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What are my coincidences?
Supernatural phenomena 19%  19%  [ 5 ]
Delusions, symptoms of psychosis 31%  31%  [ 8 ]
Ideas of reference 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Effects of mere mathematical chance 50%  50%  [ 13 ]
Total votes : 26


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29 Aug 2018, 5:06 pm

There is no reason to believe there are spirits or devils, you are plainly obsessive and delusional. Medications will help. Mental illness is often treatable.


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30 Aug 2018, 11:48 am

I may wonder why the coincidences happened in my life. They started in 2014. Earlier I practically did not experience that sort of phenomena. Many people voted that my coincidences are results of mere mathematical chance - maybe they are, although the probability of it may looks relatively low.

Now new coincidences are quite rare. When I had some of my first coincidences 22.09.2014, I was excited, agitated and severely stimming, which was soemtimes loud. Earlier coincidences were interesting, although they were not associated with F21, F42.2 and F84.5 or 28.4.2015 or 24.6.2016 or 33, 42, 51 or 3, 6, 9 or 21.7.

There is interesting phenomenon associated with prime numbers and some of arithmetical sequences which have sum of digits 18, number of terms 3 and middle member 24 or 42:
- 11, 24, 37 (common difference 13)
- 11, 42, 73 (common difference 31)
- 17, 24, 31 (common difference 7)
- 13, 42, 71 (common difference 29)
All extreme members of these four arithmetical sequences are prime numbers (11, 37, 73, 17, 31, 13, 71)!
All four common differences are prime numbers (13, 31, 7, 29)! In extreme members of these four sequences only three digits are present: 1, 3, 7. Numbers 1, 3, 7 are not composite. Their product is... 21, one of factors is 7.

This is not the only phenomenon associated with these sequences and prime numbers. When we sort digits forming one of these four sequences ascendingly, we will receive 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7. When we produce three two-digit numbers from these digits, we will receive 11, 23, 47.
The difference between second and first number in the sequence is 12 and the difference between third and second numbers is 24. Let's add 12 to 24 and add the sum of 12 and 24 to third member of the 11, 23, 47 sequence.
So we have four-membered sequence: 11, 23, 47, 83. Let's add 36+12 to 83 to produce fifth member:
Let's add 48+12 to 131 to produce sixth member:
Let's add 60+12 to 191 to produce seventh member:
We received seven-membered sequence: 11, 23, 47, 83, 131, 191, 263.
Eighth member is 263+84=347. Seven first members of the sequence are additive prime numbers, it is probably the smallest such a sequence of at least seven additive prime numbers (eighth member is a prime number, but not an additive prime number).


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30 Aug 2018, 12:17 pm

You are not experiencing any coincidences. You need professional psychiatric help. Please get it ASAP.


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31 Aug 2018, 4:18 pm

I had a visit with my psychiatrist 20.08.2018 and probably I was diagnosed with schizotypal disorder, Asperger syndrome and obsessive-compulsive disorder. I arranged next appointment with a doctor at 6.11.2018 (from that date four-membered arithmetical sequence (6, 8, 10, 12) can be formed). Of course it would be good if I would have visit with my psychiatrist earlier, but I have large number of medications in my home and had a visit only 11 years ago.

I get olanzapine and sulpiride - theoretically antipsychotic drugs, against schizophrenia (although last time I was diagnosed with schizophrenia at early spring 2016). I also get paroxetine and chlorprothixen against an anxiety disorder (OCD). My coincidences, as I could deduce from the opinions of psychiatrists, appears to be a symptom of schizotypal disorder, not schizophrenic psychosis.

I have ruling about moderate level of disability due to mental illness, care allowance and social pension due to my mental health problems.

I found informations about "coincidences" (especially mathematical ones) in certain book.


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04 Sep 2018, 3:10 pm

The sum of digits forming 21, 42, 84 sequence is 21 and the difference of first and second digits is 7:
Sums and differences mentioned above form geometrical sequences.
21 and 7 is an interesting pair of numbers.

Products of digits forming sequence 21, 42, 84 form a geometric sequence with sum 42 and quotients of first and second numbers of that sequence form constant geometric sequence with sum 6:
Sum of numbers 42 and 6 is the same as product of their digits:
It is quite rare phenomenon. Another pairs of numbers which give such an effect are 46 and 2 (formed by the same digits as 42 and 6) and 96 and 12:
42:6=7, 21:7=3, 7*3=21

Sum of dividends and divisors in divisions mentioned earlier (2:1, 4:2, 8:4) is 21. Sum of quotients is 6.
21 and 6 is also an interesting pair of numbers - the product of 21 and 6 is formed by the same digits as two factors forming that product: 21*6=126. It is probably the only pair formed by two-digit and one-digit numbers which gives such an effect. Another examples of pairs of numbers giving such an effect are 21 and 60 and 210 and 6:


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06 Sep 2018, 4:02 pm

I noticed something interesting in sums of digits in the date 28.4.2015. If we count the digits which are present here one times each, we will recieve 20 - 2+8+4+0+1+5. Second number 2 was not counted. If we add all digits which are in the date 28.4.2015, including repetitions, we will receive 2+8+4+2+0+1+5 = 22. We received two numbers: 20 and 22.
Arithmetical mean of these numbers is 21 ((20+22):2=21).
Sum of the numbers 20 and 22 is 42.
Difference of squares of these numbers is (22*22)-(20*20)=484-400=84.

The sum of digits meaning day and month in the date 28.4.2015 is 14. Digits forming numbers 28 and 4 sorted ascendingly or descendingly form geometrical sequence. 14 is arithmetical mean of numbers 21 and 7 and difference of 21 and 7.

In the number meaning year in date 28.4.2015 there are the same digits as in birth weight written in my health certificate (2150 g).

I also noticed that the sum of numbers 77 and 7 is 84. Sum of digits in the phrase "77+7" is 21. In the phrase "77.7" there is only one sort of digits - 7.


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06 Sep 2018, 4:12 pm

See any interesting coincidences here?


The loneliest part of life: it's not just that no one is on your cloud, few can even see your cloud.


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06 Sep 2018, 4:25 pm

No, I do not see any coincidences there.

If I would be diagnosed with (paranoid) schizophrenia instead of schizotypal disorder, the amazing 21, 42, 84 coincidence would not happen. I think that author of that topic: viewtopic.php?t=212887 might be diagnosed with F21, F42 and F84. She might be the only woman in the history who was diagnosed with these three disorders at the same time. I may be the only man who was diagnosed with F84.5, F42.2 and F21 at the same time. She is 34 years old now and was diagnosed with Asperger's, schizotypal and OCD when was 13. About 21 years earlier. It would be about 1996 - 1998 year. The dates in these years can't be as coincident with F84.5, F42.2 and F21 as 28.4.2015. I may wonder how rare is the situation in which one person is diagnosed with Asperger's, schizotypal and OCD at the same time. I think that it may be VERY RARE.


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06 Sep 2018, 5:39 pm

You should get a job with my company:Retail,and Grocery, Inventory Service.

That way you could spend all day the way I do, eye balling candy bars on shelves and hitting the add button (one, three, two, four, plus three...). You will actually earn a wage. And you will get all the numbers you want. You can be as happy as a pig in mud wallowing in more "coincidences" than you ever dreamed of! :D


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07 Sep 2018, 4:21 pm

Many votes tell that my coincidences are just results of mere mathematical chance (ROMMC). If it is so, why I had diagnoses of schizotypal disorder or (paranoid) schizophrenia? There are some chances that my coincidences are ROMMC, but they may be quite low because my coincidences are quite large in number and started rather suddenly in IX 2014. Before second half of IX 2014 I did not experience coincidences. I had only some sort of ideas of reference associated with meteorite, comet, satellite or other object which fell from the sky at 31.08.1997 (last day before starting my going to school) and dangerously-looking road accidents (or maybe just collisions because no one was wounded in them) which took place near my home.

Many of my coincidences are associated with numbers. Four sets of numbers are especially important:
- 21, 42, 84
- 33, 42, 51
- 3, 6, 9
- 21, 7
One set of numbers forms a geometrical sequence, two are arithmetical sequences, one is two numbers from which one is three times larger than another. First coincidences with that sets numbers were noticed rather AFTER my first diagnosis of schizotypal disorder (27.1.2015) or when I received my first diagnosis of StD. I had serious coincidences before 27.1.2015! I may receive social pension due to my coincidences. Tesla coincidence appeared first time 18.12.2015. I might noticed links between 33, 42, 51 and 3, 6, 9 only in 2018.


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08 Sep 2018, 1:59 pm

Your diagnosis is proof that you are NOT having real coincidences. Not that you ARE having them. You were diagnosed with paranoid tendencies (that in a nutshell is what you said above). And the prime symptom of paranoia is imagining conspiracies (seeing coincidences where there are none).


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08 Sep 2018, 2:14 pm

I was diagnosed with schizophrenia (F20 in ICD-10) only in some weeks of the first half of 2016 year. Earlier and later I was diagnosed with schizotypal disorder (F21 in OCD-10). I had some "paranoid" fears (for example that other people may want to poison me or kill me) since being about 16 years old. I do not remember having that symptom when I was younger than about 16 years old. But I was diagnosed with F21 in 2015, not earlier. Earlier I received diagnoses of AS and OCD (since 2008-2009). Large number of coincidences occurred quite suddenly in autumn 2014. I had a visit with my former psychiatrist 21.10.2014 and I was still not diagnosed with schizotypal disorder despite having coincidences since about one month at that time. Diagnosis of F21 appeared first time during next visit, 27.1.2015.

Hallucinations were (almost) not present in my life. I remember about 15 cases of hearing simple voices when I was about 20 years old and two flashes when I was about 17-18. I had not Schneider's schizophrenia symptoms.

I am quite probably the only man in the history in whose life two sequences: one arithmetical (33, 42, 51) and one geometrical (21, 42, 84) are important. These two sequences have pretty peculiar properties and I noticed it. I think that it is much larger chance to be a millionnaire than to have a special interest in two peculiar mathematical sequences.


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08 Sep 2018, 3:06 pm

The quotient of sum of the numbers in sequence 21, 42, 84 and sum of the digits in that sequence is 7:
21+42+84=147, 2+1+4+2+8+4=21, 147:21=7
The quotient of sum of the numbers in sequence 33, 42, 51 and sum of the digits in that sequence is 7:
33+42+51=126, 3+3+4+2+5+1=18, 126:18=7

From reading of the sequence 21, 42, 84 backwards we receive another geometrical sequence - 48, 24, 12.
The quotient of sum of the numbers in sequence 48, 24, 12 and sum of the digits in that sequence is 4:
48+24+12=84, 4+8+2+4+1+2=21, 84:21=4
From reading of the sequence 33, 42, 51 backwards we receive another arithmetical sequence - 15, 24, 33.
The quotient of sum of the numbers in sequence 15, 24, 33 and sum of the digits in that sequence is 4:
15+24+33=72, 1+5+2+4+3+3=18, 72:18=4

Numbers 7 and 4 are coincident with the date 28.4.2015 - the date of my first receiving F84.5, F42.2, F21 at the same time:
- "4" is the number meaning month,
- "7" is the quotient of the number meaning day in month and the number meaning month (28 : 4 = 7),
- product of numbers 4 and 7 is 28 - the number meaning day in the date 28.4.2015.


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09 Sep 2018, 12:23 pm

The three-numbered sequence which is arithmetical and starts with 21 and 42 is 21, 42, 63.
Sums of digits in that sequence are: 3, 6, 9.
From first digits of the numbers forming 21, 42, 63 the number 246 can be formed.
From second digits of numbers forming 21, 42, 63 the number 123 can be formed.
Sum of numbers 246 and 123 is 369. 3, 6, 9 again!
The sum of digits in 21, 42, 63 is 18, like the sum of numbers or digits in 3, 6, 9.
Sum of numbers forming sequence 21, 42, 63 is 126 - the same as sum of numbers forming sequence 33, 42, 51.
Quotient of sum of the numbers forming sequence 21, 42, 63 and the sum of digits forming that sequence is 7:

The sequence formed by reading the sequence 21, 42, 63 backwards is 36, 24, 12.
Sums of digits in that sequence are: 9, 6, 3.
When we make that sequence ascending instead of descending, we will receive 12, 24, 36.
Sums of digits in that sequence are: 3, 6, 9.
Sum of numbers forming sequence 12, 24, 36 is 72 - the same as the sum of numbers of the sequence formed by reading the sequence 33, 42, 51 backwards - 15, 24, 33.
Quotient of sum of the numbers forming sequence 12, 24, 36 and the sum of digits forming that sequence is 4:

The three-numbered sequence which is arithmetical and ends with 42 and 84 is 0, 42, 84.
Sum of digits forming that sequence is 18 and the sums of digits in the numbers forming that sequence form an arithmetic sequence (0, 6, 12):
Sum of numbers forming that sequence is 126 and sum of digits forming 0, 42, 84 is 18. 126:18=7.

The sequence formed by reading the sequence 0, 42, 84 backwards is 48, 24, 0. It is an arithmetical sequence.
Sums of digits in 48, 24, 0 form an arithmetical sequence (12, 6, 0).
Sum of numbers forming 48, 24, 0 is 72 and the sum of digits forming that sequence is 18. 72:18=4.


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10 Sep 2018, 4:31 pm

In last 4 years some dates were associated with marked coincidences:
1. 19.9.2014 - that day I made photos of Jewish cementery and a fragment of Catholic cementery using my smartfone, on which I saw photos of Jewish cementery and Catholic cementery made by an Aspijka, black cat was also a motiff in that coincidence
2. 7.10.2014 - that day the visit with my former psychiatrist was planned, but it was postponed
3. 14.10.2014 - memorable day, many coincidences happened then
4. 21.10.2014 - my first visit with a doctor after beginning of coincidences
5. 27.1.2015 - my first schizotypal dx
6. 14.2.2015 - coincidences with an Aspijka (not the same as in 19.9.2014) and smartphone photos (another ones, no cementeries though)
7. 28.4.2015 - BIG coincidence, my first combo of F84.5, F42.2, F21!
8. 21.7.2015 - that day I saw text: "Czarny kot potęgą jest i basta" ("Black cat is a power and that's enough), also a visit vith my former psychiatrist
9. 31.7.2015 - "koty, koty, więcej kotów" ("cats, cats, more cats") and Waneko (black image of cat)
10. 3.8.2015 - coincidences with black cats, quite massive
11. 8.8.2015 - very hot day, I learned that in Spanish wasp is avispa and bee is abeja
12. 13.11.2015 - last two digits in the date form an arithmetic sequence, that day I heard about Tesla 3, 6, 9 first time
13. 8.12.2015 - my last visit with my former psychiatrist, with whom I had visits since 2009, no 3, 6, 9 in the date of that visit after beginning of coincidences again
14. 18.12.2015 - BIG coincidences again, next members of "Tesla's arithmetic sequence" are formed by two last digits in the date
15. 4.4.2016 - my first day in day hospital, from the date four-membered arithmetical sequence can be formed: 0, 2, 4, 6
16. 20.4.2016 - first programme of my group with me in day hospital, on one of posters there was... black cat (yes, black cat again), from the date four-membered arithmetical sequence can be formed: 0, 2, 4, 6
17. 27.4.2016 - programme about animals in day hospital, there was a book with black cat and two films with Reksio dog in which cats were present, they were about pigeon and UFO (coincidence with Tesla and one of Aspijkas)
18. 11.5.2016 - second programme in day hospital with my participation, there was large poster with The Little Mole and quiz with cat, squirrel, pigeon and hedgehog
19. 24.6.2016 - BIG coincidence, I ended my first going to day hospital, diagnoses were: F84.5, F42.2, F21, F65.8
20. 5.7.2016 - last digits sorted ascendingly form an arithmetic sequence with sum 18, like in 3, 6, 9; I might be diagnosed with "miraculous" combo that day
21. 25.8.2016 - big coincidence with "gatyok", squirrel and swimming in the pool
22. 30.9.2016 - diagnoses of F21, F42.2 and F84.5, the sum of digits in the date is 21 and 3, 6, 9 can be formed
23. 8.11.2016 - beginning of my second going to day hospital, four-membered arithmetical sequence can be formed from that date: 6, 8, 10, 12
24. 13.1.2017 - I heard about "squirrel in head" in main hall in the day hospital
25. 27.1.2017 - end of my second going to day hospital, two 21.7 can be formed from the digits of the date, I was diagnosed with F32.1 instead of F42.2 (3, 2, 1 - arithmetic sequence which quotient of the digits is the same that their sum)
26. 19.4.2017 - I did not guess about the hedgehog in day hospital (I was a guest, not a patient)
27. 27.4.2017 - the beginning of my third going to day hospital
28. 15.5.2017 - coincidence with the initials and journal
29. 21.7.2017 - I got the certificate needed to get ruling of disability from the psychiatrist, on it there were F84.5, F42.2, F21, the date is obviously coincident with 21.7
30. 24.7.2017 - end of my third therapy in a day hospital (other than associated with two earlier goings)
31. 31.7.2017 - three prime numbers in the date and the sum 21, F84.5, F42.2, F21 as diagnoses
32. 11.13.2017 - relatively weak coincidence, three prime numbers in the date
33. 16.4.2018 - LARGE coincidence with "Kot mruczy, a krowa muczy" ("Cat purrs, and cow moos"), Kowno i Grodno (Kaunas and Hrodna), "krowno" (my neologism for cow excrement) and "Kot - po niemiecku znaczy to "kał"" ("Kot - in German it means "feces"");
34. 6.4.2018 - coincident combo again, sum of digits - 21, five-membered arithmetic sequence can be formed.


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11 Sep 2018, 3:50 pm

It is my post number 2284 :)

16.4.2018 - coincident date. 4 and 16 are second and fourth powers of 2. From that date we can separate five numbers which are natural powers of 2:
- 16 is 2^4
- 4 is 2^2
- 2 is 2^1
- 1 is 2^0
- 8 is 2^3
These numbers formed ascendingly or descendingly form a five-numbered geometrical sequence! 1, 2, 4, 8, 16.
Interesting arithmetical sequences can be formed from 16.4.2018:
- 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 (may have 10 as sixth term when we write the date as 16.04.2018)
- 0, 4, 8, 12, 16 ("engages" all digits in the date)
- 0, 6, 12, 18
- 0, 8, 16, 24

Weaker coincidences are present in the case of the date 4.6.2018. The sum of digits is 21. 21 can be formed (from digits in number meaning year). If we remain only last digits of th date, we will receive 4, 6, 8 - "Tesla-like arithmetical sequence".