SpazzDog wrote:
just-me wrote:
yes and now we are having a global crisis . do you see a trend?
If we went back to a gold standard, then there wouldn't be hardly any wealth on a global scale. Gold is finite, perhaps around ~$1,000,000,000,000 worth, give or take. Let's just be generous and say there's $4 trillion worth of gold. Then that'd be the largest the world economy will ever get and growth would be stalled. Why? Because if each dollar represented x pounds of gold, then you can only print x times how ever many pounds of gold there is in the world for the entire world's economy. It's just not practical, sorry.
And why would it have to be
just gold?
Hell, even when the US was on the "gold standard" our specie was... Gold, Silver & Copper.
Why not Platinum, Gold, Silver, Copper? Why not Iridium, or Silicon Buttons?
Specie doesn't have to be "just" gold, it can be any material with inherent comodity value. It could be Eggs... though they are hard to carry.
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