Our new president - President Emmanuel Macron!

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15 May 2017, 4:22 pm

Jacoby wrote:
If you support globalism then you're not helping your hurting the common man, Dems love themselves some 'free trade' now. Big $$$ has a way of convincing you of certain things.

This is completely true, but I deny it on the internet because of all the money ((($oros))) gives me to promote (((globalism))) and (((bankers))). The Koch money is a nice bonus.


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15 May 2017, 4:34 pm


Never mind, she says. France has surrendered again. Bon, C'est la vie.


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15 May 2017, 8:05 pm

The_Walrus wrote:
Lintar wrote:
The_Walrus wrote:
All of this despite a last-minute attempt by Russians to discredit Macron by hacking his emails.

Do people actually believe this silly lie? Do those who keep repeating it actually think that if they repeat it often enough it will become true?

Where is the evidence (as opposed to gossip and rumour) that this accusation is true? I ask because I have yet to see it.

According to Reuters:
Vitali Kremez, director of research with New York-based cyber intelligence firm Flashpoint, told Reuters his review indicates that APT 28, a group tied to the GRU, the Russian military intelligence directorate, was behind the leak. He cited similarities with U.S. election hacks that have been previously attributed to that group.

APT28 last month registered decoy internet addresses to mimic the name of En Marche, which it likely used send tainted emails to hack into the campaign’s computers, Kremez said. Those domains include onedrive-en-marche.fr and mail-en-marche.fr.

Another analyst confirmed he'd found APT28 fingerprints to Fortune.

Could you provide the link? That would be helpful. I want to look into this myself, because I am no longer willing (actually, I never was willing) to just take the word of those who clearly have unstated agendas to promote.


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15 May 2017, 8:09 pm

The_Walrus wrote:
Jacoby wrote:
If you support globalism then you're not helping your hurting the common man, Dems love themselves some 'free trade' now. Big $$$ has a way of convincing you of certain things.

This is completely true, but I deny it on the internet because of all the money ((($oros))) gives me to promote (((globalism))) and (((bankers))). The Koch money is a nice bonus.

Is this sarcasm... or are you actually confessing? Yes, I think the latter.

So, how is old Georgie doing these days? His health - the last time I heard about it - wasn't so good. Who will be his replacement within the New World Order hierarchy?


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15 May 2017, 8:18 pm

Jacoby wrote:
...I would of fired every Obama appointed official day 1. Completely clean house.

This may be a trivial point to raise for some, but usage of the expression "would of" when you really mean't to say, "would have", is just UNBELIEVABLY ANNOYING!! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! ! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

PLEASE! DO NOT DO THIS! For people who are supposedly precise, fussy and logical, the number of grammatical (and other) errors I notice here at W.P. is simply astounding.

P.S. I am not a hypocrite. If someone notices a mistake of mine (not that that will happen, of course) I insist they point it out. After all, how are we to improve ourselves if no one ever castigates anyone for making mistakes? Screw political correctness, not causing "offense", and constantly having to walk on egg-shells. We all need to be far more judgemental.

Okay, rant over :mrgreen:


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15 May 2017, 8:20 pm

Oh, one other thing. The correct expression is, "couldn't (or could not) care less". Why oh why do so many these days say, "could care less"? If you COULD care less, then that automatically means that you care, even if just a little, because there is an amount of caring that is below the level you currently have for... whatever. How can so many people not understand so basic a point?!


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15 May 2017, 8:28 pm

Lintar wrote:
Oh, one other thing. The correct expression is, "couldn't (or could not) care less". Why oh why do so many these days say, "could care less"? If you COULD care less, then that automatically means that you care, even if just a little, because there is an amount of caring that is below the level you currently have for... whatever. How can so many people not understand so basic a point?!

Maybe caring is, for them, an open set? In that case, no matter how little they care, there's always some lower level of caring that is still in the set. It seems unnecessarily complex, but I suppose we do refer to caring as strictly greater than zero caring, so it does fit.

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15 May 2017, 11:11 pm

Jacoby wrote:
Tollorin wrote:
Jacoby wrote:
Macron is the fascist elite, he is a media creation and a fake outsider in a country I guess that has a perversion for financial criminals as they very well might of voted for the rapist Dominique Straus-Kahn. His campaign is one built on fear, not the concerns of ordinary people. The banker does not care whatsoever about the suffering of the people, he is there to make sure the status-quo has its gravy train unimpeded. The communist Melenchon is obviously way less of a fraud than fake socialist Bernie Sanders who sold out his followers to help finance his 3rd vacation home in Vermont and to starve off an investigation into his wife.

You are very ignorant if you believe that everywhere has benefited from globalization and I have chuckle at you calling Arizona incredibly wealthy. You do know why I live here in the first place right? It's not 'cause I like the heat, it's because the place I grew up was ravaged by globalization. 'Make America Great Again' is an incredibly powerful statement to someone from a place that was better off 10 years ago, 10 years before that, and even 20 years before that. Large tracts of this country and their people have been essentially been abandoned, places like San Fran and NYC were the global elite live meanwhile have become richer and richer and richer which should help explain the bubble these folks live in when confronted with the real suffering of the rest of America that they affectionately refer to as 'flyover country'.

You complain about bankers, and the richs becoming richer, yet you approve of a president who deregulate Wall-Street, lower the tax of the richs and is himself a billionaires and a narcissist: you don't make any sense.

And who am I suppose to approve of? The resistance losers who think white people are evil and that we should have open borders? Also free stuff!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! :roll: If you support globalism then you're not helping your hurting the common man, Dems love themselves some 'free trade' now. Big $$$ has a way of convincing you of certain things.

I think Trump has been handcuffed by undemocratic elements in our government, he's better than any alternative but hasn't been given a chance to properly lead. There are people with their knives out to get him on both sides of the aisle, I would of fired every Obama appointed official day 1. Completely clean house. The snakes in the GOP are not trustworthy in the least.

They didn't wage such a campaign against Trump because he was one and the same, these people are scared ****less by the prospect of a true outsider who doesn't need their money.

If by globalism you mean someone who support global free market, then I'm not, if by globalist you mean someone that don't let nationalism lead him toward intolerance and hate to immigrants and muslims, then I am; if it mean that I'm some kind of traitor toward my nation(s), whatever it mean in the nationality jigsaw of a french québecois, then so be it! I don't want to betray my humanitarian values simply because a carrot and a manipulative woman said I should; I can think for myself and I simply despise their values and their way to see things.

Don't expect Trump to give back economic prosperity to poor workers either, his economic policies will only make their situation worst. Your best bet would be to vote for the left of the democratic party, but the elites you so quick to denounce have been very good in convincing poor workers to not listen to those who could have helped them by blaming immigrants, liberal profession and government workers. Now you have poor workers that are convinced that their problems come, somehow, from immigrants, college professors, scientists and the government and that billionaires would save them if only the government and liberal elites would get out of the way, the immigrants would be ruthlessly deported, and everyone that is weird and don't fall in line throw in overcrowded prisons: a bunch of citizens voting for their extortioners.

Also, I don't think of white peoples as evil, I'm myself white.

Down with speculators!! !


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16 May 2017, 12:39 am

Empathy wrote:

Never mind, she says. France has surrendered again. Bon, C'est la vie.

:lol: she lost heavily, you really need to find a way of accepting it and getting over it.


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16 May 2017, 2:26 pm

BaronHarkonnen85 wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
BaronHarkonnen85 wrote:
So sad that the EuroCucks had to win. I'm sure Reichschancellor Merkel is happy.

How is Merkel a Nazi? Just because she's German?

I never claimed she was a Nazi

The best known Reichschancellor was not the first (Bismarck) but the last (Hitler). When you give Merkel that title, you believe that people will think you refer to Bismarck? Sounds more like an insult with plausible deniability. Or else, you don't know how to insult people properly. I mean, of German authoritarians, Bismarck is one of the more respected, and seeing that you did seem to intend an insult, comparing Merkel to Bismarck isn't very effective.

I am reminded of a local AfD leader calling Merkel the worst German chancellor ever: https://www.indy100.com/article/angela-merkel-has-been-called-the-worst-chancellor-in-history-which-is-quite-awkward--b17bt_8d1Z. And the Daily Mirror went along with it. As someone commented, that bar is high.

Last edited by Gromit on 16 May 2017, 5:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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16 May 2017, 2:28 pm

Lintar wrote:
Oh, one other thing. The correct expression is, "couldn't (or could not) care less". Why oh why do so many these days say, "could care less"? If you COULD care less, then that automatically means that you care, even if just a little, because there is an amount of caring that is below the level you currently have for... whatever. How can so many people not understand so basic a point?!

Brits still say couldn't. I don't know about Canadians, Australians or New Zealanders, so I can't tell you whether this is a uniquely US thing.


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16 May 2017, 4:17 pm

The_Walrus wrote:
Macron has said his top policy goal is "to kill ISIS". They'll be terrified now that a major Western power has elected someone who will stand up to them.

what will Macron do for France?

Keep it in the EU, keep the economic whirring, keep the borders open, keep it in the Single Market, not demonise Muslims, and not ally with Trump and Putin.
He'll also copy Angela Merkel's best ever policy and ensure that France takes its fair share of refugees at long last.

Yes, allowing in all those refugees probably saved thousands of lives. Not to mention the benefits of multiculturalism. Germany is much better off thanks to all those refugees!

The disconnect of the fascist elite from the concerns of ordinary people is EXACTLY why Macron won. You just sit back and call people names while ignoring their suffering and not engaging with their concerns.

Believing in borders is a common albeit irrational view shared by many people across the political spectrum. Only neoliberals believe in standing up for your national interests.

Sure, some people will try to carry out terrorist attacks even after Macron crushes ISIS. Nothing any political leader could hope to do about that without introducing a police state, which isn't a price worth paying. The police and security services already do a really good job of stopping the pathetic little shrimp who try to commit terrorist attacks. On the rare occasions when one does unfortunately succeed in committing an atrocity, they get crushed immediately. They're losers who keep on losing and never achieve anything. Just like Marine Le Pen.

Do you think it is a coincidence that the states which embraced globalism are the ones which are the richest?

All cultures have value. That's what multiculturalism means. We want the best from every culture. In practice that basically means modern liberal Western culture with a bit of foreign food and some extra religious festivals.

Let’s see.
- Walrus thinks the dominant ideology of neoliberalism has made everything better, but at the same time he thinks the West has been dominated by a fascist elite who have been causing people to suffer.
- He pretends to care about national interests when it’s clear he thinks the whole concept of a nation is irrational.
- He makes out he supports international co-operation, but he doesn’t want France to be friends with America and Russia, two of the largest, most powerful countries on earth.
- He thinks that wealthy Western nations have their economies improved by letting in hundreds of thousands of illiterate Third Worlders.
- He thinks ISIS are going to be scared by a globalist shill like Macron when all Macron is going to do is let a load more potential ISIS-inspired terrorists into his country.
- He implies that open-borders globalism has made rich countries rich while ignoring the fact that they mainly became rich while practising protectionism and old-fashioned imperialism, ie- before they embraced the sort of globalism he favours.
- He talks about evidence based policies when there’s no way of knowing how much better off Western countries might be if they hadn’t been opening their borders for decades.
- Like a parody of a neoliberal he praises multiculturalism before admitting that he thinks all non-Western cultures have to offer the West is ‘foreign food’ (oh, and festivals – right), but he doesn’t explain why Westerners couldn’t just learn the recipes without opening their borders to masses of foreigners.
- And he calls jihadists losers, which kind of reminds me of that buffoon Boris Johnson trying to sound tough talking about a problem he wouldn’t have the balls to do anything about even if he had the opportunity.

It’s all gibberish.

The_Walrus wrote:
Open borders are great, open markets are great, trickle-down economics works. Cheap unskilled labour mostly benefits the working classes who spend a greater portion of their income hiring unskilled workers. Even I, a poor, working-class, comprehensively-educated young man, can see the benefits of globalism;

Here's the thing – ultimately people like Walrus parrot neoliberal propaganda because it makes them feel elite in some way. It’s a bit like those nobodies on the internet who quote Neil Degrasse Tyson and go on about how they "f@@@ing love science!" but at least they're relatively harmless.


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16 May 2017, 6:13 pm

All that glitters,..must be Gold! :wink:

Biscuitman wrote:
Empathy wrote:

Never mind, she says. France has surrendered again. Bon, C'est la vie.

:lol: she lost heavily, you really need to find a way of ....
I have accepted it.. but its not me who has to endure anther backlash of antisocial regimes.. hope France's citizens can recover.

You worry too much! :lol: Wait.. is it the wine of Revolution that has gone straight to your head?

Last edited by Empathy on 16 May 2017, 6:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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16 May 2017, 6:17 pm

slam_thunderhide wrote:
The_Walrus wrote:
Macron has said his top policy goal is "to kill ISIS". They'll be terrified now that a major Western power has elected someone who will stand up to them.

what will Macron do for France?

Keep it in the EU, keep the economic whirring, keep the borders open, keep it in the Single Market, not demonise Muslims, and not ally with Trump and Putin.
He'll also copy Angela Merkel's best ever policy and ensure that France takes its fair share of refugees at long last.

Yes, allowing in all those refugees probably saved thousands of lives. Not to mention the benefits of multiculturalism. Germany is much better off thanks to all those refugees!

The disconnect of the fascist elite from the concerns of ordinary people is EXACTLY why Macron won. You just sit back and call people names while ignoring their suffering and not engaging with their concerns.

Believing in borders is a common albeit irrational view shared by many people across the political spectrum. Only neoliberals believe in standing up for your national interests.

Sure, some people will try to carry out terrorist attacks even after Macron crushes ISIS. Nothing any political leader could hope to do about that without introducing a police state, which isn't a price worth paying. The police and security services already do a really good job of stopping the pathetic little shrimp who try to commit terrorist attacks. On the rare occasions when one does unfortunately succeed in committing an atrocity, they get crushed immediately. They're losers who keep on losing and never achieve anything. Just like Marine Le Pen.

Do you think it is a coincidence that the states which embraced globalism are the ones which are the richest?

All cultures have value. That's what multiculturalism means. We want the best from every culture. In practice that basically means modern liberal Western culture with a bit of foreign food and some extra religious festivals.

Let’s see.
- Walrus thinks the dominant ideology of neoliberalism has made everything better, but at the same time he thinks the West has been dominated by a fascist elite who have been causing people to suffer.
- He pretends to care about national interests when it’s clear he thinks the whole concept of a nation is irrational.
- He makes out he supports international co-operation, but he doesn’t want France to be friends with America and Russia, two of the largest, most powerful countries on earth.
- He thinks that wealthy Western nations have their economies improved by letting in hundreds of thousands of illiterate Third Worlders.
- He thinks ISIS are going to be scared by a globalist shill like Macron when all Macron is going to do is let a load more potential ISIS-inspired terrorists into his country.
- He implies that open-borders globalism has made rich countries rich while ignoring the fact that they mainly became rich while practising protectionism and old-fashioned imperialism, ie- before they embraced the sort of globalism he favours.
- He talks about evidence based policies when there’s no way of knowing how much better off Western countries might be if they hadn’t been opening their borders for decades.
- Like a parody of a neoliberal he praises multiculturalism before admitting that he thinks all non-Western cultures have to offer the West is ‘foreign food’ (oh, and festivals – right), but he doesn’t explain why Westerners couldn’t just learn the recipes without opening their borders to masses of foreigners.
- And he calls jihadists losers, which kind of reminds me of that buffoon Boris Johnson trying to sound tough talking about a problem he wouldn’t have the balls to do anything about even if he had the opportunity.

It’s all gibberish.

The_Walrus wrote:
Open borders are great, open markets are great, trickle-down economics works. Cheap unskilled labour mostly benefits the working classes who spend a greater portion of their income hiring unskilled workers. Even I, a poor, working-class, comprehensively-educated young man, can see the benefits of globalism;

Here's the thing – ultimately people like Walrus parrot neoliberal propaganda because it makes them feel elite in some way. It’s a bit like those nobodies on the internet who quote Neil Degrasse Tyson and go on about how they "f@@@ing love science!" but at least they're relatively harmless.

big if true!


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16 May 2017, 7:21 pm

I love effing science!


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16 May 2017, 11:30 pm

jrjones9933 wrote:
Lintar wrote:
The_Walrus wrote:
All of this despite a last-minute attempt by Russians to discredit Macron by hacking his emails.

Do people actually believe this silly lie? Do those who keep repeating it actually think that if they repeat it often enough it will become true?

Where is the evidence (as opposed to gossip and rumour) that this accusation is true? I ask because I have yet to see it.

I don't know much about internet security, but I do know about the community. If you had the capacity to understand the evidence, I feel confident that you would know where to find it. I find it amusing when people do that, demand evidence that's too technical for them to understand, and then impute bad motives to the people who can understand it on the basis of their being part of an elite.

Wait, what? How on earth did you "read" all of this into my simple request for the provision of evidence? If "you had the capacity to understand the evidence". What makes you think I wouldn't be able to? Do you think you know me that well?

When someone makes a claim here in print, and fails to back up that claim with something more substantial than rumour, then YES, I DO "impute bad motives" to the person concerned. It's easy enough to shout something inane like "the Russians did it", and I have had enough of that particular nonsense to last me the next ten years, but whenever one of these people are asked to actually back up their wild assertion(s) - with something they are usually completely unfamiliar with (i.e. reason, evidence - that sort of thing) - they then usually try to change the subject in the hope and expectation that they will be believed the next time they lie to us. Apparently they believe that all of us have the same short memories that they possess. Well, no, some of us actually have quite long memories, and simply don't trust those who seem to believe that the promotion of patent nonsense is justified if it furthers a warped political agenda.

It's like in the novel '1984' where there is a special department for the rewriting of history, and everyone seems to play along, conveniently forgetting what was believed to be true just five minutes ago. I well recall how everything was always "the fault of the Russians" back in the 1980's. It's the same old BS once again.