I think Aspergeans should NOT have children

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06 Oct 2007, 6:41 pm

I do want to have children, If that child has autism, then so be it. I'll be happy either way, and I for one didn't suffer either, yes it was hard at times, but I wouldn't change a thing.

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06 Oct 2007, 7:40 pm

I must say my true wish in life, the thing that if it were granted i feel i could die a happy person, and beleive on my death bed i was happy and had a good life, this is something i think about from time to time, and this little thought has sooooo much of an effect on my life, and has for years now, its crazy. hehe

All I want is a nice, small family, and to be able to provide for them sufficently. Well... thats actually 2 wishs, but im 25 and have years to obtain them.

I dont feel I have suffered, and if my kids are effected however they may be, ill do my best to be a good father, and providing husband, and try and help them become somebody also in adulthood. I dont think having an ASD is anything to be ashaimed of or prevent anyone from being happy and acheiving what they want with the time they have on this little planet.

DX'ed with HFA as a child. However this was in 1987 and I am certain had I been DX'ed a few years later I would have been DX'ed with AS instead.


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06 Oct 2007, 8:04 pm

Mw99 wrote:
1) Why would you want to bring kids to this world to suffer the way you suffered?

Life is suffering. I think most people, regardless of their mental condition, suffer at some point. I know a few people who are definitely not on the spectrum, but they suffer just the same; it's all a roll of the dice. In general, people aren't programmed to be happy at all times.

Mw99 wrote:
2) Why would you want to degenerate the human gene pool even further?

What's degenerated is a matter of opinion; I'm personally not too fond of the majority, and I'm quite sure they're not too fond of me either. There are pros and cons to everything.

Mw99 wrote:
3) Given my neuropsychological condition, am I really fit to raise a child?

This would be the one that I would be worried about. I'm far too sensitive to some things, and I do not do "playful" well. However, there are some that handle it quite well. There's more to child raising than that, and it's quite possible that I could be trained out of some things. It depends on commitment, in some places.

Mw99 wrote:
4) Given all my flaws and defects, what example will I give my children?

Again, everyone has flaws and defects. I'm quite sure there are worse things than to act like someone on the spectrum. I can fake my way through society when I have to.

Mw99 wrote:
So what do you all think about the way I think in regards to "aspergean reproduction"? Are my views too negative?

As it's your own opinion, you can think whatever you wish; however, forcing said views upon others would cause a problem. If you don't feel that you would be fit as a parent, then it's good that you recognize it, rather than try to raise a child. Everyone has things they can't and/or don't want to do; there's nothing wrong with not wanting children.

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06 Oct 2007, 8:09 pm

Suffer? I don't suffer more than the normal sufferer. :?
Seriously, I try my best to make myself and people around me happoy, and I realize I've got special gifts that I'd like to pass on. Maybe not with kids of my own - I'm gay - but in other ways. And why should Aspies be denied the pleasure and fullfillment of children?

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06 Oct 2007, 8:11 pm

Mw99 wrote:
1) Why would you want to bring kids to this world to suffer the way you suffered?

If the suffering that Autistic individuals is the worse they get, that is still far better then most people that live in third world countries go through. Why don't you ask everyone in those countries not to have children so that they don't have to suffer?

Mw99 wrote:
2) Why would you want to degenerate the human gene pool even further?

Who said Autism was a bad thing, for all you know, it could be the next link in human evolution.

Mw99 wrote:
3) Given my neuropsychological condition, am I really fit to raise a child?

The saying "It takes a village to raise a child." could not fit anymore perfectly here. Parents do have a major influence on the development of their children, but then so do their siblings, Their extended families, their friends and their teachers. Even so, if the father or mother is unfit, than the other one could take care of raising the child, but I highly doubt that would be the case at all.

Mw99 wrote:
4) Given all my flaws and defects, what example will I give my children?

Ha, flaws and defects? You are NOT the only one that has flaws and defects, everyone does. It is what makes us human. If anything that would help give the child in question a better understanding than many other people out there.

Mw99 wrote:
So what do you all think about the way I think in regards to "aspergean reproduction"? Are my views too negative?

Your veiws? Yes they are negative, but they are understandable, Think more positively and I'm sure that you won't be as bad as you think.


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06 Oct 2007, 8:12 pm

Mw99 wrote:
... In my case ...

Enough said.

Not a good idea to generalize from your personal case to every Aspie.

Last edited by Zwerfbeertje on 06 Oct 2007, 8:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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06 Oct 2007, 8:14 pm

I agree with the OP.


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06 Oct 2007, 11:50 pm

1) Why would you want to bring kids to this world to suffer the way you suffered?

I'm not going to deny that I have suffered. However, to be honest, my life is more good than bad.
Much of my suffering stemmed from the fact that one of my parents has no understanding of the way my brain works. If I had an autistic child, I would be more likely to understand them. I would also teach them social skills and such things to help them avoid the bullying etc that I suffered from.
2) Why would you want to degenerate the human gene pool even further?

My genes are not flawed.
3) Given my neuropsychological condition, am I really fit to raise a child?

Who knows?
4) Given all my flaws and defects, what example will I give my children?

The example that "normal" does not necessarily mean "right".

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06 Oct 2007, 11:50 pm

Interesting question.. My dad is very likely an Aspie. He has three kids. Me, my sis ( who is diagnosed) and my brother.. My dad is a great caring person who will help you in a second. However, as a parent he was more like an annoying older brother. I feel I turned out alright, and my brother. All of us have been diagnosed with depression, which my mom has. I think we are all going to have happy lives and are good people. I do worry about my sister, sometimes, but I think she is going to be okay in the long run. However, lately my dad and my sister don't get along.. I'm not sure what it is but I think they don't understand eachothers intention behind what they do and say. For example, if he gets frusturated with me on the phone, he will just hang up on me after getting annoyed. I've learned that it is just the way he is, but I did have some trouble not yelling right back at him, especially in adolescence, we had some terrible fights. I wish we understood what was going on a long time ago.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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07 Oct 2007, 12:02 am

I used to think that way too, but then I look at the things people are doing to their children on the news and I figure I could definetly do better then that. And if they turn out AS or TS or ADHD, well, I'm in a better position to parent them then a NTs who have no idea what it's like. I have polycystic ovaries, so I don't even know if I will be able to have kids. I'd like to, but if I don't I'll have my dogs and cats.

I hardly want someone else deciding for me if I should have kids or not! This is one issue that's always been difficult for me as a Catholic, though they are trying to force me to breed while you're (OP) trying to force me not to breed. Well, why I don't worry about my reproductive organs and you worry about yours?


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07 Oct 2007, 12:02 am

Mw99 wrote:
I know my statement about aspies not having children could be construed as being provocative, especially since some of you claim to have kids, but I honestly believe people like us shouldn't reproduce. these are just hypothetical questions, as I'd first need to find a woman to reproduce with, which so far seems like an extremely difficult task to accomplish):

In my case, whenever I think about having kids, I ask myself some of the following questions (and

1) Why would you want to bring kids to this world to suffer the way you suffered?
2) Why would you want to degenerate the human gene pool even further?
3) Given my neuropsychological condition, am I really fit to raise a child?
4) Given all my flaws and defects, what example will I give my children?

So what do you all think about the way I think in regards to "aspergean reproduction"? Are my views too negative?

(I hope I did not offend anyone with my comments.)

I think people like you should never reproduce.

I think a lot of people should never reproduce in General(And I'm not talking about a specific race or gene pool; I am talking about stupid people in general- Not necessarily targeting you.)

Not everyone with AS is so socially inept as people on this site seem to make it sound. I said before I have no fear what-so-ever in social situations; I just avoid lame conversations because I know they will be lame and I will gain nothing from talking about lame.

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07 Oct 2007, 12:03 am

I would have to concur with the original post, only to the extent that it would bring unnecessary suffering to my offspring.

However, I do not see the neuropsychologicla development of an Aspie as a handicap. I see it as an advantage, ditching the unnecessary social components of an animal to embrace higher analytical skills which can leave emotions out of the equation. It is not a choice I would prefer to make, but given this situation, I will use the tools at my disposal to make the NTs question their ability to thrive in their environment, when a far more adept predator has evolved.

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07 Oct 2007, 12:08 am

Brian003 wrote:

I think people like you should never reproduce.

That means you and I agree on something.

Not everyone with AS is so socially inept as people on this site seem to make it sound. I said before I have no fear what-so-ever in social situations; I just avoid lame conversations because I know they will be lame and I will gain nothing from talking about lame.

Being socially inept is not the same as being fearful of social situations. You could be fearless of social situations and still be socially inept.

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07 Oct 2007, 2:19 am

1 in 4 aspergers are female

about 50% of this forum is female


Conclusion: Aspergers dont reach out to support forums, socially inept do.

Based on my own observation and statistics i think few of you are even 'aspie', your just unfit for society
I see no reason for aspergers to collaborate on a support forum - true aspies dont like support from other people anyway.

I'm guessing 1 in 10 wrongplanet members are aspie.

Extreme male brain theory ftw.

edit: disregard this post, its 2 parts anger 1 part logic

Last edited by Evilmonkey on 07 Oct 2007, 6:21 am, edited 1 time in total.


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07 Oct 2007, 2:47 am

Evilmonkey wrote:
1 in 4 aspergers are female

about 50% of this forum is female


Conclusion: Aspergers dont reach out to support forums, socially inept do.

Based on my own observation and statistics i think few of you are even 'aspie', your just unfit for society
I see no reason for aspergers to collaborate on a support forum - true aspies dont like support from other people anyway.

I'm guessing 1 in 10 wrongplanet members are aspie.

Extreme male brain theory ftw.

What about those of us who come here for trolling purposes.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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07 Oct 2007, 4:19 am

I have 2 sons and they are both living happy lives. Maybe they will end up engineers like most of the other male members in my Aspie family. What is so bad about that?

It is just stupid to say that Aspies shouldn't reproduce. Sorry if you don't like your existence but not all Aspies dislike their lives so much that they would rather not have lived. I actually hope my sons have the gifts that Aspergers has given me and all the other male members in my family. My Aspie grandfather actually designed the wheels on the lunar rover. Thank god for aspies, they make the scientific world go round, or make it go to the moon.