Israel: the arsenal of an undeclared nuclear power.

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30 Aug 2009, 6:04 am

ruveyn wrote:
By the way, the genetic uniformity of our species has been know for nearly eighty years. At this juncture there is only one species of the genus homo left on the planet. That is us. Earth is the Planet of the Hairless Apes.


Good old ruveyn. One minute he’s ranting about “his people” and about the “Goyim” and the “Amalekites”, the next he's promoting individualism and coming out with “we are all one race” cliches. But there’s no contradiction here because “his people” are a religious group (even if they’re atheists) … or a linguistic group (even if they only speak English) … or a cultural group … or something.

Well, race is real, however many times people on message boards say that it is not. And this idea that Jewishness has no racial or genetic connotations is just false.
1. Israeli policy is that anybody who is racially Jewish can become an Israeli citizen, even if they are atheists who can’t speak Hebrew.
2. A simple google search will reveal several scientific papers discussing, say, Ashkenazi Jews as a distinct genetic cluster. Such as
3. The Robert Lappin Charity is a charity devoted to preventing Jews from assimilating with Gentiles. Now, why would that be so important to them? (As an exercise for the reader, try clicking on the link and replacing each instance of ‘Jewish’ with ‘White’.)
4. The words of Rabbi Stephen Wise, president of the American Jewish Congress and the World Jewish Congress in 1938, "I am not an American citizen of the Jewish faith, I am a Jew... Hitler was right in one thing. He calls the Jewish people a race and we are a race."

By the way, I’m not sure people knew anything about the genetics of race eighty years ago since the structure of DNA was only discovered in 1953 – but it was about eighty years ago that Franz Boas, the godfather of academic race-denial, was doing his work.
Franz Boas just happened to be Jewish.


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30 Aug 2009, 6:22 am

codarac wrote:
ruveyn wrote:
By the way, the genetic uniformity of our species has been know for nearly eighty years. At this juncture there is only one species of the genus homo left on the planet. That is us. Earth is the Planet of the Hairless Apes.


Good old ruveyn. One minute he’s ranting about “his people” and about the “Goyim” and the “Amalekites”, the next he's promoting individualism and coming out with “we are all one race” cliches. But there’s no contradiction here because “his people” are a religious group (even if they’re atheists) … or a linguistic group (even if they only speak English) … or a cultural group … or something.

Well, race is real, however many times people on message boards say that it is not. And this idea that Jewishness has no racial or genetic connotations is just false.
1. Israeli policy is that anybody who is racially Jewish can become an Israeli citizen, even if they are atheists who can’t speak Hebrew.
2. A simple google search will reveal several scientific papers discussing, say, Ashkenazi Jews as a distinct genetic cluster. Such as
3. The Robert Lappin Charity is a charity devoted to preventing Jews from assimilating with Gentiles. Now, why would that be so important to them? (As an exercise for the reader, try clicking on the link and replacing each instance of ‘Jewish’ with ‘White’.)
4. The words of Rabbi Stephen Wise, president of the American Jewish Congress and the World Jewish Congress in 1938, "I am not an American citizen of the Jewish faith, I am a Jew... Hitler was right in one thing. He calls the Jewish people a race and we are a race."

By the way, I’m not sure people knew anything about the genetics of race eighty years ago since the structure of DNA was only discovered in 1953 – but it was about eighty years ago that Franz Boas, the godfather of academic race-denial, was doing his work.
Franz Boas just happened to be Jewish.

You can say it's so, but that doesn't make it so.


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30 Aug 2009, 9:09 am

well until your post in another thread I was going to say I was being over-zealous, had misread your post and my only contention was with the part about blaming 'euro-man'

Ones ethnic group is just an extension of ones family. Just as loyalty to ones family is normal and natural, so is loyalty to ones ethnic group. This is because genetic kinship is the natural basis for altruism, as explained in Dawkins’s ‘Selfish Gene’ (among other places).

I was mainly looking for something beyond ethnocentrism is natural and normal. I reject any arguments that can't go beyond assertions of being 'natural' as ideology, but your's is somewhat different - now, prime example: Barack Obama's parents were anglo-saxon mother and kenyan father - does barack obama alone now comprise an entirely new ethnic group based on the combination of these two ethnic groups or does he go beyond his family to find others who are born to a similar combination of ethnic groups? What about the ethnic backgrounds of his parents? I don't know what they are exactly but say his mother was born to an irish father and teutonic (or any other kind of germanic) mother and his father was born to kenyan parents - is Barack Obama now Teutono-Irish-African? My point being that basing this on kinship ties can become fractal - at some point an abitrary determination of ethnic group is made and is therefore not 'natural'.

"just as loyalty to ones family is normal and natural" again same line of argument - evidence? Around the end of the nineteenth and the start of the twentieth centuries poorer families in the UK would sell their children into prostitution, one can also cite the instances of incestuous rape, fratri- matri- soror- infanta- and patricide. Cain and Abel as well as Abraham fundamental parts of the Jewish religion.

Humans share something in the region of 90-98% of our genetic makeup with the apes - pardon my facetiousness but are they my kin or do we draw another abitrary line in the sand?

Where exactly do the distinctions between one ethnic group and another begin and end on the genetic level? So far as I understand it an ethnic group is determined by shared culture, history etc, not genetics.

And once again a nationalist appears to be misreading a scientific document or their own ends. I haven't read it myself but I understand Dawkins was making the point that a gene acting 'selfishly' (a very poor word open to misunderstanding) would lead to un-selfish and altruistic behaviour in a group. Not that it was right to exclude an individual, at times violently, based on a statistically insignificant genetic variation. Seeing as I have so much in common with the apes should we be discussing giving them British citizenship or is this an absurdist position?

Nationalism then, is really just a way of defending and furthering the interests of a particular nation. It should be obvious then that the religion of Judaism is a form of nationalism since it serves the interests of the Jews as a nation – a cursory study of Judaism will reveal that it is a religion based on a covenant between “God” and a specific people: the descendants of Jacob. Christianity and Islam (and I am a follower of neither) are universalist religions, whereas Judaism, with its discouragement of out-marriage and its barriers to conversion (e.g., circumcision), is not.
If it were not for Judaism the religion, the Jews in diaspora might have been assimilated out of existence as a distinct kinship group. Zionism and Judaism are really two sides of the same coin.

I agree with the first sentence but for different reasons - that it is done at the expense of others is precisely the problem of nationalism. By the line of logic adopted in the second I could argue that making sure a specified group ate two good meals a day was a form of nationalism since it serves the interests of that group to do so. And no, they are not two sides of the same coin, nationalist Zionism relies on the religion of Judaism as its ideological foundation, and in order to do so it relies on a very specific understanding of Judaism. Nationalism only emerged as a political ideology after the 18th century and seeing as Judaism had been around for a couple centuries before that nationalist Zionism is, therefore, born out of specific historical conditions (persecution by the catholic church, by large parts of europe, the black hundreds and tsarism in Russia etc) based upon something they had in common as its ideological foundation - Zionism is subsequent to and dependent upon Judaism, not the other way around.

The European peoples are losing control of their lands because of mass immigration. Europeans who oppose mass immigration get the unperson treatment at the hands of their own treasonous establishments. The nations of Europe are currently not (for the most part) being governed in the interests of Europe’s native peoples. They are being governed in the interests of globalism.

Which is why I said that nationalism obfuscates the site of the problem. The problem is not mass immigration as cause of a given problem and how to end it. Mass immigration is a symptom. The problem is economics (in my opinion as a Trotskyist). Nationalism at best will tilt at windmills for a few years if it doesn't descend into yet another european bloodbath over who is the most pure bred of the inbreds, and for what? It misdiagnoses the problem. The reason mass immigration takes place is because European and American capitalism makes it hell for near everyone in the second and third worlds. Let me be clear that I think that liberal multiculturalism is one of the most virulently racist ideologies yet to be seen - this being as it is simply the obverse of global capitalism, without it the first world would lose political stability - not good for business. Drive a stake through capitalism then we can all sit down and discuss who lives where when we're not stepping on each other for work, homes, food and water. no need to fight over it, many if not the overwhelming majority of those who come to europe do so out of sheer desperation, eastern europeans do so because they pay is better than at home, businesses employ immigrants because they are either not protected by or not aware of the minimum wage legislation, working hours etc etc. Nationalism has and always will be used by the powers that be in their own interest, it's a petit-bourgeois political tendency incapable of independent action.

The question here was whether the driving force for the establishment and maintenance of Israel was (and is) Western imperialists (using Jews for their own Machiavellian ends) or Zionist Jews (i.e., the people who met at the Zionist congress in 1897, the people who refused the British offer of Uganda, the people who bombed the King David hotel, the people who unilaterally declared independence in 1948 and ethnically cleansed hundreds of thousands of Arabs in the subsequent war). The questions of what the UN should have done or of whether or not you care what nationalists want are beside the point. I think we are talking at cross purposes here, and I should have been clearer with my wording.

Well how's about I be reasonable and propose the following - the Zionist movement established Israel, Western Imperialism (US particularly) has maintained it since, perhaps that is a reasonable synthesis of the current dialectic?


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30 Aug 2009, 11:37 am

"Humans share something in the region of 90-98% of our genetic makeup with the apes - pardon my facetiousness but are they my kin or do we draw another arbitrary line in the sand?

Where exactly do the distinctions between one ethnic group and another begin and end on the genetic level? So far as I understand it an ethnic group is determined by shared culture, history etc, not genetics. "

He meant humankind when he talked about the percentages, and i'm currently studying bio anthropology. He speaks the truth. Despite cultural and small physical differences, all humans are mostly the same when it comes to the basic genetic structure. This explains why we all look alike to some degree (despite some regional differences).