The "Black Hole" of woke....
People who are "trans" don't bother me in the least. Their life is tough enough without people getting on their butts all the time. As long as they don't start disliking people who aren't "trans."
There are some good "woke" things-----and there are some not-so-good "woke" things.
My ideal society is one where everybody has an equal shot at everything. That as a result of this, people can move on from the past, realize it's the past, never forget what happened in the past---but move forward, nevertheless.
That's my ideal, though. The reality is different. There still is a "good-old-boy" sort of situation in some areas of the US. People who live in these sorts of areas, and are not of the "right color," have to find success through back channels.
I sort of had to do that myself, because I'm "different"; I wouldn't have made it had I taken the conventional approach to things.
Yawn, the 'Woke Effort'
Specific to the United States
Has Particularly Accelerated in Let's
Say The Last 5 or 6 Years to Counteract
The Effect and Affect
of the 'Black Hole Soul
Meme Trump Movement'...
It has Various
Memes Yet i'll
Use 'Black Hole Soul Meme Movement' for
Now Like the First Florida Representative District
i Live in Where A Most Despicable Excuse for
A So-called 'Real Man' Matt Gaetz Takes to the
Streets Fat Shaming Women And Millennial Women
For Frigging Being Lonely And Also Being Proponents
Of Women's Specific Health-Care And Reproductive Rights.
It's True, the "Woke Meme (Movement)" Started Specific to
the Plight of African Americans Throughout American History
in the 1930's To Help 'Others' Develop A Little Bit More Intelligent
Cognitive Empathy to Understand Historically All the Prejudices African
Americans Have Experienced in their History of Slavery and Exclusion From
The Declaration of Independence that Insists on Rights to Life, Liberty, and The Pursuit
Of Happiness
Like Requests of
Transgender Folks
to Be Identified by Alternate Pronouns;
Not Hard to Do, Particularly For How Rare
the Condition Is Amongst the General Population at Least.
Yet of course, Very Difficult to Do For Someone Just Plain-Old
Unkind, Hard Headed, and Narrow Minded-SouLeD; So in This Case in Some
Places Legislation is Raised to Protect the Marginalized From Cold of Black Hole Soul.
There Are A Whole Lot of Frowns Where i Live in the Matt Gaetz First Representative District
of Florida in the Local Walmart, Even Though the Median Family Income Here is A Healthy 70,000 Dollars
or So For this Sleepy Bedroom Community of Pace in the Overall Pensacola Metro Area of 511,000 or
So Human Beings.
i Manage to Lift Up
The Zombie Shuffle
Walks of the 'Masses'
With A Public Autotelic
Movement of Meditating Dance
Now for 17,077 Miles Fully Documented
in A Longest Long Form EPiC Bible Poem of 10.8 MiLLioN
Words too in 9 Years; Yes, Now As A Participant Observer Anthropologist
in Study of This Most Fascinating Yet Sad and Ignorant Locality i THRiVE iN;
True, i Don't let the Frowny And Ignorant Folks of Happiness Get me Down...
I Used to Be Them too; There is No Time left to Waste in One Life to LiVE in Real Heaven Within Now;
No Matter What the Location, Location Location is; oh by the Way, Some of the Most Beautiful Beaches,
Rivers, Streams, And Forests Also Live Here MaKinG it Much Easier to Forgive the Way of Humanity in
Black Hole Soul Ways;
Yet of Course there
are Many Exceptions...
When i Make the Effort that
i Always Do to Be Kind i Usually
Melt the Most Ice Cold of Frowns
That are Understandable too in the
Insanity of A 'Modern World of Scream'
With Faces Glued to Screens ALL DAY LONG
Most of the Day at Least For Most of the Folks EVERYWHERE 'THESE DAYS...'
ANYWAY, Usually the Walmart Greeters Have Personalities of the Living Dead;
True, Once Again, i Lived that General American Nightmare too, So i Understand
That Other Place
They Are
From for Real Now;
Oh my God, There is An Exception,
MY WIFE AND i Cannot Determine The Gender of This Human Yet This Human
Is Generally Speaking the Kindest Most Genuine Human We've Ever Met in this
First Representative
Matt Gaetz District
In How this World
is Colored in Grey SHades
to Black Abyss Black Hole Soul Living Dead Life;
Yet Again, The Furry And Winged Creatures Including
me Naked Still Surviving Thriving in my Back Yard Eden Free
Just A Step out
to Paradise out
of this 27.1 Inch i-Mac Screen,
Where the Best God Damned Example
Without An Easily Discernible Shell of Any One Gender
BOOK With Lip Service
Unless Dorothy Pours Some Water
Over Him And Or Her and Monkeys Fly and Smile again...
Anyway, i Already Have a ProNoun For The Kind Human
Greeter And Farewell Person at Walmart; 'Jesus', And i Don't Have
To tell the Human
Who They
As They
Actually Do
The Talk of
Love For Real.
Anyway, Humans Who
Truly Most Successful
Human Beings now
For Real
It Comes
From Within.
And if i Saw Anyone Giving
That Person Any Problem at
The Door For Being A 'REAL JeSuS'
They Would
Get This
From me With A Smile...
i'm not 'Jesus', Yet i'll
God Damn For Real
Protect One When i Feel and Sense Them.
It's true, i Have 'JeSuSDaR' For A Condition
With No Specific Size, Color, Religion, Disability,
Gender, Sexual Orientation, Place of Origin,
Or Other Difference
For Real Just Love...
Anyway 'my Town'
Needs An Enema
And You May Just Call me A Plumber...
Yet It's True, i am Not A Carpenter and
mY Wife Fixes The Toilet When it Breaks;
Never the Less,
And Much More,
i Don't Give Up...
-Social Justice Warrior
~Before it Went Out of Style in So-Called
Places of Christianity Who Support An 'Orange
i Don't
Have to
Spray 'IT' On, Hehe;
STill Have Some Strands
of Blonde Left For Real
Too, at Least a Few, HAha..
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !
/\I’m not even going to try and make sense out of this.
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
- Thomas Jefferson
To be able to control a population you invent concepts then you reinforce those concepts whatever means.
Us and them concepts … woke =diversity , diversity=US and them . Unity = We.
But the “We” people are in such a minority that you do not ever hear of the old Adage “We the People”
The people whom think the we idea is good ,means , we the democrats or we the “insert your choice of group here”
Am not sure the word we fits anymore . Not sure I wanna be woke,under the circumstances I may prefer to sleep ?
{Hmm. Maybe I confused the word sleep with sheeple.}?
Of course none of this has any reference to the idea of divide and conquer. (for existing governmental power bases )
With the idea of segregating the groups of voters. Whose interests prevail? .
no am not meaning to blur concepts , the gov already has the monopoly on that I feel.
Diagnosed hfa
Loves velcro,
Me too. I'm astonished at the amount of offense people take to being accidently called the wrong gender. It means nothing to me. People get really angry about it. I used to talk to a transwoman growing up who was my friend. It was a sensitive subject for her, but she didn't get angry or offended at me like people do these days if I accidently called her He. It's scary how angry people get now and I really can't understand it.
I remember suggesting to my old close friend who was a lesbian that she try dating a man I knew. She didn't get angry or outraged, she told me she wasn't interested. She wasn't offended at all.
It seems to be a culture now where people try to blame and shame others. I read text on a pizza box today that it was recyclable and that you had no excuses, so dispose of it properly. It was ordering me to do the right thing. It's stupid really. What happened to politeness and manners?
I worked at a place about 30 years ago with a trans person. They was going from male to female. At that time I thought it was wrong and not to mention humiliating how this person had to prove how serious they were about the operation by dressing in women's clothes for twelve months before they had corrective surgery (or whatever its called). I mean what exactly constitutes as women's clothes anyway?
I'm female and probably 50% of my day to day clothing is from the mens section.
I mean what if you're in a male body but identify as a female who likes to wear a more tomboyish style of clothing.
I would like to think things have moved on from this these days but I would be surprised if they haven't.
We have existence
After everything that's discussed in the news about this subject, I was confused by what 'woke' actually means so I looked it up.
Definition of woke
chiefly US slang
: aware of and actively attentive to important facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice)
I'm not sure why that's a bad thing.
That alien woman. On Earth to observe and wonder about homo sapiens.
By the definition it doesn't sound like a bad thing. My concern was that it would be taken too far.
I think it was dox who was saying that the woke people have lost their sense of humour because they are afraid that the next thing they laugh at will be the thing that will get them cancelled. This was one of my concerns with woke culture.
I think woke may have come to UK a bit later than in USA as well so I'm thinking that by the time it's reached here it has already been distorted kind of like inaccurately transmitted gossip.
We have existence
chiefly US slang
: aware of and actively attentive to important facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice)
I'm not sure why that's a bad thing.
The counter-claim is that wokeness is driving corporations and government to restrict personal freedoms of people to say and express what they want.
The problem with this claim is that those driving the anti-wokeness movement have a left wing agenda which is patently false since the corporate sector (e.g. Disney) are hardly left wing. Governments like the democrats are pro-capital and are hardly "left" other than providing support for social movements.
For me personally woke is about as important as having a mutual respect for my friends, neighbours, acquaintances, associates and the general population etc.
I hate the thought that at some point in the future every P and Q that I dare to utter will be under some kind of big brother type scrutiny and it bothers me that cancelling out so much of history and culture due to wokism could also lead to people losing the very essence of who they actually are whether that be good bad or somewhere in the middle.
Anyway, just wondering what you guys think of this.
Do you think that too much woke could have a detrimental effect in the future?
Also I'm here to be educated and not to start a fight.
Thank you in advance for your input.
I am going to answer this cold, not reading anything else.
First, let's not use the word "woke." It carries too much political baggage at this point. I prefer to focus on what you mentioned, as in: being sensitive to and knowledgeable about how our actions affect others, how the past affects how different groups of people experience the world, and how cultural factors in our own upbringing affect how we see the world.
Second, I apply one simple phrase to my part in it all: I am a work in progress. Aren't we all?
I think that as long as you are personally committed to being the best you that you can be with a focus on kindness, fairness and equality; as long as you are willing to keep your eyes and ears open to the experiences and feelings of other people; you are on the right journey.
What you do will never be perfect. You learn and you move on. Increasing awareness does not require guilt or self-reproach; it requires a commitment to doing better going forward. And "doing better" is a never ending process full of fits and starts and mistakes and moments of beauty.
We do not need to lose history. We need to give history context and place. Instead of celebrating a Confederate war leader, for example, history records and teaches about his accomplishments/failures, but does not place a statute to hold him up as a shining example of power. We don't have to LOSE anything. The point is to GAIN a deeper understanding of how historical actions and beliefs echo into life today, in order to make choices that bring us closer to our long term goals for society.
It doesn't have to be a black hole. I think that the first time you realize all is not what you once thought it was you will naturally feel a lot like you just fell into a hole, but then you get comfortable with the feeling of slightly sifting sands under your feet and realize that the road human beings need to be on as they travel their life journeys was never meant to be smoothly paved. You can't get anywhere without accepting you won't always have everything right and, so, you let go of the idea that you do. In the process, you end more centered than you were before, and less lost, if that makes any sense. Give yourself a moment to feel what you are feeling, and then embrace it rather than running from it. The point is to move forward, fits and starts and imperfections and all.
Mom to an amazing young adult AS son, plus an also amazing non-AS daughter. Most likely part of the "Broader Autism Phenotype" (some traits).
I don't really fear change as long as it is progressive but I can't see how a political movement that seeks to punish freedom of thought, expression and human emotion can be at all progressive.
First off, who are you worried about being punished? Politicians, entertainment celebrities, and other major public figures? Or ordinary people?
Politicians, etc., have always been fair game.
As for ordinary people being "punished," that's a real and growing problem these days, but I see it as being primarily a consequence of the structure of today's major social media, not a result of any political ideology. Lots of people are getting "punished" or otherwise harassed these days, and not just for political reasons. (See my own page of warnings about online harassment.)
It worries me that at some point we will all be punished in a sense that we will all have to adhere to a particular way of thinking, speaking and feeling as a result of wokism. I'm not just talking about having to tone down your use of language in public. I'm talking about a restriction of language and a uniformity of thought. So I don't mean being punished as an individual. I'm talking about society as a whole.
Maybe my imagination is running away with itself but I can see its already happening. I believe its got worse over the last couple of years. Either that or I've just been in an unfortunate situation in my own personal life.
All society as a whole (there are always outliers) wants when you do wrong is for you to own up to being imperfect. To maybe not understanding something. To be willing to do the work to understand why they want to censor you. Repeat the line, "I am a work in progress." That is all that is expected of any of us: to recognize that maybe we don't know all we think we know. Despite the spin in the media and the screaming of partisans, it really is that simple: recognize that you don't know everything you think you know, and be willing to listen. Come across as sincere in that, and all is good.
Mom to an amazing young adult AS son, plus an also amazing non-AS daughter. Most likely part of the "Broader Autism Phenotype" (some traits).
Definition of woke
chiefly US slang
: aware of and actively attentive to important facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice)
I'm not sure why that's a bad thing.
Because that's not what the term really means, that's the bait in the bait and switch they play to make it harder for people to oppose what they're doing. No one wants to admit being for racism or other bigotries, so by redefining an ever larger body of thought and behavior as being the forbidden "isms", they're able to exert social control while preemptively shutting down people who object; after all, you're not a racist/sexist/homophobe etc are you?
Your boos mean nothing, I've seen what makes you cheer.
- Rick Sanchez
In case some more gaslighting jackwagons want to try and pretend this doesn't exist or is a right wing bogeyman: ... ll-me-what
you don't get to insist that no one talks about your political project and it's weak and pathetic that you think you do
You know personally I’ve been achingly specific about my critiques of social justice politics, but fine - no woke, it’s a “dogwhistle” for racism. (The term “dogwhistle” is a way for people to simply impute attitudes you don’t hold onto you, to make it easier to dismiss criticism, for the record.) But the same people say there’s no such thing as political correctness, and they also say identity politics is a bigoted term. So I’m kind of at a loss. Also, they propose sweeping changes to K-12 curricula, but you can’t call it CRT, even though the curricular documents specifically reference CRT, and if you do you’re an idiot and also you’re a racist cryptofascist. Also nobody (nobody!) ever advocated for defunding the police, and if they did it didn’t actually mean defunding the police. Seems to be a real resistance to simple, comprehensible terms around here. Serwer is a guy who constantly demands that he and his allies be allowed to do politics on easy mode, but he’s just part of a broader communal rejection of basic self-definition and comprehensible terms for this political tendency. Also if you say things they don’t like they might try to beat you up. Emphasis on try.
If you ask these people, are you part of a social revolution?, they’ll loudly tell you yes! Yes they are! They’re going to shake society at its very foundations. Well, OK then -what do I call your movement? You reject every name that organically develops! I’ll use the name you pick, but you have to actually pick one. You can’t just b***h on Twitter every time someone tries to describe your political cohort, which again you yourself say intends to change the world. Name yourself or you will be named.
The basic stance of the social justice set, for a long time now, has been that they are 100% exempt from ordinary politics. BlackLivesMatter proponents have spent a year and a half acting as though their demand for justice is so transcendently, obviously correct that they don’t have to care about politics. When someone like David Shor gently says that they in fact do have to care about politics, and points out that they’ve accomplished nothing, they attack him rather than do the work of making their positions popular. Well, sooner or later, guys, you have to actually give a s**t about what people who aren’t a part of your movement think. Sorry. That’s life. The universe is indifferent to your demand for justice, and will remain so until you bother to try to change minds. Nobody gives you what you want. That’s not how it works. Do politics. Think and speak strategically. Be disciplined. Work harder. And for f**k’s sake, give me a simple term to use to address you. Please? Because right now it sure looks like you don’t want to be named because you don’t want to be criticized.
Edit: I might not have underlined this point enough - I sincerely am asking for a better term and would happily use one if offered. If woke, political correctness, identity politics, etc, are inflammatory terms, I'd be happy to substitute something that's not. But surely something is happening in our politics, and we have to be able to talk about it. So I'm asking for a name.
For those who don't know, Freddie deBoer is a full on Marxist and as far left as they come, but he's honest and forthright so I like him. It's also my underline on the digression about the term "dogwhistle", as he gets it exactly correct and more people should be aware of what an obnoxious and fallacious "technique" it really is.
Your boos mean nothing, I've seen what makes you cheer.
- Rick Sanchez
Have you not noticed the phenomenon of huge corporations festooning themselves with rainbow flags and other woke paraphernalia while still behaving like ruthless capitalists? The purpose is twofold; first to insulate themselves against discrimination suits (DEI training is like woke fire insurance in this regard), and second, to lull progressives into thinking that these giant conglomerates have their best interests at heart and distract them from said ruthless business practices. It may not even be a complete lie, as the C-suite and management classes of these companies are largely highly educated cosmopolitan types who tend to lean towards woke in their personal views, but the practice should be viewed as buying indulgences at best, tithing to the church to avoid having to actually stop sinning.
Your boos mean nothing, I've seen what makes you cheer.
- Rick Sanchez
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