Why is there so much hating on the right on this website?

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26 Jun 2022, 11:11 pm

IsabellaLinton wrote:
I wonder how many of them are in arrears for child support, or have abused and neglected their own kids?

The pedophiles being covered up would all be Freemasons. That's why its a point of attack. Karen Brewer is trying to explain the tool of abuse to induce dissociation identity disorder and other personality changes. This is a major part of the conspiracy. Don't believe? Well lets just #ExposeThe28 and see what we find.

Karen Brewer Why Prominent Silence
Senator Bill Heffernan
Canberra Instructing the Governor-General
Aust PM confronted
telegram "Bush Telegraph with Karen Brewer"


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26 Jun 2022, 11:13 pm

I'm not talking about conspiracies.
I'm not interested in conspiracies.
I'm asking a genuine question based on lived experience.

I never give you my number, I only give you my situation.


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26 Jun 2022, 11:34 pm

flamingshorts wrote:
IsabellaLinton wrote:
I wonder how many of them are in arrears for child support, or have abused and neglected their own kids?

The pedophiles being covered up would all be Freemasons. That's why its a point of attack. Karen Brewer is trying to explain the tool of abuse to induce dissociation identity disorder and other personality changes. This is a major part of the conspiracy. Don't believe? Well lets just #ExposeThe28 and see what we find.

Karen Brewer Why Prominent Silence
Senator Bill Heffernan
Canberra Instructing the Governor-General
Aust PM confronted
telegram "Bush Telegraph with Karen Brewer"

Why is every single piece of “evidence” you use just a weird video which only the most credulous would take seriously?

Why are there no sensible peer-reviewed articles to support your claims?

(Hint: It’s because there is no valid evidence.)


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26 Jun 2022, 11:37 pm

IsabellaLinton wrote:
I wonder how many of them are in arrears for child support, or have abused and neglected their own kids?

Probably many have abused their kids since corporal punishment is seen as the gold standard by lots of them.


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27 Jun 2022, 1:57 am

It's really creepy the way republicans keep peddling this stuff
https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfr ... dren-abuse


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27 Jun 2022, 3:09 am

flamingshorts wrote:
IsabellaLinton wrote:
I wonder how many of them are in arrears for child support, or have abused and neglected their own kids?

The pedophiles being covered up would all be Freemasons. That's why its a point of attack. Karen Brewer is trying to explain the tool of abuse to induce dissociation identity disorder and other personality changes. This is a major part of the conspiracy. Don't believe? Well lets just #ExposeThe28 and see what we find.

Karen Brewer Why Prominent Silence
Senator Bill Heffernan
Canberra Instructing the Governor-General
Aust PM confronted
telegram "Bush Telegraph with Karen Brewer"

Jesus flamingshorts! you might be onto something



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27 Jun 2022, 8:30 am

It is not that the Billy Joel video itself is stupid, but that using a music or YouTube video to prove a false belief simply is not very bright.

Never let a (YouTube) video do your thinking for you.

Mona Pereth

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27 Jun 2022, 10:33 am

flamingshorts wrote:
There is clearly a long term plan.

Really? Most mega-corporations these days are interested primarily in maximizing the next quarter's profits, not in any longterm plan.

Have you ever worked for the government or for any company that employed more than about 20 people? I suspect not, or at least not for very long. To almost anyone who has worked, for any length of time, for any entity that employed more than about 20 people, it would be obvious why conspiracy theories are not necessary to explain the vast majority of things that can go wrong within a group of people. Real-life conspiracies do happen, but they are the exception, not the rule.

flamingshorts wrote:
Elites have been studying mass manipulation for a long time.

Of course they have. But the elites also are not totally unified, fortunately, nor (at least in countries with an at least semi-democratic structure) have they attained total control over the masses of people.

flamingshorts wrote:
Some say it is part of a long term totalitarian takeover with mass extermination/depopulation as its goal.

Back in the 1970's and 1980's, lots of people -- not just elites -- were very worried about overpopulation. Since then it has become clear that the combination of sufficient technological development, plus women's rights, plus government programs like Social Security, automatically result in most people not wanting to have lots of kids.

So the most important key to getting the world's population growth under control would be worldwide prosperity. Now that we know the solution, there is much less panic about population growth, and no more need for totalitarian measures (like China's former one-child policy) to stop population growth.

Please keep in mind that overpopulation hurts everyone, especially poor people, not just -- or primarily -- elites.

When I was growing up, it was commonly said that one third of the world's population was on the brink of starvation. Thanks to advances in agricultural technology, the fraction of the world's population on the brink of starvation is now much smaller. It would be best for all of us if the world's population could be fully stabilized before it reaches the maximum number of people who can be supported by today's agricultural technology in today's climate.

flamingshorts wrote:
Many of the tactics of totalitarians of 20th century are in play. Here is a small booklet BRAINWASH Alan Gourley

It starts off by saying, "The challenge: I offer $10,000 to the first person who can disprove (or show to be in serious error) my thesis that there is an elite of "Mafia style families", whose activities can be reasonably described as criminal, actively exploiting humanity and planning dictatorial world government. "

Of course there exist "Mafia style families." But there isn't just ONE "Mafia-style family" that has controlled the world for millennia. There have been many "Mafia style families," whose fortunes rise and fall.

flamingshorts wrote:
Look up the 45 rules for communism.

The alleged 45 "Communist goals," as entered in the U.S. Congressional Record on January 10, 1963, are identified as an excerpt from "The Naked Communist," by Cleon Skousen, about whom see this Wikipedia article. Skousen was an extreme right winger, and I don't consider his list of 45 alleged "Communist goals" to be a credible source. For example, most Communists were not defending gay rights back in the 1950's and 1960's.

flamingshorts wrote:
Some say the goal isn't communism or fascism but technocracy and transhumanism.

There are indeed a lot of dangers associated with "transhumanism". The result, for humans, could be anything from total liberation to total tyranny, depending on the nature of the machines. But technological progress is hard to predict. Given my own computer science background, it seems to me that the "singularity" probably won't be happening anywhere near as soon as some people believe.

flamingshorts wrote:
Trans movement is part of a plan for the slaves to have only one gender.

You obviously are unfamiliar with the history of the LGBTQ+ rights movement. Please learn about it, from sources other than grand conspiracy ideologists.

flamingshorts wrote:
The Australian govt signed a treaty on the international standardization of history in 1939. That was just one detail in the planning of this operation. There is social conditioning everywhere. Eg sport is used to make people accept restrictions on free speech.

The cult of celebrity has cast a spell. Here is proof Billy Joel - We didnt start the fire. (All people/events connected to Freemasonry.

I don't see any proof of anything here, just a bunch of historical images. What exactly are you trying to prove, and how?

Some of the images show people making various hand gestures. Are you alleging that these hand gestures prove that these people are all Freemasons?

flamingshorts wrote:
Even WWI and WWII were just carefully organized satanic sacrifices by the satanic elite.)

Good grief! Please study some actual, real history of WWI and WWII.

flamingshorts wrote:
All occultists/illuminati/freemason. All these words just mean satanism.

No, they don't -- and even Satanism generally doesn't mean what you think it means, either. Please learn more about these topics, too, from sources other than conspiracy theorists.

flamingshorts wrote:

What's this? More alleged evil significance of celebrity hand gestures?

flamingshorts wrote:
Some celebrities have been murdered over the years for trying to tell people eg Chester Bennington, Peter Allen, Isaac Kappy.

Looking up all these people in Wikipedia:

Chester Bennington is said to have committed suicide by hanging. Of course one can speculate that almost any suicide was really murder by an unknown assailant, but do you have any actual evidence of this?

Peter Allen is said to have died at Mercy Hospital, San Diego, on 18 June 1992, from an AIDS-related throat cancer. Do you have evidence to the contrary?

Isaac Kappy is said to have committed suicide by jumping off a bridge. Do you have evidence that someone pushed him?

- Autistic in NYC - Resources and new ideas for the autistic adult community in the New York City metro area.
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Last edited by Mona Pereth on 27 Jun 2022, 12:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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27 Jun 2022, 10:47 am

cyberdad wrote:
Jesus flamingshorts! . . .
I think you just coined a new curse-phrase -- "Jesus' flamin' shorts!"


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27 Jun 2022, 11:11 am

Traditionally, Boats Require Anchors to Provide
Safe Harbors For Boats Sailing into Rough Seas;
Yet Indeed, More Liberally, Sails to Explore
Fair Winds And Following Seas; Otherwise,

New Green Lands

With Abundance

May Be Left Behind

For CaveS in Deserts

In SCaRCiTiES For Even Water to Drink...

Yawn, i'm More Like a Cat, i Love to Explore;
Particularly in the Spring; Yet Really Always Now

Will Do; In Fact, Slowly Dancing Around the Neighborhood

Block, Some Little Nippy Dogs Behind Their Fence

Barked at me Incessantly to Provide Safety For

THeir Masters, Even Though i'm Sure my

DarK SHades, Such Big Brown Eyes, (Hiding
Green Changing Sailing to Blue EYeS) And

my Size of 245 Pounds Likely

Was A Bit Intimidating

As They Continued to
Back Away From me From
The Fence Edge As they Continued
Their Warning Not to Approach Their
Territory And Their Conservative Responsibility
To Keep a Safe Tradition of Life intact for All Concerned;

It's True, 'Dogs and Cats'; 'Sails and Anchors,' Serve A Wonderful

Yang and Yin Purpose of Life; Without Both, OuR World Will Likely

Fall Out of Balance in So Many Ways as the Human One is Surely Doing today;

For You See, No Matter
What Ya Wanna Call the
Republican Party and
Related Tradition

of Church

And Or State;

They Are Failing THeir
Duties to Provide Safe Harbors
With Anchors of Tradition ThiS Way;

In Fact, Now Corporations Are Having to Take Up the
Slack Instead, in Terms of a Country Using Close to 40 Percent of
the Human Resources of the Earth, With 4 Percent of the Population;

In Terms of Close to 40 Percent of Pandemic Deaths Globally AS Such too;

In Terms of Close to 40 Percent of Mass Shootings Globally For Real too; Yes,

In Terms Now of Taking Away the Health Care Needs Associated With Reproductive

Freedoms of Women; Indeed, Half of the Yin and Yang of Humanity Overall as Now

We aRe Getting Past the 2 Minute Warning As Anarchy Continues to Approach As Yes

The Once Protectors of Our Representative Democracy Continue to Support A Leader

Who Attempted to Use The Department of Justice Illegally to Overturn A Fair Election

At the Core of What Representative Democracy Even Means; And At the Height of Ignorance

And 'Sin' As They Say of 'Missing the Mark of Justice,' Even Those Who Admit This Demagogue

Wanna Be Dictator for an Autocracy Guised in the Push for An Old Theocracy Using Old Tradition

As A Tool For Dictatorship Hopes;

God No, Yes, He is Still Supported

Even Admitted As A 'Father oF ALL Lies' For Real...

You See Now This Has Nothing to Do With the Hate
of Conservative; As The 'Grand Old Party of Tradition'

No Longer Supports The Safety That Comes With Tradition;

So, What Have Corporations Had to Do; Well Yes, When the Catholic
And other Churches Rid Rules of Social Distancing and Masking to
Protect in A Most Deadly Delta Part of a Pandemic, They Required Their

Workers to Social Distance
And Mask; And Yes After Mass

Shootings, Dick's Sporting Good's

And Other Corporate Suppliers of

Assault Style Weapons Took Them

Off Their Shelves; And What Else, Yes,

Corporations Are Now Supporting The Health
Care And Related Reproductive Freedoms of Their

Employees For at Core of What it Even means to Be Free
in Autonomy over Our Own God Damned Bodies Free For The

Sanctity of Breathing Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit For Happiness,

No Matter How Butt Hurt That makes Someone Else Who Doesn't Wanna

See Them Free This Way And Insists on Violating Their Rights to the Sanctity

of Breathing Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Individual And Group Happiness;

No Matter How

Different their
Personal And
Group Definitions
May Be as Long As They
Do Least Harm to Others
And The Rest of Nature for Real....

So What About Number One on the List;

How We Americans With 4 Percent of the Population
of the Earth Use Close to 40 Percent of Global Resources And

Continue to Spread A God of Money And Capitalism to
Consume the Breathing Nature of Earth And Associated

Resources to Extinction And Death As Already About 50 Percent
of Plant And Animal Species Have Been Killed By The Deadly Hand

of Human So-called kind This Way, in Just A Very Few Centuries with
1 in 8 of the Rest Studied to go Extinct And Out of Existence in the Coming Decades;

Well, That's Not Something Corporations Are Gonna Solve; Perhaps, if Folks Really Believed

That it is As Hard For the Rich Person to Enter the Kingdom of Heaven Within For Real Now
As A Really Obese Camel Entering Through An Eye of A Needle; And Yes, Per Luke 17:21, Unless

One Looks Within

And Actually Becomes

Naked Enough Whole Complete

God As Force of Love Without Fear Now,

Inhaling Peace Exhaling LoVE iN JoY oF LiGHT;
Giving, Sharing, Caring, Healing So Much More

Than Taking, Hoarding, Callousness Toward Each
Other's Different Needs and Wants Toward A More
Perfect Union For All; And Yes, So Much More Than

Harming Rather Than Healing Now too; WE Fall, WE

Fall to the Worst

Human Pandemic

oF all to Ignorance

of Who We Are Even Born to
Be to Love Each Other This Way

As It's True So Far HiSToRY SHoWS

And Continues to Evidence Today For Real;

The Human CuLTuRaL Pandemic of Ignorance




Kills As A Cancer

Upon Each Other And
the Rest of Nature Most

As Currently We Witness

A Zombie Apocalypse For
Real Where We Continue to Eat
Nature, All Our Faces Out of Balance...

Brains, Brains, Brains, WHere in the World

HaS HeART, SPiRiT, SoUL of Love Gone Away;

Yes, Out to Sea it Seems No Longer With Anchors

And Safe Harbors For A Tradition Even Worth Believing

in, In Terms of the Sanctity of Breathing Life, Liberty, And The Pursuit

of Happiness

For All Of

Love That

Is Born And Dies For Real Now;

And Listen, i Realize Not Everyone

Has Evolved to See a Bigger Picture View Like this;

And Indeed, This Is Part of the Problem of Liberal Sails Out of Control

When Humans Are So Distracted By Freedom That They Lose the Anchors
of Safety That Make Tradition Work, What We End Up With Is What Science

Shows is the Average Attention Span of Less than 3 Seconds; Yes, Less Than that of

A Gold Fish For F in Real,

When No One is Able to

Pay Attention, the Metaphor

of the Once Wild Wolf Is Free

To Become Domesticated and

Feast on PeNNeD Up Sheep In Books oF Old

That No Longer Suffice for A New World Reality Now;

What This Means is 'These Days,' 'Blue Whales' Like me Are

Mostly Invisible, Except For Pockets of the World Somewhat

Immune to the DiSEase of Sails With No Anchors; What We Need

Now is Balance; It's Not Easy For Most Folks By Far; Yet True, So Easy

For me, A Blue Whale Who Is Now Naked, Enough, Ocean Whole God Complete...

Swimming as A Wave And Water Whole Just Flowing So Very Free Now For Real All

It's True

if We
Could Understand
The Free FLoWinG
Dance And SonG of Whales;

No Longer Would We Be MiSSinG
From the Nature of God For Real....

This is Just A Whale's Dance And Song;
And Indeed A Rare And Truly Endangered ONE too...

Yet i Breathe...

Yet i Breathe...

My God Real

In Deepest And
Shallow Places Alive
And Loving Well WITH

- i AM

Anyway, Thanks For Your
Opinion, "Hollywoodguy"

And it's Worth Noting For me at
Least Dancing in Public for 16,840

Miles Now in A Metro Area of
'TRumP Town USA' That i Started

This Whole FLoW in Autotelic
Meditative Art of Mind and Body
Balance Wearing Shades to Begin With At Night

Well Before This 'TRuMP Town USA', Started
Calling me Famous and Legend After About
A Year of Doing it Back in 2014 as Now 106
Months of This Holy And Sacred Dance Israel;

As Don't Forget, Not Only is THeRE Luke 17:21 For
Real AS Free Dance and Flow of Song in Poetry iS How i Attain
The Kingdom And Or Queendom of Heaven Within in Balance

Almost Always Now As Even Science Now Identifies is As Real

AS Human
Gets for
Well Being ThiS Way;

Yes, THere is Also
John 14:12 For Real too;

And Yesterday was the
61st Month Anniversary Date
on 6.26.2022 of 'Netherland
Bible' At 8.1 MiLLioN Words Ever
Since Memorial Day of 2016 And

(Also, "FB Profile Pic Bible" included
in the Description Areas of Profile
Pics on Facebook at 6.5 MiLLioN
Words in 49 Months As Just Another
Subchapter EPiC Longest Form Bible
"SonG oF mY SoUL;" Yep, Epic Longest
Long Form Poem Bible Now at 10.6
MiLLioN Words in 106 Month of Effort)

The Modern 'Rise of Gru' Actually
Started Then Along with the Support
of All Of His 'Minions' as a Most Despicable
Leader Who Asserted Clearly They would Follow
Him, Even if He Shot Someone in Public on 5th Avenue;

Bang, Bang, Bang, A Million Folks Dead From a Pandemic
He Modeled Unmasked; Bang, Bang, Bang, Even More Mass
Shootings With Glory to the God of Guns/Money; Bang, Bang, Bang;

Yes, Attempting to Illegally Use the DOJ to Steal Away A Fair Election
STiLL NoW Core to Our Representative Democracy; Yet You See That is Only

3 Bangs; Now It's Bang, Bang, Bang, Bang, For the Suffering Among the
Most Marginalized Folks in the United States, Taking Their Reproductive
Freedoms and Associated Health Care Away As the Minister in Dark Accomplished

Much of What
He Set Out

to Do on
5th Avenue
At First For Real;
Yep, Times Four and More

Meanwhile, i Just Felt Like

Wearing Shades and Dancing

Just For the Heaven oF IT Within; Meanwhile,

The Rest of the World Basically Went to Hell;

Yet of course, i Got out First After 66 Months; Now

Watching So Many Others Follow to the Other Place too;

Now it is Up to Them Soley and Souly to Get Out; Just As it was for


~Just Another
'Invisible Dude'

Overall, So Far at Least;

And That'S How i Plan IT FOR Real Effortless in Ease
As i Am No Fool oF A Boat With Sails With No Anchors.

~This Isn't About me...


For You See, The Way i See
Reality is All Reality is God;

So i Do Believe it's Worth
The Effort to At Least Come Now to Understand
And Love More About This Reality Now That is God to me,


DarK is LiGHT

DarK or LiGHT
Muse Works for me


It's All About SoUL

Without Fear...

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !


Last edited by aghogday on 27 Jun 2022, 11:28 am, edited 1 time in total.

Mona Pereth

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27 Jun 2022, 11:18 am

Hollywood_Guy wrote:
Positions that were even considered normal 15-20 years ago are now taboo and called "far-right". Especially since Trump was elected I saw a lot of members on here blaming Trump and seeing him as a monster and generally saying things like "Why are these right-wingers/Christians/conservatives so dumb", ad nauseum, like entire threads.

I feel like this place is just another social and political echo-chamber. I don't know any of those on the right that still post here. The key to genuine discussion is to be open-minded and humble at your adversary's viewpoints, not attack them and automatically dismiss them as wrong or bigoted. Why can't there be constructive discussion about any position considered on the right?

One of the reasons why many of us react strongly against right wing views is that many of us would be directly, personally harmed by right wing policies.

For example, autistic people are disproportionately LGBTQ+, and would thus be directly, personally harmed by anti-LGBTQ+ policies.

Also, many autistic people receive government benefits, and would thus be directly, personally harmed by the removal of said benefits.

- Autistic in NYC - Resources and new ideas for the autistic adult community in the New York City metro area.
- Autistic peer-led groups (via text-based chat, currently) led or facilitated by members of the Autistic Peer Leadership Group.


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27 Jun 2022, 11:30 am

Mona Pereth wrote:
One of the reasons why many of us react strongly against right wing views is that many of us would be directly, personally harmed by right wing policies. . .
Another example is that my wife and I are in a "mixed-race" marriage, and Senator Mike Braun (R) has said that legalizing mixed marriages was a "mistake" (even though he has backpedaled on this).

There are Republicans who want to abolish abortion, civil liberties, contraception, gun-control laws, mixed-race marriages, and same-sex marriages; and enforce anti-blasphemy laws, Christian church attendance, Christian indoctrination in public schools, and racial segregation.  Some of these people I know personally.


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27 Jun 2022, 11:41 am

Fnord wrote:
There are Republicans who want to abolish abortion, civil liberties, contraception, gun-control laws, mixed-race marriages, and same-sex marriages; and enforce anti-blasphemy laws, Christian church attendance, Christian indoctrination in public schools, and racial segregation.  Some of these people I know personally.[/color]

I know some of them personally, too.

People often underestimate how many of them there are and how much political power they wield.


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27 Jun 2022, 11:47 am

Twilightprincess wrote:
Fnord wrote:
There are Republicans who want to abolish abortion, civil liberties, contraception, gun-control laws, mixed-race marriages, and same-sex marriages; and enforce anti-blasphemy laws, Christian church attendance, Christian indoctrination in public schools, and racial segregation.  Some of these people I know personally.
I know some of them personally, too.  People often underestimate how many of them there are and how much political power they wield.
Individually, their "clout" extends only as far as their fists.  Collectively, they represent voting blocs, PACs, and armed cohorts whose aims and actions include the disruption of legal voting processes and peaceful transitions of power.

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27 Jun 2022, 11:58 am

r00tb33r wrote:
Aspies isolated from reality have a lot of pie-in-sky ideas about the world. Dreaming is good, but they are certain to clash with the coarse realists. They falsely interpret conservative reality as "right leaning".

Reality is not "conservative." In reality, a lot of things have changed within my lifetime. Some changes have been for the better, others for the worse.

- Autistic in NYC - Resources and new ideas for the autistic adult community in the New York City metro area.
- Autistic peer-led groups (via text-based chat, currently) led or facilitated by members of the Autistic Peer Leadership Group.


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27 Jun 2022, 11:59 am

Mona Pereth wrote:
One of the reasons why many of us react strongly against right wing views is that many of us would be directly, personally harmed by right wing policies.

For example, autistic people are disproportionately LGBTQ+, and would thus be directly, personally harmed by anti-LGBTQ+ policies.

Also, many autistic people receive government benefits, and would thus be directly, personally harmed by the removal of said benefits.

OTOH there are people on this site who are attracted to right-wing views out of a feeling of powerlessness. These are often the less articulate members and there has been a tendency to pile on those people whereas perhaps they really deserve our sympathy. I have probably been complicit in some of those pile-ons Lord knows I'm not a very nice person. There are also a couple of people (typically not Americans) who espouse these views with a possible intention of stirring up the hornets nest but those people can sealion till the cows come home anyway, I don't much worry about them.

My WP story