Black Lives Matter (BLM) is an Auto-Antonym

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Look at the link in this thread from 9:46 AM today. A woman in New York City in the photo is holding up a sign that says ABOLISH THE POLICE.
So if you look at the list of demands from the protestors occupying the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) in Seattle, the first on their list is:
The Seattle Police Department and attached court system are beyond reform. We do not request reform, we demand abolition. We demand that the Seattle Council and the Mayor defund and abolish the Seattle Police Department and the attached Criminal Justice Apparatus. This means 100% of funding, including existing pensions for Seattle Police. At an equal level of priority we also demand that the city disallow the operations of ICE in the city of Seattle.
This photo is of demonstrators in Brooklyn, New York on 2 June 2020.
The New York Times ran an article on 12 June that was titled "Yes, We Mean Literally Abolish the Police".
And that does not mean no law enforcement, as much as you read that and it is your understanding.
I will provide you into a bit of insight into what I think. I don't care if the idea of abolishing the police is something that sounds unreasonable, it is also unreasonable to do absolutely nothing or actually increase funding and power of the police. Doing nothing has been the prevailing opinion of those who oppose the position of BLM, while those who want to actually fix the problem have had to play the part of being reasonable of saying maybe there should be some reform. Reform then gets ignored by the police to actually do anything, because that watered down position of reform meeting do nothing is then carried about by cops to police themselves, and they can just ignore it without any repercussions.
If anything the call to pull down the entire police system that refuses to reform itself is the far more reasonable and sane call over just keep doing the same thing and hoping for a different outcome.
Earlier you asked the question, "We are not really going to start using dead people as props like this, are we?" But isn't that what George Floyd is being used as. He is being used as a prop.
Maybe if you care about all lives you should call for there to be gun reform that does not make it easy for bullets to flying all sorts of ways easily. These random gun deaths against little girls who are shot out of nowhere are not happening in places without America's ridiculous amount of guns, all your first amendment folk are responsible for bullets flying into homes and killing little girls that are dancing. You think that knives could do that? More police or guns are not going to stop stray bullets from killing little girls, but this conservative mindset of guns everywhere and police beating up on minorities is going to make things worse.
Through dream I travel, at lantern's call
To consume the flames of a kingdom's fall
The vast numbers of blacks murdered in this country are not at the hands of the police, they are at the hands of the gangs. And many times they are at the hands of black gang members. Crime fuels these murders.
And what do you think fuels the crime? Could it be poverty and things like systematic racism that can see them harassed by the police by the police for their ethnicity and turns them against the police from a young age?
I used the Elija story because I happened to be watching it while I read your post, and I wanted to back up my point that if you used one person as a prop I could get more. I think that it is reductionist and not helpful to an actual conversation rather than trying to be manipulative.
Generally gangs are actually a symptom of a problem in an area, rather than simply a problem that must be squashed by more police brutality. If more black people are being killed from them, then that should be evidence that there are some deep problems in those communities, and if the aggressive police force put into those areas have not already helped, then they might even be a problem as part of a larger problem. Instead of just trying to follow the narrative put out by Fox or even the police that have been increasingly been shown to be flawed in transparency with the likes of the thing blue line, saying that BLM does not care about improving the lives of black people, you should listen to some of their testimonies in how they are harassed by cops, and what that does to them.
Bradleigh, you're not from the U.S. so you may not be privy to the following info in relation to gangs being a symptom of larger community problems. Do you know how many decades most urban areas in the U.S. have been controlled by Democratic leadership at every level (ie mayor, city council, etc)? Why haven't these problems been fixed or at least reduced? Victimhood = votes?

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So you think that if Republicans were in control the problems would be fixed?
The problems are so large of systematic poverty and racism that leads to gangs and other crimes, that simply voting people that identify as Democratic, especially compared more rural places of your country, has not been enough in ending those problems, not when as part of the symptom you have a man in the white house calling black men thugs. You have designed voter suppression that discriminates in these areas and make poor black people have difficulty voting from elections not being holidays and requiring IDs that require money to get.
The reason that Democrats are so voted in those areas is because the people recognise that the problems that are leading to their situations would be helped by Democrat policies, but they are so kneecapped by the others of the system that they can't do enough. Not when you rich white conservative people saying that there should be no affordable healthcare, that those in poverty already should just get beaten by the police, and just allow more guns.
If democrats can't do enough, can you imagine what the people would suffer under Republicans who really just want to throw more force at the problem and believe in trickle down economics?
Through dream I travel, at lantern's call
To consume the flames of a kingdom's fall
So you think that if Republicans were in control the problems would be fixed?
The problems are so large of systematic poverty and racism that leads to gangs and other crimes, that simply voting people that identify as Democratic, especially compared more rural places of your country, has not been enough in ending those problems, not when as part of the symptom you have a man in the white house calling black men thugs. You have designed voter suppression that discriminates in these areas and make poor black people have difficulty voting from elections not being holidays and requiring IDs that require money to get.
The reason that Democrats are so voted in those areas is because the people recognise that the problems that are leading to their situations would be helped by Democrat policies, but they are so kneecapped by the others of the system that they can't do enough. Not when you rich white conservative people saying that there should be no affordable healthcare, that those in poverty already should just get beaten by the police, and just allow more guns.
If democrats can't do enough, can you imagine what the people would suffer under Republicans who really just want to throw more force at the problem and believe in trickle down economics?
Who are the "others" in the system that are kneecapping the Democratic policies?

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First of all, nothing in that news story says anything about <i>who</i> shot the victim, so I don't see why you bothered including it.
Second of all, your whole argument seems to be based on the misconception that BLM is intended to address every single mortal threat to "black" people. It isn't. Activist groups choose the problems they want to address; they don't have infinite reach, time, or energy, and they aren't obligated to address every single issue that you think is implicated by their choice of name, nor whatever issue you think is more pressing.

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People like you who are saying that the democrats are trying to foster victimhood for votes?
Through dream I travel, at lantern's call
To consume the flames of a kingdom's fall
People like you who are saying that the democrats are trying to foster victimhood for votes?
How do people like me kneecap democratic policies in democratically controlled cities?

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People like you who are saying that the democrats are trying to foster victimhood for votes?
How do people like me kneecap democratic policies in democratically controlled cities?
I can't speak for you personally, but generally the preferred method is gerrymandering.

If Elijah was an Aspie, then it may partly explain what transpired in his case. One of the problems that many Aspies or High Functioning Autistics face is the tendency to experience a panic attack under extreme stress.
Some of the symptoms of a panic attack are:
* Palpitations, pounding heart or accelerated heart rate
* Sweating
* Trembling or shaking
* Sensations of shortness of breath or smothering
* Feeling of choking
* Chest pain or discomfort
* Nausea or abdominal distress
* Feeling dizzy, unsteady, lightheaded or faint
* Chills or heat sensations
* Paresthesias; numbness or tingling sensations
* Derealization (feelings of unreality) or depersonalization (being detached from oneself)
* Fear of losing control or going crazy
* Fear of dying
So when you go back to the events that occurred, they described:
"Body-cam footage of the arrest does exist, although the ADP did not release it to the public until late November, months after McClain’s death. In the footage, an officer can be heard admitting McClain had done nothing illegal prior to his arrest; another accuses McClain of reaching for one of their guns. McClain, meanwhile, can be heard asking the officers to stop, explaining that they started to arrest him as he was “stopping [his] music to listen.” He gasps that he cannot breathe. He tells them his name, says he has ID but no gun, and pleads that his house is “right there.” He sobs, and vomits, and apologizes: “I wasn’t trying to do that,” he says. “I just can’t breathe correctly.” One of the officers can also be heard threatening to set his dog on McClain if he “keep[s] messing around,” and claiming he exhibited an extreme show of strength when officers tried to pin back his arms.
A person with panic disorder can also be worried about the cause of attack (fear of some severe physical problem such as pending heart attack or stroke is very common) and as a result he or she can exhibit many behavioral changes in response to fear . Some even become 'aggressive panickers' in self-defense.
So Elijah is exhibiting some of the symptoms of a panic attack?
Even though Elijah exhibited several of the symptoms of being an Aspie, he may never have been diagnosed. So whereas the police probably perceived Elijah as a person high on some stimulant (like cocaine, crack cocaine, methamphetamine, amphetamine, bath salts, spice, or flakka). This is something that the police encounter quite often. But in reality, he was possibly an Aspie suffering from a panic attack, and they only escalated his level of stress by threatening to set their dog on him.
What could Elijah have done to save his life?
Many interactions with the police can be stressful. I know this first hand because while visiting Chicago, I was stopped asked to exit the car, put my hands on the roof of the car and then I was frisked. I am a very friendly person and the encounter was definitely not a friendly experience. This type of encounter is even more stressful for an Aspie or HFA than the average NT and could lead to a panic attack.
If Elijah was an Aspie, he could quickly de-escalated the situation if he knew how. The answer is actually quite simple and every Aspie should know the technique. It is called a Communication Card. Always carry a card that has "I have Autism" on one side and on the other side provide your name and address and a point-of-contact with their phone number. And then if a person begins to slide into a panic attack due to stress with an encounter with police, just give them that card. It will quickly de-escalate the situation.
And if you doubt that Elijah is an Aspie, then how many NTs do you know that would spend their lunch breaks at local animal shelters, putting on concerts for cats and dogs because they believed music would help soothe their anxiety?
Author of Practical Preparations for a Coronavirus Pandemic.
A very unique plan. As Dr. Paul Thompson wrote, "This is the very best paper on the virus I have ever seen."
Last edited by jimmy m on 27 Jun 2020, 9:13 am, edited 2 times in total.
We are not really going to start using dead people as props like this, are we?
So Many Stories Being Told Now That People are Listening.
Wow, Thanks For Sharing The Story of 'Elijah'. i surely Can And Will relate to Wearing
Cold Weather Gear in Even 100 Degree Temperatures as there were Days Beginning in July of 2007
That my Autonomic Nervous System started to No Longer Work Correctly Then, From 11 Years of
Chronic Work Related Stress Accelerating to Fight or Flight Stress the Last Two Years as it isn't Always Easy to Deal
With Social Stress, Particularly when You have an Undiagnosed Disorder (Asperger's) 'till Age 47, Where Yes, Social
Reciprocal Communication in Appropriately Expressing What You Are Feeling Within in Back and Forth Conversation
With Others, Or Even With Yourself, will be
Very Difficult And Literally Impossible to do.
Yeah; It's hard to get out of a Stressful Situation
When really You don't even understand the Storms
You are Feeling Inside As You Must Learn Metaphor
of Some Kind to Relate This to other Folks to
Frigging Potentially Save Your Life as
it is no old Wive's Tale;
Chronic to Acute
Long Term Stress
Destroys every Bodily
System as Slow and Real Torture.
And It is Very Important to Just Say NO
When others Just will not Stop Abusing You
For Being Different. i'm glad the Moderators
took the F part out of my reply to the one
Who continues to TRY TO USE Intellectual
Bullying With me; but it's true there
is a whole lot of Documentation
Elsewhere where the response
to the way i communicate
Now is in terms of
Brilliant and
Genius for those
Who have the kind of intelligence
i have worked for now; the Intelligence
of Human Art to Express the Deeper parts
of the Human Soul; never the less, when Bullies
Treat other folks Poorly out of Ignorance they do
Deserve to be called out; not for me; but for others
who do NOT get rave reviews outside of what may be this
Only Avenue for Human Contact they have at all as it may
Become an 'i'm Smarter than you' Contest now rather
than one of Empathy, Sympathy, And Compassion for
Tolerating those who are different; I've Been on this
Internet Site for Almost 10 Years Now and try
to Self Authentically Express all of who i am
DECADES; it's nice to have
somewhere to express
all of who you are now
where at least folks will
Tolerate the Different of You and
Just allow You too Peacefully Exist
And Give you the Benefit of Ignoring
You if they Cannot Understand the way you communicate.
i really felt for Elijah, viscerally from my past REALLY understanding
Where He was coming from as He did not want Who He Was/Is taken
Away from Bullies Wearing a Uniform to Give them the right to do that
Just because He was Black, Dressed Differently and my God Raised His Arms in the
Air Like that should be 'against the Law too'; Part of the Reason i Dance in Public;
And Yes Communicate Uniquely Here in an Artful Way is the Message, it is Okay to
Be Different; i am no 140 Pound Black Young Man but it is no different i know when
it's time to say enough is enough; Fortunately for me in School, i Grew tall early so
all i got is Verbal Abuse; Fortunately, for me i'm most always the Strongest one in
Any room i go into now, so no one messes with me for my Smile or Ballet Free
Style in Public Now in Trump Town USA; as by God i am Neither Afraid of
My Shadow or My Angel too; And True, According to My Therapist
of many Years, My IQ is off the Charts as that is what she does
Measure as it is part of Her Job too; All She has to do is talk
to me verbally to see all the places i can take her,
she's never been before; the difference
is she is Open Minded, and
has enough Focus
And Attention
to go where i take her;
Not many People Do; but this is what
one may Miss Out on When one doesn't
take the moments to understand how Trees
Grow Differently; some small, some too large to even see the top;
That Young Man stood Up for Himself to be who he was/is and no
one took not even one second to try to understand who he was.
There are lot of Bad
Cops in the World;
it is NOT limited
to a Uniform;
or a Badge;
Love Understands And
Tolerates; And at Best
Accepts Differences or
There is NO ' Jesus', 'God'
As Metaphors; and Damn
If Anyone of those 3 Cops had an
Ounce of Love in their Soul That Young Man Will Still Be Breathing Now.
Understand the Root of the Problem on Both Sides; Deficits in Intelligence of Human Soul.
School Doesn't Teach that; And Neither Do Rallies Where Cops Cheer on When Trump Verbally Abuses
Just Rough 'em up A Bit and Let them Hit Their Head on the Roof When You Push them in the Car.
Understand the Problem; It's always been 'this HUMAN way'
The Cure is Gardening the Human Soul;
Now, If Anyone doesn't Understand that
Electing Any Leader to a Position of
Authority No Matter What it is
Without Cognitive Empathy,
Sympathy, And Compassion
For Others; It is almost Certain
Harm And Injury is coming soon to those
That Leader is 'Supposed to Serve and Protect';
And Indeed now as We see the Killing Fields THAT
Come With Ignorance Without A Soul; and NO, It's
NOT Smart enough without Art of Human Soul;
Don't Forget Art is LiTeRaLLY pART oF HeART,
SmART And Even At Core of PLaNeT EartH;
How Do We Teach LoVE iN a Country
That Has Money
And Stuff
As 'The Greatest God';
Therein Lies Both the Root of the Problem and
The Solution; There is none as Long as Money and Stuff is God;
Find a New God away from 'Protestants' Against Love; That's the Frigging Answer;
too Big and Small for Some folks to even Feel as the Way Up from the Way Down Now.
Hey, Some Black Folks Got a Clue;
They Are Leaving 'This Frigging Hell Hole'
Moving to Somewhere Else Where REAL Love Lives NoW.
Fortunately, for
me, i Generate
My Own Country of
Love Within and Circle
the Globe Virtually to find
it from Deep in the Clutches
of Trump Town USA; where folks
are finally getting some idea of who
they are
by just
At all
of what
Their Chosen
Symbol of their
Old Testament
'God' of Fear and Hate still does.
It's okay to be 'You'
And It's Okay to Be
'me'; but it's NOT okay
For anyone to FREELY Abuse
Someone Else When Smart Becomes
Ignorance of Love; In Other Words,
Solving the Problem Always Starts at 'Home'.
-Just Another 'Sycamore Tree' that no one
Will Ever Chop Chop Down; As i Own my Own Power.
Guess What:
Elijah is Another Prophet FOR REAL
Just Because i say
He is in 'my own Bible now'.
No one has to Read it;
No one has to Even See it;
But it's True This Tree continues to Grow Higher.
-in Memory of Elijah
Elijah Matters...
THere is a place 'Your'
Soul Will Last for many coming Years...
And Sure, Why Not; Even the 'Wrong Planet' too, 'MarK my Words'..

Not Everything in this World is 'Twitter Size';
Surely, Not Any Leader, i Respect, in this World, No Matter What 'Color'.
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !

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I know that you think that you are helping with this, but you must be told this paragraph is incredibly condescending, that his life would have been fine if he had some card in his wallet that could have dispersed the situation, when those men did not care enough to check on his claim about him living close by, which could possibly be proven by something like an ID, which he said that he had. Nothing Elijah could have said would have stopped those thugs in blue from killing him.
And you certainly are not helping by claiming that things like his problems breathing were because of a panic attack rather than the cops on the record saying that they were trying to choke him out for the purpose of making him lose consciousness, before they had paramedics tranquilise him. As a warning, I think that if you said that to some people you would be at real risk of someone punching you tried to explain away someone who was killed by police as mostly having a panic attack if they claimed that they cannot breathe.
And it was those words again; "I can't breathe".
Can you not see that there really is a sickness of police out control. I can hardly be forced into an uncomfortable position without being at risk of suddenly having a muscle cramp that could make it very hard for me to be still. Being forced to the ground with someone on top of me, that sounds like a total nightmare.
And yet the system is letting those murderers get away with it.
Through dream I travel, at lantern's call
To consume the flames of a kingdom's fall
If you find yourself in a tense situation with a cop and your ability to communicate breaks down, reaching into your pockets or inside your jacket for a card might not be the best idea.
I'm bored out of my skull, let's play a different game. Let's pay a visit down below and cast the world in flame.
If you find yourself in a tense situation with a cop and your ability to communicate breaks down, reaching into your pockets or inside your jacket for a card might not be the best idea.
I had thought about that. It is common in today's world to have a lanyard with a badge or name tag hung around your neck. I have worn them on numerous occasions. Here is a picture of one.

They can be essentially invisible by being worn beneath a shirt. So one would not need to reach into their pocket which might be considered a threatening move to the authorities. But if you need to show it just pull it up from around your neck.
Author of Practical Preparations for a Coronavirus Pandemic.
A very unique plan. As Dr. Paul Thompson wrote, "This is the very best paper on the virus I have ever seen."
If you find yourself in a tense situation with a cop and your ability to communicate breaks down, reaching into your pockets or inside your jacket for a card might not be the best idea.
Indeed. ... rin_Hamley
I am the dust that dances in the light. - Rumi
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