Well globalism does have a few different meanings I suppose.
I wasn't thinking of a global government really, and not specifically the idea of a global market.
But the global marketplace comes closest. So that is why I responded to your remark about the market.
When I say globalism I generally mean the increasingly interconnected nature of our world, including not only economics, but information, religion, politics, greenhouse gases, etc.
Our policies in the the middle east for one thing reflect a world-view that is incompatible with the transparency that arises thanks to a free flow of information. I'm thinking of the days when the CIA would overthrow a dictator, and replace him with someone that was more friendly, then pretend that it never happened. Our manipulation of the world stage just isn't going to be tolerated anymore.
Not to mention the fact that we are no longer insulated by our geographic location, and are therefore subject to repercussions from our involvement with people and nations that previously were only somewhere over there beyond the horizon.
We need to learn to think in global terms on a number of levels, and it seems that the American people as a whole have been slow to realize this.
"I was made to love magic, all its wonder to know, but you all lost that magic many many years ago."
N Drake