IsabellaLinton wrote:
Fewer women have sex in red states, and fewer men commit rape?
I still don’t get it.
Most pregnancies aren’t the result of rape, and not every rape victim gets pregnant. This kind of argument reminds me of how right-wingers get all bent out of shape over the insanity defense for murder. The argument is that the insanity plea is used too often. This isn’t factual. The criteria for pleading insanity is stringent—the insane person must typically have a history of mental illness and violet behavior. Of those who successfully plead insanity, it is rare that they are acquitted.
I don’t actually have a problem with sexual assault as a rationale for abortion. I believe that whatever the actual incidence of conceptions from sexual assault is, it must be sufficiently rare that, like the insanity plea, it neither deserves the attention of abortion opponents or proponents.
I don’t see rape as an abortion issue. I see rape as a rape issue. Abortion resulting from rape is the rapist’s fault. Treat it like murder or manslaughter and either lock the man up, give him forced labor, or put him down for the long sleep.