Okay, looks like I need to repost this, for those who skimmed earlier...
leejosepho wrote:
In Latin of the back of the American dollar is a statement along the line of "announcing the birth of a new world order"...
What, you mean "Novus Ordo Seclorum", on the Great Seal of the United States? It's a quote from a poem by Virgil, usually translated as "a mighty series [or great order] of Ages is born anew". This is obviously intended to refer to the number carved into the bottom of the unfinished pyramid above, 1776, marking the official birth of the United States (I think the significance of the pyramid being unfinished needs little explanation).
Note that "seclorum" is a poetic form, the actual word being "seculorum" - it was common for Roman poets to omit one of the vowels in order to make a word fit its poetic meter. Note further that "seculorum" is a plural, meaning "ages" - "New World Order" would
not translate into Latin as "Novus Ordo Seculorum" (in fact, according to the translation program I just referenced, that would be "Novus Universitas Ordo").
As for "Annuit Coeptis", that's even worse - that's not even a coherent phrase in Latin. Reportedly, the designer was reaching for a sense that a new beginning was being smiled upon by Providence, without including any actual religious references (per client request), so he reached into his flawed knowledge of church Latin and came up with those words.
Look, I'm sorry, but no matter how many paranoid conspiracy theorists parade their flawed views of reality across your internet searches, there simply is no One World Conspiracy trying to make us all into nice little imperial droids. Or, if there is, it's apparently managed to keep itself concealed for better than two centuries - which would make it far more efficient than any other method of governance yet devised, so maybe surrender would be the better option...
(Oh, on a side note - why exactly is a one-world government a bad thing? That seems to be an axiom of every One-World conspiracy theory I've heard so far, but no one seems willing to explain what the problem is.)