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19 Jan 2017, 4:26 pm

The_Walrus wrote:
iliketrees wrote:
Just because you never personally see it doesn't mean it's not going on in places you've never been to. It's like people in low crime-rate places being like "well I don't ever see crime so it doesn't seem like a real problem, all I see is people complaining about it". A lot of things exist that you may never actually see, it doesn't suddenly only become real once you see it.

If it happens, then it shouldn't be difficult for you to provide evidence for it.

For my part, I've only really observed "SJWs" (what a silly term) who have inclusive attitudes towards neurodiversity and autism acceptance. There might be a few who aren't so accepting, but they're quite a small minority. It's lazy and inaccurate to tar everyone with an interest in social justice as "not very accepting".

It's quite easy to find a wealth of "mainstream" SJ sites talking about including autism in their advocacy. ... ht-autism/ ... ist-issue/ ... man-value/

Go on tumblr or reddit or Facebook and it's even easier - but of course it's also easier to find people saying the opposite. Still, on balance I think SJ types are generally more accepting of autism than the general population.

This was an incident where an autistic college reporter was bullied by SJW's. It was discussed on WP at the time.

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19 Jan 2017, 6:50 pm

Easy with the hate speech. SJWs are people... individuals... if anything you say about them would be racist if you replaced "SJW" with "Mexican" than you are probably being a judgemental ass.

I know a lot of them, and they are just people.

Some people are idiots. Some people who are ASD are idiots. Some people who call themselves SJWs are idiots. Most of them are still just people.


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19 Jan 2017, 6:58 pm

I don't understand what is wrong with social justice warriors. I looked the term up and I don't understand the hatred about them.

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19 Jan 2017, 7:05 pm

Social Justice Warriors just overdo it sometimes.

Sometimes, they believe if somebody WITNESSES a man massaging a woman's shoulder (even if the woman consents), that it is "sexual harassment." I haven't encountered this personally---but I've heard stories.

Sometimes, they speak about something called "microaggressions." In other words, some SJW's get offended over every little thing. They get offended even if no offense was intended. They don't believe in people "growing a thick skin."

Sometimes, they just take themselves too darn seriously.


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19 Jan 2017, 7:48 pm

OhkaBaka wrote:
Easy with the hate speech. SJWs are people... individuals... if anything you say about them would be racist if you replaced "SJW" with "Mexican" than you are probably being a judgemental ass.

I know a lot of them, and they are just people.

Some people are idiots. Some people who are ASD are idiots. Some people who call themselves SJWs are idiots. Most of them are still just people.

I am judgemental about people that bully other people for whatever reason. I am judgemental about people that language police other people. I am judgemental about people that see racism, sexism seemingly everywhere. While I agree things like triggers, safe spaces have legitimate uses, I think there extensive overuse by SJWs is harmful to themselves and other people and the free exchange of ideas that campuses are supposed to about. How would you like if me and a bunch of language police bullied you or banned you and from saying being anti-Mexican is racist because Mexicans are not a race. Related I am judgemental about calling all forms of bigotry racist as SJW's tend to do.

All of my judgments are based on behaviors and how they judge other people. SJW's are a group defined heavily by behaviors and not race, sex, ethnic group, disease, neurology etc. If the individuals you are describing do not engage in the behaviors I describe above, they are probably Social Justice Activists, not Social Justice Warriors. Social Justice Activism has been stigmatized in part by the Social Justice Warriors.

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19 Jan 2017, 8:59 pm

OhkaBaka wrote:
Easy with the hate speech. SJWs are people... individuals... if anything you say about them would be racist if you replaced "SJW" with "Mexican" than you are probably being a judgemental ass.

I know a lot of them, and they are just people.

Some people are idiots. Some people who are ASD are idiots. Some people who call themselves SJWs are idiots. Most of them are still just people.
Would anything SJWs have said sound racist if you replaced "men" with "Jews"?

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19 Jan 2017, 11:40 pm

I think SJWs would be more than happy to be rid of us. Look at Jenny McCarthy and Allison Singer for example. They're eager to run us down with their words and bitchy ways.

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20 Jan 2017, 12:49 pm

CockneyRebel wrote:
I think SJWs would be more than happy to be rid of us. Look at Jenny McCarthy and Allison Singer for example. They're eager to run us down with their words and bitchy ways.

I don't think those people are SJWs. In fact, I think most SJWs would dislike them.

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20 Jan 2017, 12:56 pm

RetroGamer87 wrote:
Would anything SJWs have said sound racist if you replaced "men" with "Jews"?

Just because Bob is a member of a class of people, even if that class of people has members that are bullies, there is no justification to bully Bob. Ever. If Bob himself is a bully, there is no justification to bully Bob. There is ABSOLUTE justification to call Bob as an individual out on being a bully and defend yourself and others from him.

There are a huge number (most, in my experience) of SJWs that are not crybaby man haters. Those people annoy the snot out of me.

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20 Jan 2017, 12:59 pm

CockneyRebel wrote:
I think SJWs would be more than happy to be rid of us. Look at Jenny McCarthy and Allison Singer for example. They're eager to run us down with their words and bitchy ways.

In what universe are either of them SJWs. Your argument isn't even an argument. I can say hemoglobin and basalt in the same sentence, but it doesn't magically make them related.


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20 Jan 2017, 6:46 pm

OhkaBaka wrote:
RetroGamer87 wrote:
Would anything SJWs have said sound racist if you replaced "men" with "Jews"?
Just because Bob is a member of a class of people, even if that class of people has members that are bullies, there is no justification to bully Bob. Ever. If Bob himself is a bully, there is no justification to bully Bob. There is ABSOLUTE justification to call Bob as an individual out on being a bully and defend yourself and others from him.

There are a huge number (most, in my experience) of SJWs that are not crybaby man haters. Those people annoy the snot out of me.
I don't want to bully anyone. Of course it's not justified to bully people. I simply want that fraction of SJWs who are bullies to stop being bullies.

I also want SJWs who are not bullies to address the problem rather than ignoring it.

The toxic fraction of SJWs is certainly harmful to SJW as a whole. Yes I realise they're not a single organisation but if SJWs can call other people out on their bad behavior those no reason why they can't call out other SJWs for bad behavior.

I've seen otherwise moderate SJWs defending the radical SJWs, saying if you disagree with them, it's proof you're a misogynist. If the moderate SJWs cleaned out their movement, people would take them more seriously and then they could do a lot of good in the world.

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20 Jan 2017, 8:49 pm

Wolfram87 wrote:

We're talking about people who believe there are 300 genders, some of which are "cat", "fire" and "swamp".

LOL, hey, I'm a fire swamp cat, and my pronouns are meow, meows, and meowing! Don't oppress me! :lol:

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20 Jan 2017, 10:02 pm

StarTrekker wrote:
Wolfram87 wrote:

We're talking about people who believe there are 300 genders, some of which are "cat", "fire" and "swamp".

LOL, hey, I'm a fire swamp cat, and my pronouns are meow, meows, and meowing! Don't oppress me! :lol:

I identify as transroyal. I feel that I am a king trapped in a peasants body. My pronouns are your majesty and your highness. :lol:

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20 Jan 2017, 10:17 pm

RetroGamer87 wrote:
StarTrekker wrote:
Wolfram87 wrote:

We're talking about people who believe there are 300 genders, some of which are "cat", "fire" and "swamp".

LOL, hey, I'm a fire swamp cat, and my pronouns are meow, meows, and meowing! Don't oppress me! :lol:

I identify as transroyal. I feel that I am a king trapped in a peasants body. My pronouns are your majesty and your highness. :lol:

I identify as a potato salad sandwich :)

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20 Jan 2017, 10:47 pm

Actually I have a lot of respect for transgender people. Both for the huge commitment they make and for the crap they put up with from both sides of the political spectrum.

The conservatives are ridiculous about the whole thing. Why can't they just let them use the bathroom associated with their identity? They say if a person of the wrong sex goes in to the bathroom it will cause a mass panic. What they forgot is that trans people dress in accordance with their gender identity, not in accordance with the sex they were born with.

i.e. A male to female transsexual wouldn't be dressed like Al Borland from Home Improvement. A male to female transsexual would be dressed like a woman. If someone wearing a dress and long hair goes into the lady's room, it will not cause a mass panic.

The proposed right wing legislation forcing people to use the bathroom of their sex of birth would have the opposite effect. Let's say there's a female to male transsexual who has made himself look convincingly like a man. If you forced him to use the lady's room because he was born female, that would cause precisely the sort of mass panic the conservatives are trying to avoid.

And the idea that transsexuals using the bathroom associated with their gender are actually pedophiles trying to kidnap kids is not only insulting, it's stupid. The idea that a pedo is going to wear a dress and makeup as part of a harebrained scheme is literally like something out of a Bugs Bunny cartoon.

Some of those sickos like little boys and they already have access to the men's room. As for the sickos who are after little girls, remember that unlike the men's room, the ladies room has every toilet divided into stalls. Anyone running out the lady's room with a child under their arm will be seen as an obvious kidnapper and be stopped by mob justice. Anyway, the male to female sex reassignment effectively requires the patent to be castrated. So if some pedo was foolish enough to get a sex change that would be a good thing.

I used to be skeptical of the idea until I spoke to some trans people on another forum. They explained to me that they felt like the outwards sex they were born as was a biological mistake of nature and they had a mind that is biologically hardwired to be the other sex.

Then the SJWs think they're "helping" the transsexuals by saying "sex is nonbiological anyway" when the transsexuals argument rests on the premise that sex is biological.

It's not doing the transsexuals any favours. Some SJWs have claimed that male/female behaviors are 100% learned from culture. This is not true. Look at the David Reimder case. The scientists of the day thought of they gave him an involuntary sex change during infancy, he would grow up learning culturally girlish behaviours and get totally used to it, thus never suspecting that he was once a boy. It failed. He knew that he was really a boy the whole time. He died from suicide.

Preventing a transsexual from getting a sex change would be just as bad. It would have the same effect. It would cause just as much depression and anguish if someone with a female mind was forced to live as a male just because she was born with a penis.

And yet the SJWs say there is no sex difference in the mind. They say male/female behaviours are totally learned from culture. If that was true than transsexuals would have no problem behaving in the way of their birth sex. But clearly they do have a problem with this.

The SJWs make it sound like being transsexual is a choice. It's not a choice. It's a need. They don't just choose to get a sex change on a whim.

We know that being gay is not a choice. Why is it so hard for them to understand that being gay isn't a choice either?

I think it's ridiculous making transsexuals weight until they're 18 to get sex reassignment surgery and hormone treatment. Why wait until after puberty when their body has irreversibly taken on a male appearance? On the other hand it's ridiculous to give this choice to four year olds because at that age they're used to playing pretend.

So if you tell 4 year olds they can be the other sex, and they think this is an opportunity to pretend to be the other sex and then their teacher sees them "identifying" as the opposite sex, tells their left-leaning parents, who take their son to get a surgical procedure which results in his penis and testicles being amputated when really he was a cisgender boy all along. The minimum age should be 10 or 12.

Another problem from some SJWs is this idea that you should ask what someone identifies as. Like the conservatives the SJWs forgot that transsexuals tend to dress as their identified gender. i.e. male to female transsexuals tend to have long hair and female clothing. If you see a guy with a beard and a flannelette shirt it's safe to assume he's not a female to male transsexual so it's ok to use "he" and "him" (and if he just happens to be a female to male transsexual, than "he" and "him" would be appropriate for their gender identity).

I know that sometimes sex reassignment surgery isn't quite perfect and that a male to female transsexual may still have a mannish looking face. This can understandably be very depressing for them. So if you follow the SJW advice and ask if she's a "he" or a "her" this will only reinforce the depressing idea that she's not a real woman. But if you just go with "she" this will reassure her that she is a real woman, even if she wasn't born female.

I really feel for transsexuals because they've put up with BS from both sides. From one side they get accused of being pedophiles and from the other side they get their lifelong struggles trivialised.

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