ironpony wrote:
The BLM is portrayed by the media all the time as anti-Trump, and for Joe Biden, but I thought that BLM was about black lives matter and wanting justice for brutality against black people. Since Trump doesn't have anything to with that, why does it matter if a BLM is pro-Trump or not?
That's like saying well if you are a Christian, you can only vote for a certain leader, or something like that, for example.
Unless I am wrong and the BLM has a rule that you cannot vote for Trump?
BLM is about anarchy. BLM is a movement that wants to defund the police. Without money going to the police there is no more police and with no more police investigating crimes and charging people the criminal courts will no longer be able to function. Ironically without police charging people and investigating crimes racism will effectively be legal again and not a single soul will ever be brought before a judge again even for race crimes.
BLM is just anti government full stop. It's not for or against either party. It's