ruveyn wrote:
Sand wrote:
All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
Edmund Burke
Altruism is one of the prime evils of the human race. I oppose it. I believe in enlightened selfishness.
An analysis of altruism should really make distinctions based on whom the altruism is directed towards.
As the Selfish Gene (among others) explains, kin altruism is an evolved human characteristic, because it is biologically adaptive to behave altruistically towards people you are genetically close to.
As JS Haldane joked, “I would give my life for two brothers or eight cousins”.
So extreme selfishness is biologically maladaptive, and - since humans are part of nature – often not condusive to personal happiness.
At least not for NT’s. Aspies in general might be a different kettle of fish.
At the other end of the spectrum you have maladaptive altruism … which is, let’s be honest, practiced almost exclusively by white people (adopting children of other races, opening their borders and calling it diversity, beating themselves up over their own ‘racism’ etc). It’s one of the most bizarre developments in human history. The self-serving propaganda of non-whites must surely play a part. As for the rest of it … who knows … some suggest that maladaptive altruism might be a form of status seeking.
So in response to objectivism, no, I don’t think every man is an end unto himself. And I’m not too keen on unrestrained capitalism either.