The dystopian reality of 'inspiration porn'

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Well, maybe everyone should work, but everyone does equal work for equal hours for equal pay. Question: For every need that's provided that's work-intensive, how do you manage keeping the right amount of something that requires more labor and at the same time mitigate a surplus that results in waste? I suppose you could train more laborers for the heavy stuff and pull those from the lighter stuff. But then they have to be trained, and if they'd rather do the easy stuff and not handle the harder stuff, then you risk having an abundance of faulty products that might even be dangerous for the general public. Likewise, if you move a more advanced person to a lower job to "give someone a chance," how are you going to motivate that person to do quality work when he feels its beneath him? Y'know, because that guy "needs" that job.
Or maybe you could use the whole "from each according to ability" route. But then if you force someone to work, then that's outright slavery, right? And you still don't solve the problem of what constitutes need. What ends up happening is a society adopts an "all people are created equal" mentality with some people being "more equal" than others. You HAVE to have advanced labor, so you force your smarter, stronger people to work just so a few can stay alive without doing anything. Meanwhile, what about those who have good ideas and are capable leaders? Screw 'em. People with great ideas belong in the ivory towers, not among the unwashed masses.
Again, what constitutes need, and how do you decide who gets what?
From what or whom are these things coming from?
If people who WANT to help are actually allowed to help, I think you're going to get much more satisfying results. People aren't forced to do things they don't want to do, people are allowed to figure out what they want to support and give accordingly, and people get to decide REASONABLY what exactly the needs are and how to help.
Suppose someone has a broken arm and can't afford to have the bone set and cast. Ok, that person is needy. So if we have to collectively spread resources evenly, then we just give everyone with a problem Tylenol. Ok, Tylenol is good. But Tylenol isn't going to make bones grow back together. But if someone can KEEP his money over time, he has more to help out the one guy who needs a cast. EVERYONE has some kind of problem at some point or another, but if you pay equal attention to all needs, then that means treating broken bones and headaches and labor all the same way. Somehow I doubt treating a woman in labor with Tylenol is exactly going to help much. But if people can give to a program SPECIFICALLY set up to help women in labor who can't afford healthcare otherwise, she can get exactly the care she needs for herself and her newborn.
Dude, you do realize that every first world nation outside of the USA allows free medical care for needs. That care isn't just a painkiller for regardless of what the problem is. Those who decide what the needs needed met are not private insurance companies, but government bodies that can be led by medical specialists, although in Australia the conservative party did privatise off the activities to the Medicare organisation so they could pretend they are saving money, but still gives fair treatment. Just this past weekend my brother went to the beach with some university friends and had an accident where he damaged his ankle, as an unemployed university student he was able to get medical care without having to worry about some extreme bill. My other brother was has Crohn's disease, which has given him a rather hard time, and required a long and extensive medical treatment, which likely would have cost a huge amount of money to care for and left a lot of strain.
Just having this need met is not going to mean that no one is going to work, people care about more than not being penniless after breaking your leg, or perhaps being able to afford bread, milk and nappies. If you think that way, I have to say your view of humanity is pretty twisted. But I also stand by that both public programs can live alongside private charities to help others, I just don't think that corruptible and biased individual leaders of charities should be trusted over public bodies that be held accountable and treat all fairly.
Who says that's going to happen? That's why private individuals get people they trust to make the right decisions to provide unbiased care from available resources. If someone is mismanaging money or being unfair, it's quite simple. At best they get fired, at worst they get prosecuted. See how easy this is?
You said that you wanted private individuals to choose which causes to support, so clearly they will help the ones that are cuter. You also said that you wanted less regulation too.
Wait, are you saying that married couples are cute and single parent families are ugly? It isn't the same thing, because that specific program was probably streamlined for single parents as they can have a harder time. If anything, you should understand why that government help should have been better funded and less judgemental about certain needs.
Because those private charities can have their own unreasonable demands and prejudices that are not fair to everyone. The Salvation army as an example had some super anti-LGBTQ policies, that saw them trying to circumvent things by spouting religious freedom to discriminate against same sex couples and the like. Regulations put on charities is to prevent them from awful discrimination, and stopping private individuals from syphoning money for themselves. Was only recently that The Salvation Army tried to change its image of being anti LGBTQ.
After talking to a few times, I think I understand your point. You think that a private organisation that can make snap decisions is better than a public one that is wrapped up in bureaucracy. You can even point to a time you were given a run around by said bureaucracy and abandoned because you did not seem needy enough. That sucks, one would have hoped that it would have met all the needs of those who really need it for the leg up. But can you think of that reversed? Say a charity run by a religious group that would refuse to help a single mother because she could not say who the father was? A gay person refused entry into a shelter because those running it do not like gay people? A charity started by your current president who used money from said charity to pay off his bills and buy a portrait of himself?
Yeah, bureaucracy can suck, and maybe lack some empathy, but the good news is that it can be review and tried to managed to help as many of the people that need it, regardless of petty feelings that could discriminate.
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Sorry to hear about your brother. Glad to know they are both able to get the help they need.
But where does the funding come from? And are you certain that governing entities can always be trusted to make the best decisions on your behalf?
And government leaders who don't even know you are NOT corruptible or biased? If everyone has an agenda, if everyone is following their own ideology and can choose, it's only fair that they are allowed to be exclusive. But that also means that concerned individuals can step in and fill the gap. I can't say anything to that. Not a single thing. But when doing so results in the loss of the agency of the citizenry, I have SERIOUS problems with that.
Are you familiar with the principal-agent dilemma?
Charities that are allowed to run as they see fit can avoid this problem. It's no different than in the for-profit world where the existence of a company depends on the welfare of its stakeholders. If you don't like how a business conducts itself, whether in ethics or in actual product, you shut them down. How? By not giving them any money. By not buying their products. Want to shut down a charity? Same thing, don't give them money. If they screw up enough and have no money, they cease to exist. Simple as that.
What happens when government becomes more concerned with its own special interest at the expense of those in its care? You can't get rid of the government. Not easily, anyway. And not before worse damage is done.
Privatization, IMO, is even worse, and that's because now you have businesses that benefit from tax money at the expense of accountability from consumers. Sure, private individuals are expected to know best how to provide appropriate care and deliver superior services. But who decides which company wins the contract? Can that company be trusted? Well...they depend on the government for their existence, they can't be trusted. That's crony capitalism, and that offends me deeply. It makes a mockery of everything I believe in.
Ok, but I explained that a little bit more...
Wait, are you saying that married couples are cute and single parent families are ugly? It isn't the same thing, because that specific program was probably streamlined for single parents as they can have a harder time. If anything, you should understand why that government help should have been better funded and less judgemental about certain needs.
What I'm saying is that people who have no interest in pulling their own weight and prefer being towed behind the government wrecker will do whatever it takes to qualify. I've seen this firsthand. I know people who train their kids how to act autistic (no, I'm not trolling) or severely ADHD (whatever that means) or lysdexic or whatever label du jour they want just to get a free pass. Teenage girls literally getting government paychecks for having babies with different fathers every 18 months. Three or sometimes more generations all living in the same house. Foster homes that barely keep the wind out. And none of this is necessary where I live. But they will almost compete to see who's the ugliest, metaphorically speaking, and the neediest.
But for those of us who aren't "ugly enough" who just need a break for a couple months until we get an emergency straightened out? Well...end up on the street for a little while, get divorced, and have someone abuse your children and we might think about it. We're not even asking for much and can't even get two loaves of bread and a jar of peanut butter. Now THAT is screwed up.
Ironically enough, our best moments were those when we weren't even asking for help. I went to the health department once to get shots for my kids so we could keep them in daycare. No reason to do that except that it was cheaper than the clinic and convenient. I couldn't pay for the shots because I'd left my wallet in the van. I asked the lady who was helping me if I could just go to the parking lot for one second and she said not to worry about it. I said I wanted to pay and that I'd be right back. She asked, "You pay your taxes don't you?" Well, of course I do. "Well, then, you've already paid for it. See you in 6 months." I'm like...??? Moments like that are rare in the extreme, but seeing people who are concerned with right and wrong working in government is encouraging to me. People like that are entirely too morally good to be in that line of work.
It's against forum rules to say anything negative regarding victim classes...or "protected" classes as they are politically-correctly called. So I'm just going to ignore this paragraph. All I'm going to say is that The Salvation Army is supposed to be a Christian church. It's wrong for government to dictate RELIGIOUS activities.
Whether it's a government service or a private charity, or religious organization, it doesn't matter. Whoever holds the purse gets to decide how the money is used. Like I said other, I'm not allowed to discuss matters of victim classes on WP. If an organization doesn't wish to support something, it's wrong to compel them to do so.
There are also a lot of false assumptions with regard to Christian organizations and victim classes. If you are struggling and approach a Christian organization, bear in mind that the mission of a church is to help lead the lost to Christ. Whether you're black, gay, HIV+, or even a convicted mass murderer has nothing to do with what Jesus stands for. Let's...ugh...I dunno...
Let's say you need help and you approach an organization that has religious objections to eating frog legs and pork chitterlings in the same meal. It just so happens you enjoy chitterlings and frog legs. So you don't care what the church thinks and don't think it's a big deal. You have friend bring frog legs and chitterlings over and use the deep fryer in the church's kitchen to fry them. A deacon's wife happened to notice this and let the church no someone was doing something sacrilegious on church grounds, so you get called into the pastor's office and told you couldn't live onsite anymore because of church teachings. You ARE, however, invited to attend services at any time, and they'll be happy to send someone to visit you and pray with you. But because of the nature of having chitterlings and frog legs together is just not something they can support on church grounds as it goes against church teachings and would be unfair to the congregation if allowed to continue.
I'm not trying to make light of a serious issue, but for WP purposes there's just not a non-offensive or non-triggering way to approach it. The point is you can't tell someone what to believe or what to support. I do know that the Salvation Army thing got exaggerated to death. And that's all I'm going to say about it.
MAYBE lack empathy? You sure about that?
I can't emphasize enough that government assistance on its face is not a bad thing. I don't have a problem with welfare. It's when welfare goes to support immorality, and by that I mean objective immorality rather than simply religious offenses: Loss of agency, forced to support corruption or causes you don't believe in.

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All the more reasons to not have to rely on religious charities over government programs, since they cannot be made fair in helping those "protected" from followers of their beliefs.
I am curious over what you are afraid of saying against rules of political correctness, but if you are calling them victim classes like these are professional in trying to make themselves look like victims, I think that we are done here.
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I am curious over what you are afraid of saying against rules of political correctness, but if you are calling them victim classes like these are professional in trying to make themselves look like victims, I think that we are done here.
Or if you're really that concerned, and I highly doubt you're alone, why not just set up your own charity you can manage however you want? Non-religious charities do exist.

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Oh, and just a quick note on victim classes: It has nothing to do with being a "professional sufferer" or whatever. I mean, what even is that?
It's a critique of identity politics, the tendency of people claiming some minority status so they can get special treatment. An example would be someone in a wheelchair who expects to be treated mainstream by the rest of the world but wouldn't hesitate to move to the front of the line in an amusement park. It's absurd to try to have things both ways. If you want the rest of the world to treat you like a normal human being, then go to the back of the line same as everyone else.
Perhaps a more realistic and practical example would be women in the workforce versus feminism. The feminist worldview invokes patriarchy as an obstacle to the advancement of women. Women should therefore be treated as equals. Except the problem is that if women really are treated as equals, that means women can't get special treatment. They have to work their way up the corporate ladder same as men. Accommodations for women are paramount to admitting women can't possibly do the same work as men. Feminists do not in reality want equal or fair treatment. They want special treatment, preferred treatment, to break the glass ceiling because they are WOMEN, not because of any actual merit. I don't deny that women have had unfair treatment in the past, or that blacks have been denied the same rights as whites, that HIV is stigmatized, etc. But if women are CEO's and all people are protected as human beings regardless of race, why the continued demands for special treatment? At what point does one declare victory over racism and sexism?
The idea of the victim class is carefully structured so as to withstand any expiration date. Women are NEVER victors over sexism--sexism is integral to society and it is that society itself that must be held accountable. There's no point at which men ever stop violating women or fully repay their debt as the offending sex. If women were seen as heroic figures, there'd be nothing to protect: Feminism would have achieved its goals and would cease to exist. But these people have no interest in going away, not even if they achieve their objectives. For as long as that their identity is tied to special treatment they claim entitlement to because they were victimized, they will prefer being classified as victims and will make unreasonable demands.
I dislike victims. I like WINNERS. Disabled, women, ethnic, doesn't matter. All are capable of success, and I love to see it happen.

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The idea of the victim class is carefully structured so as to withstand any expiration date. Women are NEVER victors over sexism--sexism is integral to society and it is that society itself that must be held accountable. There's no point at which men ever stop violating women or fully repay their debt as the offending sex. If women were seen as heroic figures, there'd be nothing to protect: Feminism would have achieved its goals and would cease to exist. But these people have no interest in going away, not even if they achieve their objectives. For as long as that their identity is tied to special treatment they claim entitlement to because they were victimized, they will prefer being classified as victims and will make unreasonable demands.
You just had to attack feminists, didn't you? Just had to make generalizations that would get me to respond. If not already clear from what I just said, I am indeed a feminist, and I find the assertion that (modern) feminists only want special treatment for women to be incredibly ignorant. For one, I am not a woman myself, not assigned at birth, identify or present at one, so your practical example of feminists wanting victimhood special treatment is worth zilch.
I won't deny that there are some bad faith feminists who do things like gatekeeping, overly sensitive or hate on men, wanting such special treatment. But by equal value you have people on your side (not feminist?) who believe that women belong in the kitchen and are inherently weaker. Even further you have men's rights groups, who somehow interpret the existence of feminist groups as attacks on men, which is incredibly misinformed.
Now, I won't go much further, after all this topic is not really about feminism, it is about stories of people sacrificing to help others can obfuscate societal problem that we should aim to use the system to fix. Or perhaps it is relevant, where some successful women can be used to say that things are fair now, and feminists should just shut up in criticising elements that still create an imbalance of power between the sexes/genders. But the whole Me Too movement was evidence that things have not just been fixed, and things were worse underneath the surface in abusers allowed to get away.
From my understanding, a few decades ago girls in general were seen as worse at things like maths, where people would even point to results as evidence, but from what I am aware girls are actually on average slightly above boys, which using old reasoning would say that they are smarter. If anything, though, should be used as evidence that entire reasonings can be flipped on their heads, and perhaps should encourage to question what simply feels comfortable, and actually bring some systematic change that meets the actual needs.
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Call yourself a feminist all you want but you are still part of the patriarchy by birth and genetics. Even worse, you are appropriating the cause of women. Shame on you, you sicko.
I'm referring specifically to "bad faith" feminists. However, the greater problem is with identity politics as a whole. Feminism is an easy example to pick on. By no means are they the sole owners of the victimhood label, although I'm sure quite a few wish they were.
I fail to see the problem. Rape and sexual harassment are already illegal. Discrimination based on sex is already illegal. It's MOSTLY illegal to fire women for getting pregnant. So what exactly IS this imbalance of power, exactly? There isn't one, which is exactly the problem. If they aren't getting special, elevated treatment, they can't be more equal than men.
Although, to be honest, I prefer to give women a higher value, anyway. It's a personal choice for me, and my reasoning is this: I can't give birth. My kind has never been traded like chattel simply because I have the wrong genitalia. People think twice about attacking me because I'm a bigger guy, and I do have more strength and greater potential muscle mass. So I do think women deserve protection. I have a complementarian view of women, as well. But the complementarian view promotes a symbiotic relationship between the sexes. It doesn't hold women any less as individuals as men. But neither does it forward a delusional view in which men and women have no differences at all. My views on rape is that it is an outlier of due process. If an accused rapist can't provide an alibi, he's as good as guilty. The only exception would be if he could prove she was lying, and then she should be thrown in prison and left to rot. Because women are unfortunately prone to attacks from men,, I see that as the best way to go. I also am slow to blame women for promiscuity/infidelity. I see men as competitive for women and manipulative. If I caught my wife in bed with another man, I'd give him a bad case of lead poisoning first, call 911 to report an attempted rape and a dead man second, and THEN I'd start asking questions. I'm not convinced our laws are yet sufficient for the protection of women.
If that's what your "bad actor" feminists were after, I wouldn't have such an issue with feminism. But like you, I'm born into the patriarchy and thus part of the problem. How about we protect INDIVIDUALS from rape, harassment, and mistreatment and demand the justice system vindicate us when we've been done wrong? No need for special treatment, no need for perpetual victimhood. Feminism is not about individual rights. It's about victimhood. When individuals are treated as equals, there are no victims and no need for special treatment. Removing special treatment is a victim's worst nightmare, but then everyone WINS when everyone is treated equally.
I feel that k-12 education in the US unfairly favors girls, and that's directly related to complementarianism. Boys and girls just aren't the same. We're not made the same, we don't have the same interests, the way we handle emotions and process information is different, and I could go on and on. An educational approach that specifically targeted boys would benefit boys. Same for girls. One that's neutral won't really help anyone learn. But with historical evidence showing differences in performances between the two, I think more effort has been made to adapt instruction to statistically feminine learning styles. Doing so has harmed boys in that there are fewer post-secondary opportunities. But there IS a tradeoff. Men who do manage to get scholarships are offered obnoxious sums for sports while the lady valedictorian maybe just gets free tuition to say nothing for room, board, and books.
I think boys and girls should be separated in middle school all the way through graduation and valedictory honors shared between the two classes. It's not sexist to differentiate educational strategies for maximal success for all students. Dividing up based on sex will also eliminate social distraction during school hours. Many a straight-A student has fallen because an argument with her boyfriend kept her from studying for an important exam.

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I don't think you have any idea what you said is so funny.

Okay, I'll maybe try and explain a few things. Guys don't just automatically get lumped in as part of the patriarchy, it is not just some club that all men are guilty of by their gender. It is a system that has historically prized males and masculinity above females and femininity, it is about toxic masculinity having poisonous effects, and that can affect all genders.
Now, if you had not picked it up already, this will probably make you cringe, I actually identify is nonbinary. To be honest I am rather new to accepting the title, but I have always kind of not been the most masculine guy, I gave it a lot of thought, and I can tell that although parts of who I am feel male and masculine, other parts feel female and feminine. I accept that you see that sort of thing as insane, something totally alien and does not make sense to what you understand as what makes a male and a female, you probably cannot take me seriously after trying to claim something you find so crazy. Especially in regards to your faith. Just one more addition from you thinking me as hippy dippy or something.
But hey, just let you know that I find the line between girl and boy can be pretty blurry, all while I can accept that real issues can still be in place, for the binaries or between them. I also find your call to separate kids into different schools by gender as ridiculous, and more at risk of causing harm than fixing children getting distractions from their studies. It does not take into account trans people, or those with same sex attraction, for one thing. It can also further divide of relations in understanding the other gender, creating problems in stereotyping and future discrimination.
If this makes you uncomfortable, I want to repeat the limitation of awareness based on one's personal experiences. Just because something is outside of your experience, and maybe goes against a history of poor opinions on it, does not mean it isn't worth a change in public attitudes.
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I don't think you have any idea what you said is so funny.

Okay, I'll maybe try and explain a few things. Guys don't just automatically get lumped in as part of the patriarchy, it is not just some club that all men are guilty of by their gender. It is a system that has historically prized males and masculinity above females and femininity, it is about toxic masculinity having poisonous effects, and that can affect all genders.
Now, if you had not picked it up already, this will probably make you cringe, I actually identify is nonbinary. To be honest I am rather new to accepting the title, but I have always kind of not been the most masculine guy, I gave it a lot of thought, and I can tell that although parts of who I am feel male and masculine, other parts feel female and feminine. I accept that you see that sort of thing as insane, something totally alien and does not make sense to what you understand as what makes a male and a female, you probably cannot take me seriously after trying to claim something you find so crazy. Especially in regards to your faith. Just one more addition from you thinking me as hippy dippy or something.
But hey, just let you know that I find the line between girl and boy can be pretty blurry, all while I can accept that real issues can still be in place, for the binaries or between them. I also find your call to separate kids into different schools by gender as ridiculous, and more at risk of causing harm than fixing children getting distractions from their studies. It does not take into account trans people, or those with same sex attraction, for one thing. It can also further divide of relations in understanding the other gender, creating problems in stereotyping and future discrimination.
If this makes you uncomfortable, I want to repeat the limitation of awareness based on one's personal experiences. Just because something is outside of your experience, and maybe goes against a history of poor opinions on it, does not mean it isn't worth a change in public attitudes.
Two things:
First, I see you found my sense of humor. Which is good, because I’ve been looking everywhere for it.
But behind every joke is a small element of truth. You were born with a penis, I assume. Without actually BEING a woman, you cannot possibly identify with the struggles of being a woman. You’ll never have to face something like, for instance, being the best girl athlete but having to compete against m2f trans who still has all his boy parts with the added advantage of greater muscle mass and high testosterone levels. Men and women’s events are segregated for a reason, that being it has long historically been known men outperform women. In that sense, yes, men genetically possess an unfair advantage. Organizing sports events the way they’re done both protects and promotes women without giving anyone preferential treatment. But allowing biological male humans compete against girls does give m2f preferential treatment and constitutes a very much real, no-joke appropriation of the feminist cause.
Second, beware making false assumptions about those with whom you engage in polemical exchange. I’m well aware of that stuff and your username made the rest of it pretty obvious.
I believe in giving everyone the benefit of the doubt and making minimal assumptions, and only then when absolutely necessary. I respect all human beings as individuals. I don’t care one bit about “identity” because we’re ALL born unique—just like everyone else. Your identity as a victim class presumably entitled you to special treatment that you’ve neither worked for and earned nor deserve. I’m happy for you that you feel important. I hope you do. But there’s nothing impressive or positive about deriving your identity from a collective or from what other people think about you. Whether you’re a codependent housewife who has no concept of self or agency without her husband, or a member of a victim class raging about some imaginary injustice, you’re a self-hater with psychological problems. Don’t come to me looking to cash out your victim card. We don’t accept those here.
If you want respect from me, first of all, DON’T. Be happy with and for YOURSELF. My preferences should be as irrelevant to you as yours are to me. I don’t give a damn how “special” you are. I teach children for a living, so the last thing I want to deal with is someone else’s identity issues (hint: I don’t tolerate it from them, either, and I’ll write demerits for ANY kind of victim class references, positive or negative. And, trust me, if you’d heard what these kids say, you’d thank me). So if you want my respect, respect my own protected position. I’m a member of the smallest minority that exists. I’m not alone, and we’d be glad to have you join us.

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I don't identify to feel special, I don't want people to see me as special and worth some sort extra brownie points for being different. I spent my entire life wanting to feel normal, whether in regards to my autism, or being a man who is tough. I am over six feet tall, taller than the majority of the people I meet, that I feel weird when I meet someone who is taller than me, I realize that makes pretty privileged in a bunch of things that height can offer, and because I was a man it is not like I got treated badly for it like a girl might. I recognised since my teens that there were experiences of women/girls that I could not understand. It was 5th grade that I was accused of sexual harassment for a thing I could not understand. I myself were sexually harassed by two girls whilst in High School, which left me with conflicted feelings. In general school had me bullied a lot, "gay" being the favoured slur.
I am not really sure what my point is with all the above, mostly just a collection of my own experiences that I don't think offer me any special attention. That I felt a lot better with myself since I recognised who I am, but don't think it should really change how people feel about me, after all I have not told anyone that I know, because I don't want them to treat me differently, I just want to be comfortable with who I am. Which includes not being told to "man up", which makes me feel sick after experiences like always having haircuts to small, because that is what boys get.
But that is all beside the point of becoming a feminist, which I have identified since as since I had the internet freedom to learn about such causes. I was drawn to it, and was generally interested in ideas of fairness for all, as I also learned that boys are also the victims of toxic masculinity, telling them not to show their emotions or appear weak. As I also became aware that investment I felt towards the cause for feminism was evidence to my gender identity.
And as nice as all the things you say, your assumption that those born with a penis cannot be a part of women's movement, or be women themselves, are dangerously close to what people refer to as TERFs. TERF stands for Tran-Exclusionary Radical Feminist, and are looked down very heavily by the majority of feminists. The ones that exclude those who "benefited" from privilege of being/appearing male, are literally seen as radicals. If anything, there is a lot we can offer to the cause in terms of our perspective, while we learn about others.
On last notes, I don't want special treatments, I don't want gifted free points for being victimised. I don't actually care about having your respect, as much as I care about learning a bit, and maybe being prepared to help someone else out there if they could be comfortable with themselves quicker than I was. I am not really important.
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I just got hit with some massive fires I have to put out over here, so I'll likely be off WP for a while.
So you do have values. That's GOOD. Go with that. I wish I had time to debate it further and try to explain what I have to say next, but I'm out of time and energy. I hope you'll think about it for a long time and come up with the answer for this problem you've presented me with. Everything you said in the above-quoted paragraph is COMPLETELY at odds with this:
You seem like a nice, well-intentioned person. Maybe not entirely reasonable, but I'm holding out hope for you all the same. I'm hoping you'll figure out what I mean, that what you said before and then this really cannot logically coexist. Best wishes until next time.
The 'Ignorance' in 'This Thread' Seems 'Significant' to me, at Least; A Couple of points.
People in Wheel Chairs Don't tolerate the Heat the same as 'Regular Folks' Who Don't Use A Wheel Chair; they often do not have the Same Ability to Regulate Body Temperature; Therefore, they get to go to the Front of the Line at Disney World.
You Teach Students; yes, So called AngeRho this is directed at You; My God, i surely hope you don't teach Students with Disabilities; if you don't already understand basics like this.
It Seems you may have Been Bullied in some way in Your Life; as you are coming very close to bullying the individual above; would love to meet you in Person in Mississippi to see what you are like up Close and Personal; Just Curious.
It's worth noting that You are only responding to people here that will take what you are giving; you are not very nice.
You don't seem to have much of a Clue of what it means to even be a Human Being from what you've stated here; other than the Human Being You are; par for the course; for folks who Lack Basic Human Empathy; You are showing very little here, in words at least; that i see.
Anyone with a Shred of Empathy understands that People Experience the World Vastly Different; You cannot adequately
Judge them from an 'Armchair Position'; all you can really do is Hear their point of view; therefore, 'the curiosity'.
Neuroscience Says we basically Hallucinate Our Realities Based on our Experience; it is no Wonder that
Environment counts so much in how We Develop as Human Beings based on unlimited Environmental
And Genetic Factors.
i just hope that None of Your Children are leaning any way than what you see yourself as;
What would do you think would Happen if one of them doesn't fit your mold of 'Normal'?
Something to think about and that's Your Business of course; Just a Suggestion.
Treating other people with Respect is something else to think about too.
You Reflect nothing of the actual Teachings of Jesus; for what that is worth to
you as far as what you are saying here. i don't remember you being that way here
before; i wonder what happened...
You Seemed to be a Kind Human Being Before; more Like a 'Good Cop Jesus Christian';
i Wonder if You have Fallen into the 'Trump Trap'; many people have Down South on
the Gulf Coast; it is 'purely disgusting' in my view at least; The 'Bad Cop Jesus Christian'
is flowering all over the place here; it's sad to watch the Spirit of Love Devolve into 'Gehenna';
where i Live for Sure.
Maybe, You Need a Hug?
Perhaps; from a Transgender Person so you can learn to be more Like 'Jesus' and accept everyone as Yourself?
Just a Suggestion; Good For any Loving Soul Who cares to Evolve more into Agape Love that is not selfish and callous
of the differences of Other Human Beings. God is a Flower that Lives in all of existence; a Flower with Endless Colors;
The Dark was too Boring; So God Colors all Things New Constantly Evolving out of just Black and White as metaphor of course. Other than that; have a nice day; We haven't gone extinct yet; and Probably won't for a while; something to be
Happy about; the Life of All Existence; Short and Tall; Bald and Fat; Gay And Fabulous; And even Superstars like 'Jesus' too..
It's Interesting; Always Interesting to me; How Folks Who Struggle Seem to find some Joy out of someone Lower on
the Totem Pole than they view themselves as. This Gentleman You are talking to; expresses Himself with all the
Values of Jesus as described in Matthew Chapter 5; Verses 3 through 11; truly Perfectly; in my view He is the Angel;
And if Atheist; An Angel Atheist; why would God be so Small to care about labels; when Love is all that counts for real;
Just from the words in how he expresses himself to others; i doubt he ever 'turns Money Tables over'; i tend
to do it more with Words than the Physical effort i am surely more than capable of. No Doubt in my mind
who Jesus would wanna hang out with if he really came back; He wouldn't give a crap about anything but
the Color of Human Soul; the Color of Love in Action and more than worshipping A Book when
that becomes empty pages of Love Within the Human Who Pledges Allegiance to it.
Sort of Like Modern Day Republicans Who not only Piss all over the Beatitudes
Right 'Behind' Trump in actions as Followers of their Newest Messiah; along with pissing
all over the Constitution of the United States like it was toilet Paper too; Sad; Truly, 'Hugely' sad;
When 'they' Defended Trump as 'Jesus' on the Cross; it's almost enough to see the Story of 'Revelation' Real.
But of course; it's Just another Archetypal Story about a Demagogue (Anti-Christ/Leader Without Empathy) and what eventually Happens to a Demagogue, in Metaphor of course; it's Not Pretty; You'll See them Sweating from 'the Pulpit'
Bullying Women and Children; compensating for the Small Grinch Soul Within; and whatever else are their issues of 'small'.
And Yes; i have a personal stake in this too; nope; standing over 6 Feet Tall and Leg Pressing 1520 Reps at 240 Pounds
And Surely Hairy Enough From Head to toe and at least from the evidence Ladies Man wherever i go; i never get
confused for a Girl anymore; but i did when i was 12 Years Old in School; Ruthlessly Bullied for i was Kind and
Smiled Everywhere i went; i was told Boys don't get to Smile; Only Girls do; literally as such; Trump Stink
Stank Stunk then too; Just wasn't around to Lead the 'First Baptist Republican Choir'. I remember How that
felt; i was just a nice person; but the ignorance of others did their best to tear my smile away; no
Different than when i worked for the Military; Just because i was a Loving Soul; kind to everyone
i met; even accused of wearing Pink Underwear; but of course that was before i became a Martial
Artist and Became 3 Times Stronger and 70 Pounds Heavier in Muscle; Rare that anyone bothers my Ballet/Martial
Arts Public Dance Now; And the Rare Occasions they do; don't Last for Long at all as i am Clever as Bugs Bunny; hehe...
It's Sad to Say but the only way Jesus could back now and Love as much in the Deep South;
Is if he was practically Frigging Superman/Bugs Bunny; But chances are if Jesus really ever
lived/liveS he would do whatever it takes to keep loving all that is (GoD) That's What Love Does...
Whatever Day it is that you come back to this place; consider this Your 'SuNday School LeSSon' From Me to 'You';
Smiles; only if you would like to.
i encourage all 'debates'; it is rare that i get exhausted or run out of new stuff to say; it is rare that anyone even 'tries' me....these days at least.
Anyway; i am Currently Writing the 9th of 9 King James Size Epic Bible Poems as Part of "SonG oF mY SouL" Longest
Epic Long Form Bible Poem in the History of Humankind at 7.6 MiLLioN Words in 76 Months of Effort; and no; it's
not for a tiny piece of dirt in a Desert in the Middle East; it covers the Entire Globe; and has taken lots more than
3 and A Half Years to do; although in the Last 42 Months one Sub-Title, "Nether Land Bible" is at Over 5 MiLLioN
Words; along with Public Dance now 12,466 Miles that has carried me more than half the Distance of Around the
Globe; Speaking of Inspiration Porn for someone like me Permanently Medically And Legally Disabled still
With Bi-Polar Disorder and Asperger's Syndrome too; with one; a literal Prescription of Moving Meditation
Effective for Both Disorders to Regulate Emotions and Integrate Senses; i found 'the cure' by the way
And then the Psychiatrist Wrote me the Prescription; as Moving Meditation is an Approved Therapy;
in other Words, of 12,466 Miles of Dance in Public now for What Arrives at 76 Months at the end
of this Month; i've danced as far as Biloxi Mississippi about 60 Times over the Course of 5 years;
Betcha, if You ask most anyone who lives there; they will remember who i am; i used to get
flagged down there from People who knew me from Pensacola; We Live in a Very Backwards
Area of Existence; Where i am the Frigging only one in the Entire Southeast who Public Dances.
Our Ancestors did it as a Staple of Culture and Basic Existence; They stayed much clearer from all Illnesses;
as the Stress was dissolved away in Autotelic Flow of Bliss; Yes, the Great Spirit; the Kingdom of Heaven within
one with all of Existence; as the American Indian Still Dances and Sings, Now Free; smiles there are no Cultural
Clothes With God; i'll leave You with the Greatest Lines of Truth Likely ever Spoken; Censored out of the New
Testament; as of course it wouldn't matter what you called Yourself to find 'God'; What You May not Understand
is that Calling Yourself 'Christian' is Identity 'Politics' too; and today at least it is the Color of Trump; not a very
nice identity in deed; We All Call ourselves something Until We Free Ourselves into Love; Enjoy Your Trip my
Friend, wherever you go now; And As Far As what anyone Calls themselves; i tend to Focus on Love Beginning
Always Love Story; No Better Place to Go Now AFAIF for Sure; For Real No Better Place but the Present Gift of Love;
All the Colors
of Love as
A Four Letter
Word that Make
God Real; to me at Least;
No Books Required Tread
on all the Pages of These Cultural Clothes of Words too..
37) His disciples said to him, "When will you be visible to us,
and when shall we behold you?"
He said, "When you strip naked without being ashamed, and
take your garments and put them under your feet like little
children and tread upon them, then you will see the child of the
Living, and you will not be afraid."
114) Simon Peter said to Him, "Let Mary leave us, for women are
not worthy of Life."
Jesus said, "I myself shall lead her in order to make her
male, so that she too may become a living spirit resembling you
males. For every woman who will make herself male will enter the
Kingdom of Heaven."
(Masculine Will And Strength)
And Another one Just for fun and another Great Suggestion:
"Let 'Paul' Leave us, For Men are Not Worthy of Life"
He Says, "I Myself Shall Lead Him in order to make
Him Female, so that He too may become a Living Spirit
Resembling 'Mary'; For Every Man who makes Himself
'Mary' will Enter the Kingdom of Heaven."
(Feminine Grace in Balance of Love)
Females Are Catching Up in Western Cultures;
Males Still Lag Far Behind For the Kingdom of Heaven Complete Within NoW.
The Dude up there you are trying to talk 'down' to it seems; is the Sky Above Your Ground from What i see here.
i don't appreciate Bullying Behavior; no matter how thickly guised it is; that's what i see here, sadly as not so well;
i have no idea if you see it that way; but it is coming close; i commend the Individual above for being one of the
Best Examples of 'Good Cop Jesus' i've seen online lately for sure; Jesus F in Christ at least where i live; for sure.
i doubt Very Seriously that 'Jesus' would even want his Name Associated with the Deep South Christian Republican
Identity Politics of Trump; no more than Going to the Outskirts of Town And Visiting Gehenna Again; (Deep South).
Don't Expect to Hear 'His Name' again; it would Likely Literally Be 'Suicide' if he came back with that Name down here.
Anyway as Always thanks for the Inspiration to increase the Size of my 'Special Interest'; i come here to Exercise
my Asperger's Nature occasionally of Monologues and Special Interests; as really who really Pays attention to what
anyone else is saying here; anyway; and that's okay; Currently, i Speed Read Over 4000 Words A Minute; so it's a breeze
for me at least to 'Read the Whole Thing'; Pages All Soaked up in my Soul, too; As Someone Recently told me while they
Were telling me to 'Shut up'; Good Luck; and Take Care; Of course they would never say that to my face; that's the color
of Humans these days, overall; mostly invisible like me too.....Like Matters and Anti-Matters..when both meet For Real
Expressing Real Colors of Soul; often Hidden Online until Anti-Matters and Matters MeetS AGAiN.
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !
The 'Ignorance' in 'This Thread' Seems 'Significant' to me, at Least; A Couple of points.
People in Wheel Chairs Don't tolerate the Heat the same as 'Regular Folks' Who Don't Use A Wheel Chair; they often do not have the Same Ability to Regulate Body Temperature; Therefore, they get to go to the Front of the Line at Disney World.
You Teach Students; yes, So called AngeRho this is directed at You; My God, i surely hope you don't teach Students with Disabilities; if you don't already understand basics like this.
It Seems you may have Been Bullied in some way in Your Life; as you are coming very close to bullying the individual above; would love to meet you in Person in Mississippi to see what you are like up Close and Personal; Just Curious.
It's worth noting that You are only responding to people here that will take what you are giving; you are not very nice.
You don't seem to have much of a Clue of what it means to even be a Human Being from what you've stated here; other than the Human Being You are; par for the course; for folks who Lack Basic Human Empathy; You are showing very little here, in words at least; that i see.
A lot personal attacks in there.
You called him "ignorant", "not human", "not nice", "lacking basic empathy".
Don't you find it awkward to make these insults on an autism website?
Then a hero comes along, with the strength to carry on, and you cast your fears aside, and you know you can survive.
Be the hero of your life.
The 'Ignorance' in 'This Thread' Seems 'Significant' to me, at Least; A Couple of points.
People in Wheel Chairs Don't tolerate the Heat the same as 'Regular Folks' Who Don't Use A Wheel Chair; they often do not have the Same Ability to Regulate Body Temperature; Therefore, they get to go to the Front of the Line at Disney World.
You Teach Students; yes, So called AngeRho this is directed at You; My God, i surely hope you don't teach Students with Disabilities; if you don't already understand basics like this.
It Seems you may have Been Bullied in some way in Your Life; as you are coming very close to bullying the individual above; would love to meet you in Person in Mississippi to see what you are like up Close and Personal; Just Curious.
It's worth noting that You are only responding to people here that will take what you are giving; you are not very nice.
You don't seem to have much of a Clue of what it means to even be a Human Being from what you've stated here; other than the Human Being You are; par for the course; for folks who Lack Basic Human Empathy; You are showing very little here, in words at least; that i see.
A lot personal attacks in there.
You called him "ignorant", "not human", "not nice", "lacking basic empathy".
No Actually i did not. I said there was ignorance in the thread. Ignorance means Ignorance of the Facts in this context.
The Ignorance Was was in relationship to NOT understanding WHY people who are in Wheel Chairs get to go to the Front of the Line; that came from the Individual i named.
I didn't see any basic empathy in what he spoke about; that's a simple judgment on the words he spoke. Whether or not he has empathy other than that; i have no idea; that is why i said 'it seems' in other words just opinion based on what was stated.
Again; he wasn't being nice to the individual he was speaking to; that was clear he called him "A sicko" that's evidence enough that in this case at least he is not nice; and in that case he is lacking empathy too; and on top of that the dude he was talking to is obviously an Upstanding and Kind Citizen of His Country and this place too; It is ignorance when one cannot see that simple fact either, in Human Behavior. Ignorance is not seeing the obvious facts at hand in this context.
I don't tattle tale when i see an issue; i direct it to the individual concerned in a most tactful way possible; i for one will not stand by when another human being is being treated this way.
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !

Joined: 30 Jul 2013
Age: 37
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Yes, like in the Potato Famine. The Protestant charities descended on Ireland and said, we will give you soup so long as you become Protestant.
During a deadly famine that's lije saying convert or die.
A notable exception were the Quakers, who gave the Irish food without any conditions attached.
The days are long, but the years are short