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10 Sep 2021, 9:55 am

Mr Reynholm wrote:
If Americans are so evil why are so many people risking their lives to get here?

Because there is even worse evil elsewhere. At this point the only thing stopping the US from descending into chaos is wealth built off slave labor in the 3rd world. As soon as homelessness and hunger reaches a critical level people here will start killing each other too, and there will be nowhere to run. Too much pride, selfishness, arrogance, and greed will be the US undoing.


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10 Sep 2021, 2:56 pm

Pepe wrote:
naturalplastic wrote:
Being for the death penalty is not enough to make someone classifiable as "evil".

Andy Rooney said "I am against the death penalty, but there are some people I read about in the news that I could just kill". LIke him I lean toward being against the death penalty, but I cant say that l disown and lack all sympathy for folks who support it.

Most people are emotionalists rather than rationalists.
Studies have verified this.
However, :mrgreen:
Based on what I have seen, there is a disproportionate number of emotionalists, in America. 8)

No. Most folks everywhere are like you. Emotionalists pretending to be rationalist. :lol:


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10 Sep 2021, 3:31 pm


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10 Sep 2021, 4:38 pm

It Depends on Where Ya Live in the United (AND WHO YA ARE)

States; It's True, Ignorance Harms, Rapes, Maims,

And Kills The Most; Never The Less, i LiVE iN A

'Reddest' Area in the United

States and It's

Still Basically



Fact is Even As 'Woke'

As i am, Humans Tend to

Live More Peacefully In Homogenous

Ways of Tradition in Believing And Acting

Similar Ways And In Doing So As One Happy

Family Unmasked and Unvaccinated in Ignorance

Loaded to the Hilt in Most Every Home An Armory Exists...

It's Basically

Safe Enough

To Keep one's

Doors Unlocked While

They Are Home; Yet True

my Wife Watches Way too Much TV to Do that hehe...

Basically, The Internet Does Not Reflect Reality for Most Folks in
The United States; There are Hot Spots of Conflict, Yes; The Rest

Is Mostly

Boring Now

Routine at Most..

Just Getting 'Buy' to
Survive With French Fries
And Hamburgers to Go Quicker too...

Been to Many Family Farm Sunday Dinners
After Gospel Singing Churches Let out with

The Pastor Conducting Prayers Before Pot Luck
Dinners Rain Down on Picnic Table Warmth... As

Long as Folks Believe in the Same Jesus, Everyone Gets Along Fine
Enough; Except For Idol Gossip When Other Folks Are Not There

to Talk About For
Jumping Status...

It's A Real


Jesus Seems to

Save the Peace in the

Church And Spread the

Ignorance That Harms And Kills,
These Modern Days, More Than Ever Before,
Specifically in 'Killing Fields of Red' in Pandemic Way...

All They Would Have to Do is to Decide That Trademark Jesus
Wants them Now to Wear a Mask and Get the Vaccination Shot in Church

And They'd March Like Onward Christian Soldiers to get that Job Done too...


Ya Gotta


Where the Peace
And Problems Come From
Most; Throwing the JBaby Out

With the Dirty Holy Water Will
Most Definitely Take Away The Peace We Have now too...

Ya Can't Have too Many Ships Without Matching Anchors With Sails...

It's Always
A Fine


Of Safety,
Security, And Freedoms...

Generally, Actually Doing, Solving Ignorance Usually Comes in Last, Sadly...

It is What IT is; Super Peaceful for me and Most Folks Here IN REAL LIFE...

When i was Young, No so much; Yet Then Again, i Have White Privilege of
Looking Like

A Military/Law
Dude Now Who Could

Hit a Home Run on the
Baptist SoftBall Team; Yuck,
Oh The Boring... Never Left
Field for me again.. hAHa...

Anchors, Sails, And Wings...
Fair Winds And Following Seas...

Clue: The Internet Isn't Real Life....

We Create This Reality Most By Our Biases in Life...

And i Don't For a Minute Question That Some Folks
Don't Live in An Inner Hell Who Come here... What i've Learned

Most in Life Now is Yes, Most Success Starts, Ends, Finishes,
And Begins Again Within...

As Most Archetypical

Usually Just Do...

If Ya Feel Great Within

The United States Feels

Great; if Ya Feel S88ky Within Most Everything S88ks...

And God Yes In A Land Revolving Around the God of

Money of



Is A Highway to
Escape Indentured Servitude
Where Ya Remain In Debt For Decades
Never Really Coming Out Ahead to Escape

The Green God Capital

Of What Otherwise Will

Be Real Heaven on Earth

With Life, Liberty, And Real Happiness Earned...

Happiness Always Comes With A Cost of Freedom, Security, And Safety...


the Parts
Ya Just Cannot change...

DarK Is Part of Life; No Escaping
Shadows For Those Who LiVE iN Sunshine True...

Again, i LiVE iN A Reddest Town There is; And Yes
Everyday People Are Far FROM SO-CALLED EVIL; JUST F


IT IS ya blend
in Enough, in Rome, to Survive

Ya Escape When Ya Need too hehe, online...

Or In the Forest, or At the Beach, Or Just

Sitting Under A Tree;

Like Any Other

Buddha Now Who

Finds Nirvana in 'Rome'
Or Mayberry R.F.D...
Nature Remains Now
King And Or Queen...
For Real; Nah, Don't Fool
Yourself in Believing There is
No Escaping CuLTuRaL Clothes...

Even Some Homeless Folks Are Successful This Way...

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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10 Sep 2021, 8:41 pm

Pepe wrote:
You watch executions? 8O
"Interesting". 8)

Not literally, snuff movies aren't really my bag, but it's amazing how complicated some of the states make killing someone, and how frequently they manage to bungle the job.

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10 Sep 2021, 9:00 pm

No, I don't believe people are evil because they support the DP in a far from perfect criminal justice system. The real problem with the DP is:

Studies show it is ineffective at deterring crime. Yes, Americans love to ignore science.

Support for it could be more about vengeance than deterring crime. This is abhorrent but not evil.

Support for it could be more about wanting bad things to be gone. But that doesn't happen and death row drags on and on.

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10 Sep 2021, 10:18 pm

CarlM wrote:
Yes, Americans love to ignore science.

Let's be fair, we're far from the only people who love to do that.

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10 Sep 2021, 10:29 pm

Fnord wrote:
King0fSpades wrote:
Fnord wrote:
King0fSpades wrote:
Mr Reynholm wrote:
If Americans are so evil why are so many people risking their lives to get here?
Why are there so many Americans hell bent on building a giant wall to keep these people from coming here?
Do you mean this one?
It is Trump's Vanity Wall, which has mysteriously lost funding and public support, just like its namesake.

<Pepe points at the (White House) elephant in the room> 8O
The Biden administration hasn't anything/k to do with that, by any chance? :scratch: :mrgreen:

I don't expect an answer, but...
So you believe anyone and everyone should be allowed to freely walk into America?
How did that work out for the turtle's German? :scratch:


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10 Sep 2021, 10:31 pm

MaxE wrote:
Fnord wrote:
It is Trump's Vanity Wall, which has mysteriously lost funding and public support, just like its namesake.

Trump still gets plenty of funding although it may be less public than before.

Funding for government projects? 8O
I doubt it. 8)


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10 Sep 2021, 10:32 pm

Fnord wrote:
MaxE wrote:
Fnord wrote:
It is Trump's Vanity Wall, which has mysteriously lost funding and public support, just like its namesake.
Trump still gets plenty of funding although it may be less public than before.
Perhaps ... but where is that money actually going?

I think you guys are using a different context to each other.
Well, initially. 8)


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10 Sep 2021, 10:35 pm

Mr Reynholm wrote:
King0fSpades wrote:
Mr Reynholm wrote:
If Americans are so evil why are so many people risking their lives to get here?

Why are there so many Americans hell bent on building a giant wall to keep these people from coming here?

Why do you lock your front door?
People are welcome to come here legally. There is a system in place to legally emigrate to the evil United States.

Don't be ridiculous.
How will the Taliban get in if there is a vetting process? :scratch: :mrgreen:


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10 Sep 2021, 10:42 pm

VegetableMan wrote:
Tell that to people who have lost someone at the hands of some psychotic killer. I am against the death penalty, but admit that I might want to see the person who killed a loved one pay the ultimate price.

I'm human. That does not make me evil, just flawed and often ruled by emotion.

You do realise what you just said, right?
That people who are not responsible for their actions should be held responsible for their actions. 8O

Perhaps you mean "psychopathic killer"? :scratch:


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10 Sep 2021, 10:44 pm

NoClearMind53 wrote:
thinkinginpictures wrote:

A poll from the Pew Research Center released in June suggested that 60% of US adults favoured the death penalty, though nearly 80% believed there was some risk that an innocent person could be put to death.

Logical deduction is as follows:

1. The majority favours DP.
2. The majority don't care about innocent being put to death, even though they know the risk.

No. 2 is evil because you are in favour of executing an innocent (it is is evil to punish an innocent). Therefore, the logical conclusion must be that the majority (no. 1) are evil.

I don't think number 2 is true. People are ignorant to the massive flaws in our criminal justice system. They won't wake up until they experience something first hand.

Isn't it a question of people not wanting to foot the taxpayer bill of a life sentence?
If true, then perhaps it is a pragmatic evil to invoke the death sentence. 8)


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10 Sep 2021, 10:49 pm

naturalplastic wrote:
Pepe wrote:
naturalplastic wrote:
Being for the death penalty is not enough to make someone classifiable as "evil".

Andy Rooney said "I am against the death penalty, but there are some people I read about in the news that I could just kill". LIke him I lean toward being against the death penalty, but I cant say that l disown and lack all sympathy for folks who support it.

Most people are emotionalists rather than rationalists.
Studies have verified this.
However, :mrgreen:
Based on what I have seen, there is a disproportionate number of emotionalists, in America. 8)

No. Most folks everywhere are like you. Emotionalists pretending to be rationalist. :lol:

Am not. [pout]



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10 Sep 2021, 10:53 pm

CarlM wrote:
No, I don't believe people are evil because they support the DP in a far from perfect criminal justice system. The real problem with the DP is:

Studies show it is ineffective at deterring crime. Yes, Americans love to ignore science.

Support for it could be more about vengeance than deterring crime. This is abhorrent but not evil.

Support for it could be more about wanting bad things to be gone. But that doesn't happen and death row drags on and on.

In Australia, I think most people would consider this understandable, but immoral/evil. 8)


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10 Sep 2021, 10:57 pm

The philosophical question the OP is propositioning is whether supporting the death penalty (capital punishment) is evil?

If the answer is yes...then the premise of his post is correct.