Discussing the toxicity of wokeness
Well the world is more free since one can work way out of class born into, but it's not easy. Hey I also had to work but it builds character and now in my 40s I'm much rounded person for it.
I notice many women given jobs for what you say, but it seems unfair like oh, she's pretty and social and of course blond....but then again are other females who seem NT that lacking intellectual skills for positions given. Life is indeed very unfair.
I think autistic males don't get sex/jobs way NT males do, and then blame shifted where many asd females victims of sexual attacks and my comments are fair to both sexes
Many NT males can not drop out of school and pass whilst having girlfriends, drinking and smoking weed. Usually these naught drop outs become low paid wagereers for rest of their days for messing up at school, but male system is so biased that mostly girls dropping out for varied reasons, then male drop out are minorities with colour or disability.
The truth in society is a princess doesn't sit on a pedastel, men lied about many fairy tales. If man is dragged down he will take it out on females, she isn't protected by birthright to species survival. Actually she's viewed as stupid dirt but if he gets undermined then she can sit and really find reason to complain if which perhaps not even G-d feels she paid enough disadvantage without .....
I'm sorry but without DEI companies and organisations will not be held accountable for unfair hiring practices. Despite attempts to claim unqualified people are hired to meet quotas, I have not seen much evidence of this.
On the subject of privilege. I am a member of the privileged class the OP is referring to. DEI has never negatively effected me. I have learned to work and live with diverse people. It's part of growing as a human being. Breaking down artificial hierarchy.
Joined: 27 Oct 2014
Age: 40
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silly, nonsensical points which have little basis in reality.
Furthermore, many of these people are emotionally fragile.
Just ignore them and move on.
There's a lot of people who like to start arguments by throwing out all sorts of edgy but completely uninformed opinions, but then slink away like cowards the moment they face even the gentlest of disagreement or correction.
They might change tactics and dismiss the argument they've started by insisting it was just a joke, or that they're entitled to their own opinion no matter how baseless and unfounded their opinion might be, but ultimately they know their opinion is objectively wrong, that's why they're incapable of defending it.
But, as you say, many of those people are emotionally fragile. Having their ignorant opinions rejected hurts their egos, so they flee. There's no need to ignore them though, they break so easily it requires almost no effort to put them to flight.
The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
You can't advance to the next level without stomping on a few Koopas.
silly, nonsensical points which have little basis in reality.
Furthermore, many of these people are emotionally fragile.
Just ignore them and move on.
There's a lot of people who like to start arguments by throwing out all sorts of edgy but completely uninformed opinions, but then slink away like cowards the moment they face even the gentlest of disagreement or correction.
They might change tactics and dismiss the argument they've started by insisting it was just a joke, or that they're entitled to their own opinion no matter how baseless and unfounded their opinion might be, but ultimately they know their opinion is objectively wrong, that's why they're incapable of defending it.
But, as you say, many of those people are emotionally fragile. Having their ignorant opinions rejected hurts their egos, so they flee. There's no need to ignore them though, they break so easily it requires almost no effort to put them to flight.
You want to argue with me. I am by no means obliged to give you any attention. You sound foolish. Grow up.
There you go again with ad hominem attacks which appear to be little more than projection. Rather than address what people actually say, you claim that they are “jealous,” “emotionally fragile,” “foolish,” “love to argue,” etc. It demonstrates that you can’t refute others’ statements or support your own with sound argumentation or reason.
Seems like you're just as keen to argue.
For someone who's not obligated to give others attention, you sure can't seem to help but give them attention.
Does calling people foolish and telling them to grow up count as a silly nonsensical point with little basis in reality? It might carry some weight if you actually explained how and why they were foolish, rather than simply slapping the label on someone.
"Ignore them and move on" is funny advice coming from someone who neither ignores comments, nor moves on from them.
On the subject of privilege. I am a member of the privileged class the OP is referring to. DEI has never negatively effected me. I have learned to work and live with diverse people. It's part of growing as a human being. Breaking down artificial hierarchy.
That's because you haven't been looking. When California outlawed affirmative action in college admissions, the number of minorities at their most elite colleges did drop, but the number of minorities on deans' lists and getting academic honors increased. I'm not really sure how you explain that if there weren't under qualified people being thrown in over their heads due to this sort of policy. And it seems somewhat naive to assume that it's just limited to academia.
Yeah wasn't that republicans riding on the coat-tails of disgruntled east Asian parents blaming "brack" people for their kids not getting into Ivy league. the case for students for fair admissions (SFFA) was taken to the high court and they won in 2023
https://www.theguardian.com/law/2023/ju ... unc-ruling
And surprise, surprise the number of Asian students increased to Harvard and the number of black and Latino students dropped.
https://www.nbcnews.com/news/asian-amer ... -rcna77923
So now everyone should be happy