ironpony wrote:
But I don't understand why white people are considered evil, when look at what is going in other continents. There is genocide going on in Africa over the last three decades or more for example. Look at Rwanda for example. Or look at what the Japanese did to other nations of people during WWII. So I don't get how I am suppose to feel that white people are the bad guys only.
I've never been part of any theory, nor am I aware of any theory, that claims white people are evil solely for being white. Not to say there might not be a few people who take the concept to that extreme, but it wouldn't be accurate. Being accurate, IMHO, would be to say that historically many white people in this country have acted in ways that harm and hold back others, and have held beliefs designed to justify the subjugation of others. There is no claim that no one else in the history or human kind or elsewhere hasn't done the same. We can only each be responsible for ourselves, and what we see immediately around us.
I long ago came to believe that if humans weren't using race to separate themselves, they would use something else. Self-sorting, and attempting to put oneself into the "better" box, seems to be human nature. Your examples are part of the proof for that idea. But the fact that it seems to be instinctive doesn't make it right.
What is being asked of us at this point in time in this country, the way I hear it, is to simply open our eyes and accept that the history of what happened carries implications into the present, and those implications give you and me privileges that someone of a different racial history most likely does not have. We are being asked to LISTEN, more than anything. To understand what life is like for someone else, solely because of the skin they were born into, and then, perhaps, support policy changes designed to make things better for them (not that there is any universal agreement on what such policies would look like, at this point in time).
It is the choices you make facing that request that can make your behavior on the issue "good" or "bad." It isn't predetermined.
Mom to an amazing young adult AS son, plus an also amazing non-AS daughter. Most likely part of the "Broader Autism Phenotype" (some traits).