Big business is taking over America. And if you think your too damn cosmically special for your country to become a violent dictatorship, I am sure everyone thought that in history until it happened to them, look at Germany, Cuba, China, Iraq, Iran, Russia.
I don't think the government planted autism, I think autism came from natural forces in nature, it is --possible-- that we could be the next stage in evolution.
David Icke was a looser, someone to discredit us "crazy conspiracy theorists". Both major parties support large business, everything from Mtv to general motors, the medical industry (Kerry) to the oil industry (bush). I'm not going to tell you silly stories about how the cop that pulls you over is secretly a lizard man in disguise, that's BS. I do think it might be --possible-- that our government or the Vatican or someone has had contact with aliens, but that is a theory and I'm not claiming it as a fact. And even if it did happen, I'd seriously doubt anyone who claimed to know something about it.
Bush's grampa financed and funded Hitler from Chase Manhattan Bank, this is not a very disputed fact. Both Bush and Bin Laden families go way back in the oil industry, they also go way back with the royal saudis. This is not a very disputed fact either, what I am telling you is semi-mainstream knowledge (the only thing keeping it from being fully mainstream knowledge is the fact that our government doesn't want many people knowing this).
Lets look at what 9/11 does for a police state agenda, shall we?
1. Provides a scapegoat/threat (arabs)
2. induces strong feelings of nationalism to cloud peoples' judgement
3. provides an excuse to go to war against this "threat" (Iraq)
4. provides an excuse to heighten security, which has lead to the Patriot Act
-- liberal/conservative: false dichotmomy, to divide the masses; divide and conquor
Both parties take money from lobbyists, they both condition their followers through fear, guilt, and hatred to be wilfully ignorant of any idea rather it's true or not that goes against their group think.
Now look at this link also:
Can you say "attacking freedom of speech"? This bill will not stop at terrorists, it will be a paranoia excuse for the government to round up dissidents. You can be locked up for supporting your constitutional 2nd amendment.
Speaking of 2nd amendment, the senate hearing is coming up on our 2nd amendment right. Loosing this right will be a fall into tyranny because you'd be defenseless.