First of all, to your main question:
rvacountrysinger wrote:
Do Atheists Really Consider Christians Less Intelligent?
This isn't my own point of view but the straight answer to that question would be an unfortunate yes. Atheists in general, most specially these days, think of any religion as some form of superstition. Only very narrow-minded people are supposed to be superstitious therefore... for those atheists, if you're religious you are dumb.
I think this very big atheist trend nowadays is a blatant fashion like brands of shoes, cereals, smartphones and so on. People talk of atheism and bash on religions like if they were wearing new clothes.
Intelligence is a tool, it's not a means in itself. Therefore, there are dumb people who are atheists and there are smart people who are religious. Religion has more to do with behaviour than intelectual capacity. Someone who's very smart can do very dumb things like being intolerant to religious people and killing hundreds of them, solely based on his own unfounded convictions that those people should be hated for this and that faint reason whatsoever.
rvacountrysinger wrote:
But is it maybe some atheists have bad experiences with Christians, so they try and dismiss something with which they are unfamiliar?
Your mileage may vary here, it's not so simple an answer. Why do people become christians? Why do some atheists become professed, unconditional christians overnight? Why are there people who seem to be attached to every religion there is? Why are there people who shift their faith every year, like from buddhist to muslim to Jeovah's witness then Rastafari and so on? I think you understand.
TBH there's a (majority) of people who are disgusting tribal apes and would do anything to feel superior to others, they are always looking for something in their neighbour's erse that would make them feel right. Since you are a christian, you probably know the parable of the Pharisee and the Publican. There are Pharisees everywhere, mate... and they reproduce! It's sheer horror!
Don't mind the Pharisees and go live your faith in peace.