fraud on the Immigration Laws.
Is upholding the Laws on Immigration to the same standard all other countries do too much to ask of our government that costs us $4 Trillion a Year?
Vote Trump.

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The 14th says, citizen if, you are born in the US, and Subject to the jurisdiction thereof.
A year ago the FBI shut down a Chinese Birth Tourism Mill in California, Chinese women flying to the US to give birth and get citizenship for their child. They called it a fraud.
You are a citizen if, at least one of your parents is, hence subject to the jurisdiction thereof. No matter where born.
No country grants citizenship to aliens born within their country. If the parents are aliens, so are their children.
The rest of US law says even the children of US Citizens who have been out of the country for five years are not citizens.
Birthright Citizenship, alien birth, would not stand if taken to court.
Texas has been refusing to issue Birth Certificates unless the parents can prove Citizenship.
A lot of Passports have been issued due to Fraud.
American citizenship for your baby is not included on a tourist visa.
Having a baby claimed as an American has been used to unite families, and get the parents legal entry.
This is Fraud on the Immigration Laws.
Is upholding the Laws on Immigration to the same standard all other countries do too much to ask of our government that costs us $4 Trillion a Year?
Vote Trump.
Why am I not surprised at this post?
The thing is, America is a country of immigrants, both legal and illegal, and that fact has always separated us from most other countries. A baby born to foreign parents will grow up to be a proud American. Americans are from everywhere, and come to this country through all circumstances.
Vote Bernie.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer
Countries other than the USA which grant citizenship to anyone born within their borders include Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, and Pakistan. The only country in the Americas which doesn't is Colombia.
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Countries other than the USA which grant citizenship to anyone born within their borders include Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, and Pakistan. The only country in the Americas which doesn't is Colombia.
Mostly countries I want nothing to do with emulating, Canada will have to change this policy eventually as well but they have the added benefit of not sharing a border with a third world country. They better hope its never Americans coming over the border since there wouldn't be a Canada much longer. Jus soli is a pretty ridiculous policy and not one possible with the modern entitlement state; sure we could have open borders if we had no social security, no food stamps, no public schools, no minimum wage laws, no labor protections, no public anything, otherwise you have to manage and make sure who enter this country fit our best interests. People that whine about needing all this cheap labor should realize what they're saying is that American workers are paid too much and receive too many benefits because that is what is ultimately being achieved by these scab workers. The great Chicano activist Cesar Chavez shared a similar opinion, unrestricted immigration punishes the poor and dwindling middle class while the rich benefit. We need to help the people already here before we start worrying about inviting even more of the world's problems here.
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GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump is narrowing Democrat Hillary Clinton’s lead over him among potential voters next year, a new poll found.
Trump is now within 6 points of the former secretary of State, according to a CNN/ORC sampling released Wednesday morning.
The survey found Clinton currently tops the outspoken billionaire, 51 percent to 45 percent, among registered voters for the 2016 general election.
Trump trailed the former first lady by 16 points last month.
Trump’s rise in the polls is boosted by greater support among three key voting demographics, the new poll found.
Almost 80 percent of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents now support the New York business mogul, up from 67 percent in July.
Men now back Trump 53 percent, versus 46 percent a month earlier.
The poll also found that 55 percent of white voters are now picking the reality television star, up from 50 percent last month. ... on-clinton

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Oh, MY----I strongly disagree!! In THIS country, most Republicans are against abortion and same-sex marriages, and people vote for THEM, all-the-time!!
This isn't choosing a State Senator, this is the president, sorry for not making that clear. The president is decided by a few thousand people in Ohio, Florida, Colorado, and so forth. They're not the hardcore social conservatives who elect people like Huckabee. Even in 2010, Rubio couldn't get a majority in Florida, and that state has become much more socially liberal since (it's legalised gay marriage, for example).
Romney was pretty much as appealing to moderates as a social conservative can be, but still lost comfortably. What chance do hardcore conservatives have if he can't win?
I realize that, and I was referring to the presidency, when I said what I did.
Obama was against SSM, when he ran.
George W. Bush was against abortion, and SSM----and, apparently Florida, despite their hanging chads, voted him into the White House.
"Papa Smurf" (H.W.) didn't really have to address SSM, much, during his run----the same with Reagan and Nixon (meaning, Democrats had a hand in voting them in).
The point IS, people WILL get voted-in even if voters don't agree with a candidate, on a couple of issues----I have YET to agree, 100%, with ANY candidate.
Iowa is a state, like those you're referring to----a "deciding state"----people, there, change their minds (get sick of a party), just like people in the other states, you mentioned. People in border states, particularly, are sick-to-DEATH of immigrants, and a Republican might get voted-in, on that issue, ALONE.
Well, if Rubio couldn't get a majority, how'd he win a senatorial seat, in 2010? I don't understand what you're saying, there.....
I don't believe Romney was appealing to many, across-the-board (even the Repubs)----and, I don't believe he "lost comfortably", unless that's some kind of UKese, which translates as "got smeared". Romney was quite obviously, transparently, disgustingly out-of-touch, IMO----and, again, people get sick of a party (he was running on the heels of W).
I believe the GOP will win the White House in 2016, just because people are sick of the Dems----even other Dems, are sick of the Dems.
White female; age 59; diagnosed Aspie.
I use caps for emphasis----I'm NOT angry or shouting. I use caps like others use italics, underline, or bold.
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Oh, MY----I strongly disagree!! In THIS country, most Republicans are against abortion and same-sex marriages, and people vote for THEM, all-the-time!!
This isn't choosing a State Senator, this is the president, sorry for not making that clear. The president is decided by a few thousand people in Ohio, Florida, Colorado, and so forth. They're not the hardcore social conservatives who elect people like Huckabee. Even in 2010, Rubio couldn't get a majority in Florida, and that state has become much more socially liberal since (it's legalised gay marriage, for example).
Romney was pretty much as appealing to moderates as a social conservative can be, but still lost comfortably. What chance do hardcore conservatives have if he can't win?
I realize that, and I was referring to the presidency, when I said what I did.
Obama was against SSM, when he ran.
George W. Bush was against abortion, and SSM----and, apparently Florida, despite their hanging chads, voted him into the White House.
"Papa Smurf" (H.W.) didn't really have to address SSM, much, during his run----the same with Reagan and Nixon (meaning, Democrats had a hand in voting them in).
The point IS, people WILL get voted-in even if voters don't agree with a candidate, on a couple of issues----I have YET to agree, 100%, with ANY candidate.
Iowa is a state, like those you're referring to----a "deciding state"----people, there, change their minds (get sick of a party), just like people in the other states, you mentioned. People in border states, particularly, are sick-to-DEATH of immigrants, and a Republican might get voted-in, on that issue, ALONE.
Well, if Rubio couldn't get a majority, how'd he win a senatorial seat, in 2010? I don't understand what you're saying, there.....
I don't believe Romney was appealing to many, across-the-board (even the Repubs)----and, I don't believe he "lost comfortably", unless that's some kind of UKese, which translates as "got smeared". Romney was quite obviously, transparently, disgustingly out-of-touch, IMO----and, again, people get sick of a party (he was running on the heels of W).
I believe the GOP will win the White House in 2016, just because people are sick of the Dems----even other Dems, are sick of the Dems.
I think most people know Obama wasn't really against marriage equality when he first ran for office. Rather, it was more a matter of political expediency to get elected, before he could gently guide public opinion in the right direction. Basically, he had borrowed a page from Lincoln's book, in regard to Lincoln's stance on leaving slavery alone, till he could maneuver the north's people in the direction of waging a war of liberation.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer
Senator Jacob Howard, Author of the 14Th Amendment. explained the addition of, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof.
"This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, Aliens, who belong to the families of Ambassadors or Foreign Ministers."
Diplomats, tourists, and those here illegally were barred from Citizenship by birth.
No need to change the Constitution, just enforce it.
The courts ruled that a Native American was not a citizen, because his parents were not subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, but were subject to Tribal Authority. A Non citizen cannot give birth to a citizen.
If the parents are Mexican Nationals so are the children.

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The 14th says, citizen if, you are born in the US, and Subject to the jurisdiction thereof.
A year ago the FBI shut down a Chinese Birth Tourism Mill in California, Chinese women flying to the US to give birth and get citizenship for their child. They called it a fraud.
You are a citizen if, at least one of your parents is, hence subject to the jurisdiction thereof. No matter where born.
No country grants citizenship to aliens born within their country. If the parents are aliens, so are their children.
The rest of US law says even the children of US Citizens who have been out of the country for five years are not citizens.
Birthright Citizenship, alien birth, would not stand if taken to court.
Texas has been refusing to issue Birth Certificates unless the parents can prove Citizenship.
A lot of Passports have been issued due to Fraud.
American citizenship for your baby is not included on a tourist visa.
Having a baby claimed as an American has been used to unite families, and get the parents legal entry.
This is Fraud on the Immigration Laws.
Is upholding the Laws on Immigration to the same standard all other countries do too much to ask of our government that costs us $4 Trillion a Year?
Vote Trump.
I certainly will not vote for him.....and the conditions leading to all this illegal immigration should be looked at/adressed. We can enact law after law to refuse citizenship, but if the underlying issue is never determined or addressed its going to continue. Immigration costs us now well with the ridulous wall Trump wants to build down at the border, costs of manning the wall I imagine we'll need armed personal to shoot anyone who tries to come across right? corpses will have to be disposed of obviously any illegals that do make it in will have to be imprisoned and deported. We don't need a about some talk between the U.S and Mexico and other nations many immigrants are coming from? Why are conditions so bad there is such a large influx of illegal immigrants? What are solutions for that?
I mean we send aid and all kinds of stuff to africa why aren't we trying to do anything about poverty and violent living conditions south of the border....oh yeah there is cocaine and the war on drugs.
IDK I wonder how much money that will cost, and how much of any remaining positive reputation we might have that would cost. If they want to end birthright citizenship, well....I guess do what must be done, but then what about all of them already here...mass deportation does not seem like a very good solution for that.
We won't go back.

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Countries other than the USA which grant citizenship to anyone born within their borders include Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, and Pakistan. The only country in the Americas which doesn't is Colombia.
Mostly countries I want nothing to do with emulating, Canada will have to change this policy eventually as well but they have the added benefit of not sharing a border with a third world country. They better hope its never Americans coming over the border since there wouldn't be a Canada much longer. Jus soli is a pretty ridiculous policy and not one possible with the modern entitlement state; sure we could have open borders if we had no social security, no food stamps, no public schools, no minimum wage laws, no labor protections, no public anything, otherwise you have to manage and make sure who enter this country fit our best interests. People that whine about needing all this cheap labor should realize what they're saying is that American workers are paid too much and receive too many benefits because that is what is ultimately being achieved by these scab workers. The great Chicano activist Cesar Chavez shared a similar opinion, unrestricted immigration punishes the poor and dwindling middle class while the rich benefit. We need to help the people already here before we start worrying about inviting even more of the world's problems here.
As if it just popped up as a third world country and the U.S's historical invasive actions didn't play a role in making it that way. Also perhaps those who stay in this country should also fit our best interests, it means a lot of corporate elites should have their citizenship revoked for hogging resources, evading taxes, moving work over seas in the name of cheap labor because they can't bear to pay their employees a decent wage or abide by having safe working conditions. Also if we need to help the people already here what are we doing gallivanting around in the rest of the world and using our resources trying to be the world police?....I thought that was the U.Ns job, not that they do a great job but I thought they where supposed to be the world affairs people.
We won't go back.
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Countries other than the USA which grant citizenship to anyone born within their borders include Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, and Pakistan. The only country in the Americas which doesn't is Colombia.
Mostly countries I want nothing to do with emulating, Canada will have to change this policy eventually as well but they have the added benefit of not sharing a border with a third world country. They better hope its never Americans coming over the border since there wouldn't be a Canada much longer. Jus soli is a pretty ridiculous policy and not one possible with the modern entitlement state; sure we could have open borders if we had no social security, no food stamps, no public schools, no minimum wage laws, no labor protections, no public anything, otherwise you have to manage and make sure who enter this country fit our best interests. People that whine about needing all this cheap labor should realize what they're saying is that American workers are paid too much and receive too many benefits because that is what is ultimately being achieved by these scab workers. The great Chicano activist Cesar Chavez shared a similar opinion, unrestricted immigration punishes the poor and dwindling middle class while the rich benefit. We need to help the people already here before we start worrying about inviting even more of the world's problems here.
As if it just popped up as a third world country and the U.S's historical invasive actions didn't play a role in making it that way. Also perhaps those who stay in this country should also fit our best interests, it means a lot of corporate elites should have their citizenship revoked for hogging resources, evading taxes, moving work over seas in the name of cheap labor because they can't bear to pay their employees a decent wage or abide by having safe working conditions. Also if we need to help the people already here what are we doing gallivanting around in the rest of the world and using our resources trying to be the world police?....I thought that was the U.Ns job, not that they do a great job but I thought they where supposed to be the world affairs people.
You won't find me disagreeing on much of that, I think step one with Mexico is to legalize all drugs which would strip these criminal cartels of their and thus power but that would mean a few alphabet soup agencies(and couple other we've never heard of and probably don't even have names) would have to divest from their illicit activities and fund their black budgets some other way. I think we should stop giving aid to corrupt foreign governments, Mexico was essentially a one party state until 2000 and the PRI are back in power again anyway with Pena Nieto.
Securing the border is imperative, immigration needs to be metered and managed responsibly so it doesn't overwhelm the system or upset or displace the QOL of the native population. Big business exploits this and the way to punish them is to take it away. The reality is if we allowed everybody in the world to move here then we'd have like a billion people moving here and it and it wouldn't be America anymore, open borders is an impossible suicidal policy. Resources are limited, we need to take care of our own people first. If I were one of the 1% then perhaps I wouldn't care since I'd be immune from the consequences and would maybe even benefit on the back end of it.
Our military shouldn't be fighting anybody else's wars and we should start respecting the golden rule as to our foreign policy a bit more and start thinking about the effects of actions even if well intended. I don't like the UN either, the US is the biggest contributor to its budget too. Our founders warned us about entangling alliances; peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all is the way to go. Leading by example is the best way to spread our ideas, make this country great and the world will follow.