protest_the_hero wrote:
Zionism is completely based on racial nationalism. The idea of "God's chosen people" is racism disguised in religion. Without the religious claims behind it, zionism would have no moral justification at all. As far as I'm concerned, zionism has no moral justification at all. I blame the media for all these irrational views imposed on us.
But they're the CHOSEN PEOPLE.
Are you chosen? Obviously not!! ! Do you belong to the "race" of people who control Hollywood and the majority of the western media? Obviously not. So obviously you're not chosen. I mean these people MUST be special to be thrown into a place in the world where water is a precious commodity and rockets and bombs fly daily and everyone around them believes that killing themselves to make sure others die will get them into their god's good HAVE to be the chosen people to be given such a privileged life and it's a life that we, as the rest of the world, must protect because they are, afterall, the CHOSEN PEOPLE.
//no jews were hurt in the making of this sarcastic joke-rant.
///but a couple probably will still be pissed off because they might be chosen but not for their brains.
Wherever they burn books they will also, in the end, burn human beings. ~Heinrich Heine, Almansor, 1823
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