leejosepho wrote:
Do you believe you might have been better off if whoever did that alleged deed had instead left it empty?! But yes, I do realize you likely do not.
I would have been a different person, who would not be me.
Who is to judge better or worse? They are relative terms.
I would be more ignorant, and many would see that a virtue. That other me would've, this me does not.
I would likely "appear" to be more happy in life, though inside I would not be. I would struggle with the self-hatred that was bred into me. I would still feel guilty every day for not being able to just simply believe. I would not have read the books I've read. I would not have met some of the people I've met. I would not have done the things I've done. And although there are some things I've done that I would rather I hadn't, there are more things I've done that I can take pride in.
No, lee, I believe that adversity makes the self a stronger being. I believe living through pain gives us the strength to live through more pain. I believe that experiencing the utmost in depravity allows us to shrug off things that would've otherwise appalled us. Having looked into the face of oppression allows us to fully savor the taste of freedom when we are able to grasp it.