MidnightMoon wrote:
I need to ask a question. Would you be challenging Muslims to prove themselves?
Muslims creationism exists as well ... so I already did challenge them.
Creationism is more common than some people think. Jewish creationism exists. Muslim creationism exists. Hindu creationism exists. Native American creationism exists. There are even some atheists who insist that the world must have been created by aliens.
I'm so sick of the way that Christians are being called out all the time.
Every religious group is being called out all the time.
"Those damn Buddhists! They're just a bunch of stoned hippies!"
"Those damn Muslims! They're all a bunch of camel-f***ing suicide bombers!"
"These damn atheists! They're all a bunch of fat, greasy, neckbearded, autistic adult virgins who masturbate to anime!"
"Those damn Satanists! Why do they murder black cats on Halloween? Why do they rape children? It's really sick!"
"Those damn Jews! They control the media and they won't stop stealing everyone's money!"
See? Every religious group gets this sort of thing.
Synthetic carbo-polymers got em through man. They got em through mouse. They got through, and we're gonna get out.