Anubis wrote:
Malsane wrote:
Atheism by itself tells you nothing about a persons beliefs, except that deities are not among them. There is no one moral code or philosophy of atheists.
Killing people in the name of 'progress' is not atheism. It's a philosophy, one which I find disgusting. Attack the philosophy, not atheism, as atheism is rather irrelevant to such a thing.
Agreed. However, why is it that alot of radical atheists massively generalise religion? That itself is blind and f**king ignorant. They can't see the benefits of religion for some people, nor accept that their repeated arguments have NEVER outright disproven God, nor have theists outright proven Him/Her/It. I'm sorry, but thinking that you can ever change hearts and minds by being intolerant and hostile towards all religion is just stupid. You'll have to "spread rational inquiry by the sword" if you want any change of convictions that way.
I concur. I think there's just a lot of anger for many atheists, because being an atheist in the US is very difficult. I can't speak to other countries, as I have experience only where I live, I only have second hand information for other countries.
I don't care what other people believe. It urks me when people refuse to believe the demonstrable truth, like evolution, and other bits of science that the Church likes to discard, but whatever. If it doesn't affect me, I don't care too much. If it is a boon to the religious individual, more power to them. Really, whatever works for them.
Intolerance on both sides is wrong. I don't think we need to spread anything by the sword. Civil debates are good for exploring ideas, but I don't have a need to 'win converts.' But then again, I can speak only for myself.