The_Chosen_One wrote:
Talk to yourself. No-one else outside of your insular country cares. You are only 5% of the world, and the other 95% are absolutely sick of all this 'we are better than everyone' backwards thinking. You have a go at people who don't agree with your ultra-right-wing philosophies, and call them unintelligent ret*ds etc. You keep moaning about your country being out to get you like so many other paranoid conspiracy nuts, but when someone criticises your point of you or even the thing you are complaining about, then you go off in a rant with all the verbosity of a politician come election day. This forum does not belong solely to you and others to spout your right wing propaganda and bully-boy insults at others ESPECIALLY from other countries. Think before you write something out on any issue; whatever you say is going to be read anywhere from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe to Australia to Great Britain. And by you carrying on this tirade of oppression (because that's what is is - and it's what you are complaining about), you are guaranteeing that the other 95% of the planet will have no respect for you at all in the coming future.
For one I'm not even right wing, I don't need a label to tell me how to think like you do. I can think for myself. I'm not conservative, liberal, rightwing, leftwing, I am ***myself***. Obviously your narrow mind can't fathom that some people don't need to have a label to tell them what to think. It's called graduating out of highschool in the mind.
Two, I offered points and facts, whereas all you offered was your ignorant opinion.
Three, I've thought before writing, you don't think, you just follow the herd.