magz wrote:
From the other thread:
The_Walrus wrote:
Radical feminism isn’t “feminism but more extreme”. At least in this context, it is a specific ideology which denies the biological reality of gender. That is to say, it believes gender is entirely socially constructed, and people are properly categorised by their sex. They would like to entirely abolish the concept of gender as they feel it is the root of women’s oppression. If someone who identifies as a feminist thinks that trans women aren’t women then they’re a TERF.
The opposite to radical feminism is usually said to be liberal feminism, which acknowledges that people have innate gender identity, but argues that the root of women’s oppression is actually the way women are treated by society and the denial of women’s rights.
Can someone translate it for me?
What is "biological reality of gender" but not sex?
Oddly interesting thread in reality , i have read gender reality is fluid upon natures whims.....various species will adapt as situations require .
This is a natural product of nature .
Personall opinion : if it walks like a duck ,quacks like a duck it must therefore be a ......... ? These seem to be the basis for society ? If a person in a police uniform is not a cop ? Then what , must admit about supposed authority figures getting carried away . And people walking into your house in a firemans costume, when you house is burning down .... may not be a fireman?
Then what what point do we act in other than a civilized manner to persons in most all situations. And personally , have the opinion due to much gaslighting costing me desperately and seeing others lose their lives to it .
Am seriously not prone to trust these days.
Diagnosed hfa
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