Wombat wrote:
Then you remember that a year or two ago it came out that there was a huge problem with child molestation in Aboriginal communities.
It was so bad that the government sent in the Federal Police and the ARMY to sort them out.
But they are stumped. What are they going to do? Arrest half the men and throw them in jail?
Take the "at risk" children into foster care?
They are still bleating about "the stolen generation" when the government did that 50 years ago.
The Aborigines wanted "land rights" so they were given huge tracts of land.
Now they choose to live on that land. They DON'T grow crops and raise sheep or cattle.
But they DO yell "We have no jobs! We have no money! We have no hospitals!
"We drink too much and it is all wh***y's fault" (But don't ban booze on the reservation because that would be "racist".)
"We molest our children and that is wh***y's fault too"
"Our children sniff glue and petrol and that is wh***y's fault as well"
It is "racist" that so many of us are in jail. (Never mind that we commit far more crimes per capita than the rest of the population)
"We reserve the right to be lazy violent and dirty people and blame it all on YOU"
What ignorant, uneducated racism.
There is plenty of evidence that the outcomes you describe are predicted in the circumstances by the humanity of the organisms involved. No racial group is known to be resilient to poor outcomes featuring high levels of dysfunction in the context of the events that has occurred over time to this group. Racial biology has nothing to do with it. Human biology, and being human does. The species constraints and propensities that lead to these extreme poor outcomes in such circumstances are the result of being human, not of being Aboriginal.
From the circumstances it is predictable that a human group would exhibit disproportionately high levels of poor outcomes and dysfunction when compared to a group not subjected to such things. That the outcomes are not universal (to ever member of the actually ethnically diverse group lumped together by the word Aboriginal), and have been observed to be readily influenced by environmental factors, is further evidence that the damage and dysfunction you are referring to is environmental rather than biologically racial in cause.