NobelCynic wrote:
The very existence of this topic, in this forum, is categorizing people into PPR regulars and others. Ragtime used to post here all the time, and still does occasionally, however he is no longer considered to be a regular because he stopped evangelizing, perhaps having learned that he was only giving people an opportunity to mock his God.
Is there a reason to categorize people other than to assign attributes to them that you have no evidence of in themselves with logic running along the lines of:
1) Christians believe such and such
2) You are a Christian
3) You believe such and such?
Categorizing leads to sterotyping which leads to prejudice. Before asking the question "can we?", perhaps we should ask "do we want to?".
Very well put. It's like Christians are stereotyped as racist, homophobic, intolerant, etc.
And it's like when people think of Christian history, they think of things like...
1. The televangelist scandals in the 1980s.
2. The Catholic church sex abuse scandal.
3. Eric Rudolph's terror sprees (the abortion clinic bombings in Alabama, the Atlanta Olympic bombing, etc.).
4. Anything involving Westboro Baptist Church.
5. Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell blaming 9/11 on the abortionists, gays, etc.
6. The various cults (Jonestown, Branch Davidians, etc.).