Was Hitler trying to breed a race of super aspies?

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10 Aug 2009, 10:40 pm

oppositedirection wrote:
Magnus wrote:
If they could breed human traits like they did with the German Shepherd for example, then don't you think they'd do it? Do you really think they were above that? Why wouldn't they want to breed for better workers, better soldiers, more specialized human beings? What would stop them from that? In the very least I can IMAGINE that they would be interested in exploring areas of the brain as well as aesthetic qualities of humans.

That sounds fair to me. You just also need to answer some key questions. If they wanted to study Autistic people, why where they so intent on killing them? If they were so intent on studying autism, why were the Nazi in power ten years before Asperger 'discovered' Autism? Where exactly did Hitler get his concept of Autism/AS from? Why was no one explicit about this (given that Himmler, for example, was very clear on what constituted a Aryan personality)?

I don't think they glorified autistics as a whole. The low functioning ones would have been gassed.

Answer me this, if all they were doing with the Jews was committing genocide then why have the camps? Why have Dr. Menegle search out the twins? Why spend all the time, money, and effort on keeping some "fit Jews" alive? I know they used some as workers, but what else do you think they were doing with them? I doubt that they were purposefully trying to create autistics. Maybe something went awry. I don't think that Hitler was trying to create aspies/autistics, but much of the traits that he admired are also high functioning aspie traits.

As long as man continues to be the ruthless destroyer of lower living beings he will never know health or peace. For as long as men massacre animals, they will kill each other.



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10 Aug 2009, 11:14 pm

Fuzzy wrote:
The best documented genetic development of a sub species would be



And it took 50+ years with one generation per year. Fascinating read if you can get the PDF for it. I want one for a pet!

Yes...well I may be criticized for this but I don't think we're that far from the Nazis when it involves the subject of animals.

Case in point, we breed animals into what we think they should look like or how we think they'd look as a "pure" bred. Then we show them off as though they were superior to animals with a drop of tained blood. For instance the siamese cat who is only professionally bred if he/she has the emaciated look of an unfed model like the humans we see on TV.

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10 Aug 2009, 11:28 pm


What about the zebrokey?

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10 Aug 2009, 11:35 pm

One of the cross breedings that shocked me the most was the Liger!! ! 8O


Yes even crossbreeding has benefits such as tempermanent and looks...doesn't make it all bad but we do love to tamper with the animal kingdom's DNA lol.

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10 Aug 2009, 11:43 pm

^ Ive never seen one of those before. I think the ethics of doing this is questionable, though it looks pretty cool.... :)

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11 Aug 2009, 12:16 am

oppositedirection wrote:
Master_Pedant wrote:
Hans Asperger wasn't "inventing" a personality disorder distinct from autism (though he did empathize many of the personality aspects of the atypical neurology) and he fully recognized sensory issues in his patients which would trigger personality eccentricities.

I've not read Frith's book or indeed Asperger's writing, I'm getting this from Constructing Autism - Nadesan

Rereading it, I remember now that autism wasn't a separate concept to schizophrenia, sorry about that. However, the key point is that Asperger didn't put autism into the same framework of schizophrenia, which was conceptualised as a heritable disease. Rather, during the mid 1940s, Asperger emphasised autism as being a personality disorder, one not hereditable and nothing to do with atypical neurology. Rather, this was simply a personality disorder, merely the personality they had which made them psychopaths but also had all these positive traits. Only after Lorna Wing's 'rediscovery' in the 1980s did we get modern concepts of atypical neurology.

I claim he 'invented' asperger's syndrome because his ideas simply cannot be justified under the science of the time. They just don't fit 1930's (and certainly not Nazi) biology and at best could appeal to Freud, something utterly unthinkable in Nazi Germany and the theoretical underpinning to link Freud to autism certainly wasn't in place. So by invented I mean he knew this was bad science but had no other means of saving these children and correctly believed he could get away with it. As I understand it, his later writings both explored personality disorders and atypical neurology.

Here's a quote from Nadesan
[Asperger] appears to have rejected the disease-entity, schizophrenic-linked framework for describing his patients' deficiencies. Instead, Asperger appropriated the idea of a personality disorder, most probably Schneider's theory of psychopathic personalities. Perhaps the idea of autism as a “types” of personality disorder – as opposed to a disease entity or developmental syndrome – was important for Asperger because he wanted to stress what he saw as the unique attributes of the autistic personality. Schneider's contention that psychopathic personality types were innate forms of being potentially capable of unique capacities would have appealed to Asperger in this respect. The political exigencies of Nazism would certainly have contributed to Asperger's desire to valorize his students' special abilities

He may have held it to be a personality disorder (or at least empathized the personality disordered aspects of the condition), but he certainly considered it a hereditary (partially) personality disorder.

"Autism [Asperger syndrome] does not arise because of unfavourable developmental influences ... but because their is an inherited disposition." - Hans Asperger

Let me re-emphasize that quote.

It was Kanner, the negative perspective, disease model, psychologist who held autism (of the Kanner syndrome variant) to be considered a poor upbringing induced disorder (the Refrigerator Moms notion). It wasn't until Bernard Rimland's "Infantile Autism: The Syndrome and Its Implications for a Neural Theory of Behavior" that autistic conditions became seen in the Anglo-Saxon world as a result of genetically predisposed uncommon neurologies.

Hans Asperger preceded the Anglo-Saxon world in recognizing the hereditary component of (at least his) autistics.

Furthermore, what makes Asperger's science particularly bad? Not following the state enforced "consensus" in psychology hardly makes one a quack (the Nazis were not objective, non-partisan, judges of scientific fact). Furthermore, Asperger syndrome is recognized (these days) as coming along with many personality eccentricities and sometimes outright comorbid disorders, like Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder, and Oppositional Defiant Disorder. Surely, in the mid forties, speculating that an ill (or, rather, not at all) defined condition which seems to almost always (Or always, in the case of Asperger's specific patients. It was only later that Lorna Wing opened the Asperger's tent to many different types of people on the autistic spectrum, including some with IQs below 70, which Asperger excluded by definition.) accompanied by personality quirks and disorders, is essentially an inherited personality disorder, coupled with withdrawal from ones environment?

If, from my verbose quasi-rant, there's one thing I want everyone reading to take is...

Hans Asperger PREDATED Kanner and Anglo-Saxon Psychologists in proposing that the (or at least a) autistic spectrum conditions are caused by heredity.


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11 Aug 2009, 12:38 am

Magnus wrote:
Fuzzy wrote:
The best documented genetic development of a sub species would be



And it took 50+ years with one generation per year. Fascinating read if you can get the PDF for it. I want one for a pet!

The German Shepherd was originally a herding dog. The nazis made them into police dogs. It only takes one or two generations to breed in behavioral traits. They weren't looking to create a new species, just a better working race I think.

Guarding is just re-purposed herding. I wont go so far as to call people sheep though! :D

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11 Aug 2009, 12:50 am

Fuzzy wrote:
Magnus wrote:
Fuzzy wrote:
The best documented genetic development of a sub species would be



And it took 50+ years with one generation per year. Fascinating read if you can get the PDF for it. I want one for a pet!

The German Shepherd was originally a herding dog. The nazis made them into police dogs. It only takes one or two generations to breed in behavioral traits. They weren't looking to create a new species, just a better working race I think.

Guarding is just re-purposed herding. I wont go so far as to call people sheep though! :D

With the proper breeding controls and a good deal of time it should be possible to breed people to grow thick commercially valuable hair over their entire body. It no doubt would be a valuable adjunct to minimum income since no body product at the moment has much commercial value. I am not sure what effect this might have on the clothing industry, either positive or negative.


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11 Aug 2009, 1:24 am

Magnus wrote:
Fuzzy wrote:
The best documented genetic development of a sub species would be



And it took 50+ years with one generation per year. Fascinating read if you can get the PDF for it. I want one for a pet!

The German Shepherd was originally a herding dog. The nazis made them into police dogs. It only takes one or two generations to breed in behavioral traits. They weren't looking to create a new species, just a better working race I think.

Please tell me you're playing the satirist, the <strike>Jon Stewart</strike> Stephen Colbert of the Internet.

If not, let me simply point out that...

1) Breading humans has gone on for a lot less time than breading animals. The techniques weren't well defined for humans and Nazi attempts in other areas were hap-hazard an ineffectual.
2) Humans take A LOT longer to mature and mate than a dog does.
3) As others pointed out, its really just reintroducing the "sheep herding" instinct into the animal.


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11 Aug 2009, 7:13 am

sg33 wrote:

- via MissConstrue

Asperger's Syndrome is a predominantly white, and especially Northern European, disorder.

Or, white people tend to have better access to high-quality health care, and are thus more likely to be properly diagnosed.
Or, non-white people are more likely to be blamed, punished, and/or incarcerated for their AS-related behavior.
Or, non-white people are concerned that labeling their children as autistic will give authorities an excuse to mistreat their children or hold them back.

See Autism, Race and Economics: Who Gets the Diagnosis?.

Ever heard of Action T4? Who do you think was killed in those institutions?

Anti-Semitism is disgusting.

I know that there are significantly less aspie black people then white. Black woman have preference man who are polar opposite to that of aspies in general, unless a black aspie men can emulate NTs very well, or earn buckets of money it is almost guaranteed that they will not have any children with a black woman.

The reason why there are less aspies and black intellectuals amoungst afro American and Caribbean’s is something to do with the slave days. I will come back to explain why. However, amongst Africans, who did not descend from slaves, there are more aspies, geeks and intellectuals. The significantly outnumber lower class white people in the Universities in this country.


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11 Aug 2009, 10:13 am

Magnus wrote:

The German Shepherd was originally a herding dog. The nazis made them into police dogs. It only takes one or two generations to breed in behavioral traits. They weren't looking to create a new species, just a better working race I think.

Human nature (an extension of primate nature) is the result of millions of years of evolutionary development. Nothing the Nazis could do would remove human selfishness in two generations or even a thousand human generations. Human mutts are a stubborn breed and will not be "perfected" readily. Ten thousand years of civilization and we are the same selfish bastards we were to begin with.



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11 Aug 2009, 12:46 pm

Magnus wrote:
Answer me this, if all they were doing with the Jews was committing genocide then why have the camps? Why have Dr. Menegle search out the twins?
This is fairly easy to answer given that some medical subjects survived, many research notes were not destroyed and that many of the nurses who also provided assistance confessed everything on trial. They were largely doing medical research, sometimes just out of interest but usually in relation to military application (i.e. test the best cure for gunshot wounds or hypothermia by doing that to a human test subject and then try and heal them). As for Menegle and the twins, he wished to test just how crucial genetics was to someone's makeup. Seeing if the reactions of both twins to an injury was the same or if one twins body parts could be used to replace the parts of the other. The only knowledge of 'breeding' that I am aware of is to test the affects of sterilizations. Crucially though, the experiments were basically entirely physical, not psychological. If they were looking to promote certain traits we today would call autism, the experimentations would focus on determining the linkage between personality and genetics. There is utterly no evidence of this, whereas plenty of medical experiments. Secondly, Nazi doctrine had been explicit for many years on the Jewish personality, so why would Hitler suddenly feel that the lowest race on earth might actually partially hold the personality of the master race.


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11 Aug 2009, 12:50 pm

Magnus wrote:
I don't think that Hitler was trying to create aspies/autistics, but much of the traits that he admired are also high functioning aspie traits.
Interestingly, Himmler's concept of the Aryan personality does bare relation to high functioning autism (obsession, great capacity for love, likes structure and regimentation, focused mind). This is may have been because Himmler was high functioning autistic himself. But his selection for the SS was based on physical aspects, two German people of pure Aryan blood. No matter how obsessed someone was with the Nazi worldview, no matter how happy someone was living under it's strict and regimented structure, no matter how focused someone was in their tasks, no great someone's love for Nazism might be, this was never enough to get into the SS. So the Nazis were not trying to produce a super race based upon picking people with certain personality traits, they picked them based upon physical traits and racial background, with the additional belief that Aryans had a certain personality.


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11 Aug 2009, 5:32 pm

Master_Pedant wrote:
He may have held it to be a personality disorder (or at least empathized the personality disordered aspects of the condition), but he certainly considered it a hereditary (partially) personality disorder.
The key issue is when did Asperger write this? Having not read his initial writings, the secondary literature I've read on the topic suggests that he did not state it was hereditary prior to the end of world war two. He certainly talked about these issues afterwards, but not during the war. Determining the truth of this would determine the result of our disagreement.

Furthermore, what makes Asperger's science particularly bad? Not following the state enforced "consensus" in psychology hardly makes one a quack (the Nazis were not objective, non-partisan, judges of scientific fact).
Certainly, Nazis standards of biology and psychology terrible, and without appealing to something else or falling back on the otherwise acceptable hypothese of hereditary, he instead did bad science.

Had he stuck to Nazi doctrine of mental illness as hereditary, the children are gassed, and Asperger deserves nothing but praise for trying and succeeding in saving them. But if hereditary isn't an option, what else was? Could appeal to social causes but in the 1940's the only substantially theoretically fleshed out framework for social interpretations of mental illness was Freud. This worked for Kanner but Asperger didn't have that option in Nazi Germany. So if not social or hereditary, Asperger has largely run out of options, hence I claim he 'invented' Asperger Syndrome because he borrowed from the highly dubious notions of psychopathic personality disorders of Schneider.

Personality disorders simply don't work without additional theoretical claims like genetic, neurological or social causes. If it was simply a matter of everyone developing a different personality and some people develop particularly strange personalities, fine, but why so much utter similarities between these people we call autistic if its only down to random personality development? That just doesn't work for me and I strongly suspect that if Asperger was intelligent enough to notice this pattern we now call autism, he'd probably have seen through the concept of personality disorders. But since he couldn't appeal to hereditary without risking the children's lives, couldn't appeal to social without invoke Freud and neuroscience didn't really exist yet, he instead just did some bad science, coming up with explanations he probably knew were false but rightly thoughts he could get away with.

Crucially though, Lorna Wing popularised Asperger's Syndrome by translating his writing from the war, not the better science he did later, but I think the errors have probably been ironed out by now. Anyway, that's my understanding of the history but I've only read so much on these topics, feel free to correct me.


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11 Aug 2009, 6:28 pm

Master_Pedant wrote:
Magnus wrote:
Fuzzy wrote:
The best documented genetic development of a sub species would be



And it took 50+ years with one generation per year. Fascinating read if you can get the PDF for it. I want one for a pet!

The German Shepherd was originally a herding dog. The nazis made them into police dogs. It only takes one or two generations to breed in behavioral traits. They weren't looking to create a new species, just a better working race I think.

Please tell me you're playing the satirist, the <strike>Jon Stewart</strike> Stephen Colbert of the Internet.

If not, let me simply point out that...

1) Breading humans has gone on for a lot less time than breading animals. The techniques weren't well defined for humans and Nazi attempts in other areas were hap-hazard an ineffectual.
2) Humans take A LOT longer to mature and mate than a dog does.
3) As others pointed out, its really just reintroducing the "sheep herding" instinct into the animal.

This time I'm really not being a satirist.

Humans are natural breeders for temperament, looks and such. We do this unconsciously for the most part. So, in essence humans have been breeding humans much longer than we've been breeding animals. :lol:

As long as man continues to be the ruthless destroyer of lower living beings he will never know health or peace. For as long as men massacre animals, they will kill each other.



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11 Aug 2009, 6:36 pm

oppositedirection wrote:
Magnus wrote:
Answer me this, if all they were doing with the Jews was committing genocide then why have the camps? Why have Dr. Menegle search out the twins?
This is fairly easy to answer given that some medical subjects survived, many research notes were not destroyed and that many of the nurses who also provided assistance confessed everything on trial. They were largely doing medical research, sometimes just out of interest but usually in relation to military application (i.e. test the best cure for gunshot wounds or hypothermia by doing that to a human test subject and then try and heal them). As for Menegle and the twins, he wished to test just how crucial genetics was to someone's makeup. Seeing if the reactions of both twins to an injury was the same or if one twins body parts could be used to replace the parts of the other. The only knowledge of 'breeding' that I am aware of is to test the affects of sterilizations. Crucially though, the experiments were basically entirely physical, not psychological. If they were looking to promote certain traits we today would call autism, the experimentations would focus on determining the linkage between personality and genetics. There is utterly no evidence of this, whereas plenty of medical experiments. Secondly, Nazi doctrine had been explicit for many years on the Jewish personality, so why would Hitler suddenly feel that the lowest race on earth might actually partially hold the personality of the master race.

I highly doubt that Hitler really believed that the Jews were an inferior race. They were a threat because they were the doctors, lawyers, accountants, business owners etc. They were the system busters too. I think that was all propaganda, saying that they were inferior.

Do some more research on the psychological experiments using hypnosis. Freud was the main man when it came to understanding hypnosis. Yes we was a Jew and the Nazi's learned from him. There were soo many experiments going on. The founders of neuroscience were nazi doctors. They were not quacks but they sure pushed the boundaries in every realm.

I'm sure much of the info has not been fully released. In fact, there is a hold on it due to the negative attitudes toward the experiments.
Yes, I know it is sick and all but if we should still be able to see what they were really studying in those undisclosed documents.

As long as man continues to be the ruthless destroyer of lower living beings he will never know health or peace. For as long as men massacre animals, they will kill each other.
