You may be a Liberal if...
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Thing is, the capitalists commercialize pride month and also commercialize many holidays such as national holidays and religious holidays. Even other days that aren't holidays. Valentine's Day? Waste some $200 on average. Fourth of July? One can get $1,000 wasted on fireworks, flags, and stuff. Christmas? Make it about $1,200 on average to appease your child into believing that "Santa Claus is real" (Santa Claus is a capitalist term made to make people buy products for Christmas).
The Bosnians here can't afford that much unlike the lavish Americans can.
"In a socialist society such phenomena must and will disappear. In the old Yugoslavia national oppression by the great-Serb capitalist clique meant strengthening the economic exploitation of the oppressed peoples. This is the inevitable fate of all who suffer from national oppression."
- Josip Broz Tito (Ljubljana, 1948)
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No wonder why Nestle wants to commercialize drinking water.
"Water is not a Human Right and therefore, it should be privatized" - Nestle CEO.
"In a socialist society such phenomena must and will disappear. In the old Yugoslavia national oppression by the great-Serb capitalist clique meant strengthening the economic exploitation of the oppressed peoples. This is the inevitable fate of all who suffer from national oppression."
- Josip Broz Tito (Ljubljana, 1948)
Joined: 28 Dec 2023
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No wonder why I can't get friends due to my views. Then again, if they're gonna live in mainstream ignorance that is blissful for them, then let them be, they're sowing their own destruction anyway. Communism can work practically if we eliminate liberals and reactionaries.
Kinda off topic, but this is why I am hesitant to make friends, and why I am reflexively suspicious of people who do have friends. People will believe all kinds of nonsense if it will help them fit in. People will throw away just about any principle if it helps them keep "friends".
And yet they're the ones who lick the boots of the Democrat party, part of the capitalist two-party system. A necessary evil is to get rid of Trump but even then one way or another, America will sow its own Balkanization from the amount of polarization it got from the elites making people get angry at each other over petty differences. That's the same that was for Yugoslavia when Serbs made people get angry over ethnic differences and break down Yugoslavia within a decade after Tito died. Communism abolished in 1990 with the end of SKJ and nationalists winning elections and Yugoslavia collapsing in 1991 in a violent way with Serbs committing genocide and massacres from 1991 to 1999 and yet they wonder why NATO bombed them in 1995 and 1999.
Leftists had to basically settle for the Democrats given how politically impotent the actual Left is in the US. We haven't had a socialist candidate run for president since Eugene Debs over 100 years ago.
I am also unsure why you blame "elites" for making people dislike each other. I notice this often, where people act like "identity politics" is a product of the wealthy upper class. This is far from the case. Women, queeros, non-whites, and non-Christians had to fight tooth and nail from the grassroots up for the respect and acceptance they have today. The "elites" have sided with the left on cultural issues, because the elites are nothing if not obsessed with making themselves seem virtuous and educated.
I think your and others' tendency to blame "elites" for culture wars comes from the fact that many people only hear about these things from celebrities running their mouths on TV, media pundits looking for brownie points, and politicians looking to brown-nose their base. Ignore them. They are late to the party. They rarely even know what they are talking about, and often say things that are ignorant and harmful without realizing it.
Americans are not being ""divided"" the same way South Slavs were. South Slavs were encouraged to set aside their differences and embrace an identity that went beyond nationalist fixation on ethnicity. This was unity in the name of acceptance and internationalism. Americans have historically been pressured to discard their non-English culture, language, and identities so that we can all be obedient American nationalists. This was unity imposed through social-political pressure and the constant denigration of non-American, non-English-speaking peoples. Those who reject assimilation are branded radicals, anti-American, terrorists.
Americans are being "divided" (a word mainly used by capitalist-nationalists) in that they are increasingly speaking up about persistent inequality and injustice between advantaged groups and disadvantaged groups. When the American nationalist calls for "unity", he is saying, "Shut up about problems your community face! Capitalism says it's their fault! Maybe if you conformed more to Anglo-Saxon American norms, you wouldn't be so impoverished and persecuted!"
Relatively yes. Socialist Yugoslavia fares better than America in terms of equality because Yugoslavs (Bosnians, Croats, Serbs, Slovenes, Macedonians, Montenegrins) and Albanians didn't whine about others being different in terms of religion, culture, and nationality. This was only during the Tito period. The 1980s and 1990s were when the Serbs started to slowly tear down Yugoslavia by whining about how they were "oppressed" and how Croats and Muslims were the biggest threat to Yugoslavia. Thankfully Tito did the necessary in 1974 by adding to the constitution that the republics may secede so that the Serbs never bring Yugoslavia back to its royal dictatorship.
America and Yugoslavia are interesting to compare given their similarities and differences. To give you an idea, white American nationalists are reacting much like how Serbian nationalists reacted to the idea of losing their stranglehold on power. To them, the minority calling for rights and dignity is oppressing them. To them, anything less than domination over others is unacceptable. Unlike Yugoslavia, most minorities in America do not want to split the nation up into ethnostates. There are certainly small numbers of, for example, black separatists who want several southern states to secede so black Americans can have their own ethnostate. People have different ideas of what the country will look like when we finally tear down the USA as we know it, but very few people are advocating a post-Yugoslavia-like situation where whites get a country here, blacks get a country there, etc.
You didn't get the point. They're self-proclaimed leftists, not true leftists. They're puppets of the right-wing who want to disorganize the leftists by pretending to be allies of the leftists. As there were reactionaries and totalitarians in communism such as Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, and the Juche, there are now reactionaries in a more covert form which they proclaim themselves as "liberals" and claim to support the social issues but that's not the common cause they're talking about. They're talking about their own need to increase power just like the Serbs!
I do not think the liberals you are referring to are savvy or cunning enough to be doing what you suggest. Mainstream liberals are rarely socialist, but they are rarely closet nationalists who want to hijack leftist causes in the name of reaction. They don't put that much thought into political struggle. Many of the liberals you describe are so fixated on being polite and acceptable that they won't advocate anything too crazy nationalist.
Truly the definition of practical individualism. Individualism means that a small minority can self-manage but the rest are to suffer because they're not "successful" and therefore must be slaves to the victors.
Pay attention if you are ever watching a Republican politician talking to their base. When white conservatives fail economically, it's because they have been "left behind" or "let down by your leaders" or "forgotten by the system". Yet when other groups struggle economically, they need to "work harder" or "pull themselves up by their boot straps" or "not fall into a victim mindset". An excellent way to shut up this kind of capitalist is to point out that states that vote republican are almost all poorer on average than states filled with democrats. Maybe those capitalist patriots should work harder and stop blaming elites and immigrants? Wouldn't want to fall into that helpless victim mindset.
Ah. I was referring to private things such as fetishes and kinks. Pride parades organized by the capitalist class usually have public displays of fetishes and kinks as a means of demonizing LGBT and profiting from the culture war between the Democrats and Republicans in America. LGBT are not horny people. LGBT are normal people but liberals and reactionaries are making them uncomfortable. The current LGBT movement needs to get rid of its bad apples which are the liberals who are manipulating the movement with their own agenda so they can profit from the misery of that minority.
As I said before in this message, you need to not attribute the LGBT to the wealthy or elites or anyone besides common regular people. As I said, the elites have thrown their weight behind us queers because they can tell who is going to win, and because being tolerant of queers is a great way to seem educated and virtuous and open-minded. They are late to the party. Do not give them credit for the decades-long struggle of queers for respect and acceptance.
Plenty of us are horny. I'm not that horny, but I can understand and support someone at a pride parade loudly proclaiming their love of sex lol. This is not egotism or carnal lack of self-restraint. This is an extension of the Sexual Revolution that started in the 1960's. America's Puritan culture has caused us to be massively sexually repressed and ashamed as a country. People are flaunting their sexuality as part of the effort to erase the backwards Christianity-based hatred of all things sex. Those who advocate sexual repression and silence are much more detrimental to society than someone walking down the street talking about how much they love to suck d-cks.
It is a paradox which few Americans seem to notice.
America, the Land of the Free. However, to be free in America, you must conform. If you think that non-conformity is also freedom then you are anti-American and a sub-human and an illiterate peasant who must be exterminated. Pretty much for any imperialist regime that's how it works.
It's amusing watching American nationalist propaganda from the 50s and 60s talk like this. "You're an American! You're an individual--not some member of a collective! Now think and dress and talk and act like everyone else or else you're a dangerous radical!"
Some interesting and valuable things in the form of satire I see. Firstly, the "elites being obsessed with education and virtue" reminds me of the video from "After Skool" on why smart people believe stupid things. This agenda is the result of the elites manipulating the intellectual circles. Why do we have "fat acceptance"? Do we have it for a reason to at least be less harsh on fat people but still encourage them to lose weight? Nope! They want us to keep them fat because the fast food industries wouldn't be able to make money from turning people obese, hence why "fat acceptance movements" are created to appease fast food capitalism.
Why do research studies sponsored by Nestle show that their baby formula is better than natural breastmilk? It is because Nestle wants to promote their product by bribing smart people so that a research study is more convincing then a market advertisement. But when the big riches manipulate smart people with money and force them to write studies that align with the capitalist bias, there are the smart ones who will oppose such and will fight back against. Nestle was exposed for child slavery (using cocoa imports from West Africa), discouraging women to breastfeed children (WHO recommends 6 months of breastfeeding at least to satisfy the nutrition of the newborn and that is the first 6 months of the baby's life), wanting to privatize water (Nestle's CEO said that water isn't a human right and therefore should be privatized).
Speaking of Balkanization. America won't Balkanize any time soon due to ethnic differences but it will be Balkanized due to political beliefs. While Yugoslavia went through ethnic massacres inflicted mostly by Serbs with additional damage from Croats and minor damage from extreme SDA jihadists of Bosnia, America's scenario of collapse would be that of a 1860s Civil War style fought over political beliefs. In the 1860s we had Republicans and Democrats fight over slavery and freedom while in the 2020s we're gonna have Republicans and Democrats fight over slavery and freedom but in a different and more broad sense compared to the 19th century.
You made a comparison with white nationalists being like the Serbs. Yes, in a racial sense, they are the Serbs of America who are losing the power following the rise of racial equality and things will only get worse if Project 2025 takes place and Republicans win the 2024 election with Russian assistance and China probably joining in. So the Balkanization of America is a huge issue. We have white nationalists (KKK) threatening genocide on racial minorities. We have Christian right threatening genocide on religious minorities and secularists and atheists.
Do however be aware that minorities if long enough oppressed, may become the oppressors themselves. During the Kingdom of "Yugoslavia", the oppression of Croats by the Serbs from 1918 to 1941 led to a boiling point for the Croats who resorted to extreme measures and banded themselves into a fascist organization called Ustaša led by Ante Pavelić which would serve as a Nazi puppet from 1941 to 1945 and commit crimes that even gave Wehraboos nightmares during their sleep.
The continuous persecution of the Jews around the world is what caused the creation of Israel and the state of Israel itself to become the oppressing force against Palestinians which then caused Palestinians to band with Hamas and do the October 7th against Israel only to get brutally murdered by Israel's genocidal rampage in a sense of that of how America did when the bad apple that is al-Qaeda did the September 11th on America and made America go on a long-running Islamophobia rampage.
For you see, action must be taken immediately and if we do not do something about it and get rid of the bad apples that are threatening the LGBT movement due to the oppression from the reactionaries against the LGBT, then we might see another minority become the oppressor sadly and we might see another expansion to this massive divide of the society already.
Oppression breeds oppression! To destroy oppression is to destroy the cycle of oppression itself altogether.
"In a socialist society such phenomena must and will disappear. In the old Yugoslavia national oppression by the great-Serb capitalist clique meant strengthening the economic exploitation of the oppressed peoples. This is the inevitable fate of all who suffer from national oppression."
- Josip Broz Tito (Ljubljana, 1948)
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Thing is, the capitalists commercialize pride month and also commercialize many holidays such as national holidays and religious holidays. Even other days that aren't holidays. Valentine's Day? Waste some $200 on average. Fourth of July? One can get $1,000 wasted on fireworks, flags, and stuff. Christmas? Make it about $1,200 on average to appease your child into believing that "Santa Claus is real" (Santa Claus is a capitalist term made to make people buy products for Christmas).
The Bosnians here can't afford that much unlike the lavish Americans can.
You act like people are forced to buy those things.
The days are long, but the years are short
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But how else can capitalism profit if it cannot conduct aggressive advertising campaigns?
"In a socialist society such phenomena must and will disappear. In the old Yugoslavia national oppression by the great-Serb capitalist clique meant strengthening the economic exploitation of the oppressed peoples. This is the inevitable fate of all who suffer from national oppression."
- Josip Broz Tito (Ljubljana, 1948)
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You're right. Normal advertising doesn't make you buy things. But when a company like Nestle takes a step further by bribing a team of experts to forge research studies on how their baby formula is better than an average mother, that's going too far.
"In a socialist society such phenomena must and will disappear. In the old Yugoslavia national oppression by the great-Serb capitalist clique meant strengthening the economic exploitation of the oppressed peoples. This is the inevitable fate of all who suffer from national oppression."
- Josip Broz Tito (Ljubljana, 1948)
"Water is not a Human Right and therefore, it should be privatized" - Nestle CEO. ... man-right/
Giraffe: a ruminant with a view.
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"Water is not a Human Right and therefore, it should be privatized" - Nestle CEO. ... man-right/
It is not false though. He did say that "The one opinion, which I think is extreme, is represented by the NGOs, who bang on about declaring water a public right. That means that as a human being you should have a right to water. That’s an extreme solution. The other view says that water is a foodstuff like any other, and like any other foodstuff it should have a market value."
Even if the quote isn't right, you can tell that he explained himself that humans shouldn't own the right to drink water. When he got exposed, he tried to re-evaluate it by then saying how we shouldn't use water to fill swimming pools or wash cars.
"In a socialist society such phenomena must and will disappear. In the old Yugoslavia national oppression by the great-Serb capitalist clique meant strengthening the economic exploitation of the oppressed peoples. This is the inevitable fate of all who suffer from national oppression."
- Josip Broz Tito (Ljubljana, 1948)
You're trying to move the goalposts to suit what you'd alleged.
Giraffe: a ruminant with a view.
Joined: 28 Dec 2023
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You're trying to move the goalposts to suit what you'd alleged.
I did not say that the quote is true. The quote is false but his intentions remain true as he said it in a different wording but the same meaning.
"In a socialist society such phenomena must and will disappear. In the old Yugoslavia national oppression by the great-Serb capitalist clique meant strengthening the economic exploitation of the oppressed peoples. This is the inevitable fate of all who suffer from national oppression."
- Josip Broz Tito (Ljubljana, 1948)
Thing is, the capitalists commercialize pride month and also commercialize many holidays such as national holidays and religious holidays. Even other days that aren't holidays. Valentine's Day? Waste some $200 on average. Fourth of July? One can get $1,000 wasted on fireworks, flags, and stuff. Christmas? Make it about $1,200 on average to appease your child into believing that "Santa Claus is real" (Santa Claus is a capitalist term made to make people buy products for Christmas).
The Bosnians here can't afford that much unlike the lavish Americans can.
You act like people are forced to buy those things.
To be fair, here in the states we enjoy putting on a good firework show. I have heard of people spending a lot of money just for fireworks.
dear god, dear god, tinkle tinkle hoy.
believe in the broken clock and who's side will time be on?
You're trying to move the goalposts to suit what you'd alleged.
I did not say that the quote is true. The quote is false but his intentions remain true as he said it in a different wording but the same meaning.
Yes. That's right.
English is not my first language.
How so? Why do you conclude that it must be elites pulling the strings of academia? You sound like every reactionary who denounces the prevalence of socialism in academia as just the result of elitist meddling. You sound like every conservative who told me I am only an anarchist because I want to fit in in college and am desperate to please professors and elites It shows conspiratorial thinking and a refusal to educate oneself on how these ideas actually gained acceptance.
Again, you are making baseless assumptions about where these ideas came from. Fat acceptance has nothing to do with fast food. The people who push fat acceptance are often leftists who have nothing good to say about corporatized food service. It's mainly conservatives who treat fat acceptance as some commie conspiracy to make us accept those disgusting unhealthy people who must be lazy or immoral, therefore they deserve to suffer for being fat!
Fat people deserve acceptance because it is a sh***y thing to do to treat someone like s**t because you think they have poor health habits. Ignoring that--many fat people eat and act much the same as "healthier" skinny people. Some people are just fat because of genetics or health disorders that have nothing to do with their diet.
Fat acceptance is also a crucial part of addressing the epidemic of eating disorders you see nowadays. We have enough people being bullied or hospitalized without society bullying fat people into being bulimic or suicidal.
Of course. Corporations and the capital class have spent centuries putting their thumb on the scale in academia. Conservatives in academia loved the "marketplace of ideas" much more when the government and the wealthy were subsidizing pro-capitalist research and writing. Capitalists really started losing in the marketplace of ideas when there stopped being a crushing social stigma against questioning capitalism.
Recognizing this phenomenon means you also have to be able to tell when academic trends go against pressures from the wealthy and the capitalist mainstream. Capitalists everywhere I go-- if anything--think the opposite of you: that fat acceptance is part of a Marxist conspiracy to make us accept people who aren't as good of workers--people whose health problems supposedly make them a detriment to society. The capitalist assumes laziness of everyone--especially fat people. I don't like playing this card: but the reactionaries of the world are greatly pleased that you also distrust fat acceptance and assume academic trends are the sole result of elite manipulation.
The North/South schism is no longer the primary political divide in this country. It is still a MAJOR divide--to be sure. But the main political divide is between the conservative countryside and liberal/leftist urban centers. Neither political side could secede, because neither side is economically viable enough or geographically connected enough to form a contiguous separatist nation. Individual states could try to secede, but this would mainly be from conservative states, and urban centers in those states would push back HARD against any attempt by conservatives to secede.
We are more likely to see something along the lines of the Troubles in Ireland. Not a truly hot civil war, but a prolonged period of low-level civil violence carried out by paramilitary groups. Given their lack of control of official positions of power, conservatives will have fewer physical and monetary resources to work with. They will resort to terrorist acts against civilians in urban centers--especially against non-whites. They will quickly lose support from centrists and will struggle to win international diplomatic or material support. They will give up eventually, because we want justice more than they want to be racial hegemons.
Yup. It is a predictable outcome of the unsustainable nationalist-capitalist alliance. They are like two people in a toxic relationship but they are so codependent on the other (and have no friends) that they have to stay together. Even as they rip each other apart. Capitalism does not give a damn about working class nationalists. Eventually, nationalists will realize that capitalism is not on their side, or they will conclude that capitalism isn't working because the Left is Cheating somehow. The right is already dividing along these lines.
I can very much see Russia backing conservative insurrectionists, but China is another story. They might covertly support such rebels, but American conservatives despise the PRC and would almost certainly refuse any help they offered out of pride or paranoia.
Indeed. The cycle of oppressor and oppressed is hard to watch. Legitimate grievances can morph into unquenchable resentment. And the more the oppressor refuses to stop oppressing, the more justified the oppressed will feel in oppressing those who once oppressed them. The Balkans have such a tragic history of this.
See, the Zionists spent WAY too much time around the paleface Goys and picked up their habits of looking down on brown people as culturally and racially inferior. The Goys wanted them to forget how horrendously Christians treated Jews when Christians ruled the Holy Lands, so the Zionists did forget--if they ever even learned in the first place! And the Goys really wanted Jews to forget that Islamic rule there was far more tolerant of Jews than Christian rule ever was. It's stuff like this why Israel supported Apartheid South Africa and supported Portugal during the Guinea-Bissau war of independence--among other examples.
There will always be bad apples in any given group. The entire LGBT movement is not compromised just because some of us are jerks. Some queers are jerks, because some people are jerks. A minority should not have to be squeaky-clean and purge itself of all problems in order to deserve respect. We don't want to oppress anybody (though our oppressors would tell you otherwise). We just want acceptance.
Diagnoses: AS, Depression, General & Social Anxiety
I guess I just wasn't made for these times.
- Brian Wilson
Δυνατὰ δὲ οἱ προύχοντες πράσσουσι καὶ οἱ ἀσθενεῖς ξυγχωροῦσιν.
Those with power do what their power permits, and the weak can only acquiesce.
- Thucydides