Cyanide wrote:
Atheist: "I believe God doesn't exist"
Agnostic: "God may exist, but he may not."
I'm an atheist because 'What is stated without proof, can be denied without proof' (Euclid). Also because of Occam's razor - reject the hypothesis with the most assumptions if there is no evidence favouring it over simpler hypotheses. Hence, reject supernatural assumptions like gods and the afterlife.
There are also many specific issues with particular religions. In any case, omnipotence is not logically self-consistent (can God create a stone so heavy he cannot lift it?), and I have yet to hear a good explanation of how the world's state is compatible with a loving god (there was some medieval sect that claimed that the world had in fact been created by the devil, and souls had been put in it by God as a punishment).
Finally, organised religion has served too many oppresors too well for me to have much sympathy for it.
I am the steppenwolf that never learned to dance. (Sedaka)
El hombre es una bestia famélica, envidiosa e insaciable. (Francisco Tario)
I'm male by the way (yes, I know my avatar is misleading).