ike wrote:
So if you voted for McCain because he's white, then I can assume that you don't base your decisions on rational criteria and therefore whatever you're saying here can be automatically discounted as having any value because it's assumed to be ignorant.
This is EXACTLY what I'm talking about. The ENTIRE election was about black people voting for "their" guy.
Oh but I do the same thing and I'm "ignorant".
The rest of you white people are either:
1. just plain dumb and don't realize you are being racially attacked. 90% of blacks DID NOT vote for mcain because hes WHITE.
2. are scared of black people
I don't get it but I'm sick of all the racism to white people, it's no wonder people join the KKK it's called self defense.
Also i sure as hell didnt vote for mccain or obama i dont like either one. I said that to make a point.