menintights wrote:
Sure, the Muslim terrorists are responsible for what they do. But if they now shift their focus from "destroying the U.S." to "assassinating American priests," you really wouldn't think it has absolutely nothing to do with Terry Jones being a pastor?
I don't understand how some people get all offended by the silliest things but insist that Muslims who aren't involved in the terrorism shouldn't take the Islamophobia personally. Srsly.
the blame should lie squarely on the one who committed the murderous act. or do you support the beliefs that were brought up in some cases where kids who killed others, or even themselves, were influenced by slayer or other forms of "satanic music".
muslims should in turn take culture sensitivity training like they do with immigrants to the netherlands. we are afforded the ability to do things that can and will offend others. it just seems that pissing off and irritating christians is far more acceptable than with muslims.
Quartz11 wrote:
The world would be so much better off if the Christian and Muslim extremists and terrorists would just wander together in a desert with unholy amounts of weaponry - wiping each other out in the process for a more civilized world..
uhm, would you mind throwing in a couple of radical hindu groups in there as well?
anyways, the end result would probably just result in another taliban-like state.
sticks and stones may kill you.