naturalplastic wrote:
blitzkrieg wrote:
As TwilightPrincess has said, the term Christian is an umbrella term for any Christian denomination, including Catholicism & Protestantism.
Thats my point.
Thats what is SUPPOSED to mean obviously- all Christians are "Christians". But in modern America its often used to mean only Protestant Evangelical.
And their are Catholics and Orthodox, who think Protestants are going to burn.
The reality is, that their is, and can only be, one Church, because there is only one Christ, but that Church is comprised of everyone who belongs to Jesus whatever worldly church organisations they are members of.
That's why we are called Christians. We follow Christ.
Anglican, Lutheran, Catholic, Orthodox, these are all groups of Christians who got distracted by disputes, I am a Christian, because I'm saved by Jesus Christ of Nazareth all glory to his holy name.
It wasn't the pope or the patriach who shed his blood for me, it was Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
This is a good post.
Non Christians, or people who are critical of Christianity, sometimes seem to believe that because the details of the religions and beliefs of different Christians are fallible, then all of Christianity must then be wrong, or fake, or whatever.
From a Christian POV, believing there was a Jesus Christ and that he is the saviour of mankind is a key tenet of belief and something which binds together Christians of different denominations in common belief.