Magnus wrote:
You are 15? I am impressed. Keep asking questions and don't be afraid to answer the hard ones. When you get old as you will see from the posts,
dogma sets in like an eclipse which hinders further knowledge. Don't be a bubble head, but blow the veil off for yourself and see a bigger reality.
Plenty of the hard ones aren't answerable, though there is an answer, you of course either need to make an educated guess or just say "I don't know". The answers to "Is there a God?", depending on what the definition of 'God' usually tend to be "Yes" or "No". Considering no evidence points towards a God, and there's actually actually evidence weighing against many Gods that are used by different religions, my educated answer ends up being "Probably not" or "No". I don't see how it is physically possible for there to be a random Intelligence that created everything, that to me makes absolutely no sense. Though we don't know the actual answer of what started the Universe, we can rule that explanation as false unless by extremely random chance we are suddenly presented proof or evidence of such.
I'm plenty surprised honestly at those who feel it takes a larger amount of faith to disbelieve in God than it does to believe. That's exactly like saying it takes more faith to not believe in the Invisible Octopus than to believe, God and the Invisible Octopus have the same amount of evidence of existing, and both are just as silly.